Over the years, the Pokémon series has introduced creatures in a multitude of different ways. One of these is through fossils. These prehistoric Pokémon resemble real-life ancient beings, and they add an interesting layer to the world of the games. So far, the franchise has introduced 15 Fossil Pokémon evolutionary lines, and new ones have arrived in every generation except II and VII.

These creatures are not only fascinating but can also be quite strong. A way to measure a Pokémon’s power is through stats, abilities, and available moves, all of which can be found on Serebii.net. With the strength that some Fossil Pokémon possess, they can be valuable members of a team.

10 Aurorus

Although it has two extreme vulnerabilities: Fighting and Steel, Aurorus can be a valuable member of a team. It has a fairly even distribution between its Physical stats, as well as between its Special stats. This allows Aurorus to deal reasonable damage and take hits well, especially if those hits do not come from Fighting or Steel moves. It also has an exceptional HP stat, which further contributes to its capability to take damage. Certain matchups can be dangerous, but in neutral scenarios, Aurorus is a safe pick.

9 Bastiodon

As its appearance suggests, Bastiodon serves as a wall to opposing attacks. It has very high Defense and Special Defense stats, letting it take hits from both categories of attacks without going down. Bastiodon does, however, have two extreme vulnerabilities: Fighting and Ground. These two types can devastate even an often immovable object like Bastiodon. If it can avoid these type matchups, it is a solid pick for a team. While its offensive capabilities are lacking significantly, it is exceptionally useful. It is one of the most underrated Pokémon from the Sinnoh region, and it deserves to be recognized as the tank it is.


8 Aerodactyl

The intimidating Rock/Flying-type Aerodactyl can be a dangerous matchup for opponents. Its high Speed stat lets it charge many enemies first, and its relatively high Attack stat will often let it finish them before they can strike at all. Aerodactyl does not have high Defense or Special Defense, but it also has no extreme vulnerabilities. With quick attacks, the stat tradeoff is often worth it. Aerodactyl is also the only Fossil Pokémon to ever receive a Mega Evolution, making it one of the most unique creatures of its classification in the series.

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7 Dracozolt

Dracozolt, one of the four Galar Fossil Pokémon, can defeat many enemies quickly with its move Bolt Beak, which doubles in power if used before opponents attack. Dracozolt has a decent Speed stat, so this move can often eliminate opposing Pokémon before they can strike. It helps that this creature has a fairly high Attack stat as well because Physical Attack is the category that Bolt Beak uses.

Its defensive stats are reasonable, helping it to withstand hits if it does not outspeed enemies. Although its two types do not complement each other extremely well, Dracozolt is still a powerhouse of an Electric/Dragon-type.

6 Archeops

Similar to Aerodactyl, Archeops is a Rock/Flying-type. Also similar to Aerodactyl, it relies heavily on its Speed stat in combat. Unlike Aerodactyl, though, it has high Attack and Special Attack stats, allowing it to use both categories of attacks depending on which it would benefit from most. Its mediocre Defense and Special Defense can be concerning, but its fast and powerful strikes can often nullify these concerns. One of the best glass cannons in Pokémon, it can handle many situations well as long as it deals damage before its opponent.

5 Omastar

One of the first Fossil Pokémon in the series, Omastar is still today a very capable fighter. It has a fairly high Special Attack stat and access to several powerful Special moves, some of which are also Rock or Water-type. This means that it benefits from having a Same Type Attack Bonus on certain attacks. It is especially useful against Fire Pokémon. Its biggest weakness is to Grass-types, which can hurt Omastar greatly. If it avoids these, though, it can deal out consistent damage, as long as it uses Special attacks.

4 Arctozolt

Like Dracozolt, Arctozolt also has access to the move Bolt Beak. Arctozolt unfortunately does not benefit in the same way, though. Its Speed stat is lower than that of Dracozolt, often negating the additional damage that could be done. Nevertheless, Arctozolt is still more than capable of defeating a variety of enemies.

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Its stats are fairly evenly distributed, letting it use both categories of moves well. This also lets it take extensive damage before fainting. Like with Dracozolt, its two types do not work together very well, but it can still hold its own in battle.

3 Dracovish

Perhaps the most viable of all the Galar Fossil Pokémon, Dracovish is even used extensively in competitive play. Its move Fishious Rend works the same way as Bolt Beak, giving it additional power if it strikes first. Dracovish has a decent Speed stat that assists in making this happen. In addition, if Dracovish has the ability Strong Jaw, it gains additional power for Fishious Rend. Along with this, Dracovish has an amazing dual-typing of Water/Dragon, only being vulnerable to Dragon and Fairy. This beast can take out a large portion of Pokémon in the region, and it is considered Ash’s best Pokémon from the Galar region.

2 Tyrantrum

Tyrantrum, the imposing Tyrannosaurus rex-like Pokémon, uses its Attack stat to crush opponents. It has access to mostly Physical moves, which is as it should be since its Special Attack is unimpressive. While its Defense is high, its Special Defense is quite low, making it vulnerable to Special moves. This can be a real problem for Tyrantrum, but in fights against Physical attackers, this Pokémon will often come out on top. If given the opportunity, Tyrantrum can be just as devastating as its design implies.

1 Arctovish

Arctovish has the same problem as Arctozolt. Although it has access to an extremely powerful move, which for Arctovish is Fishious Rend, it is often too slow to fully utilize it. This does not make it useless, though. Just like Arctozolt, its relatively even distribution of stats makes it a good choice, able to take down opponents in many matchups while not taking excessive damage. A good set of moves can make Arctovish a strong combatant, being consistent and capable of taking a few hits.

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