Translated to television by Rumiko Takahashi from the manga series she wrote and illustrated from 1996 to 2008, Inuyasha continues to be one of the most popular Japanese anime series of all time. This beloved TV show brings Inuyasha’s rich cast of characters to life as the heroic half-demon attempts to obtain a majestic and powerful jewel and save the universe from destruction.

One of the most memorable aspects of the manga and TV series is the wide array of powerful villains that Inuyasha is forced to clash with on his quest for universal salvation. While many have powers inferior to Inuyasha’s, one or two have them have even stronger supernatural abilities.

10 Jaken

While Jaken appears as a non-threatening toad with large bug eyes, the antagonistic imp has more strength than he lets on. After being rescued from a demonic attack by his almighty master Sesshomaru, Jaken became an evil minion willing to do whatever is asked of him.

Jaken’s powers include the ability to manipulate a fire-emitting staff called the Nintojo. While he rarely engages in battle, Jaken’s ultimate strength comes from his faithful allegiance to Sesshomaru, who protects his Lilliputian sidekick at all costs.

9 Goshinki

As the third incarnation of the almighty Naraku (stay tuned), Goshinki was a ruthlessly inimical demon who once slaughtered a village of children while evilly toying and taunting his victims in the process.

Goshinki’s inherent strengths include superhuman speed and strength, as well as the ability to read people’s minds. He uses the latter skill to frighten his victims by bringing up their deepest fears before preying on them. Physically imposing, the gargantuan demon dwarfs Inuyasha.


8 Kagura

As the second evil manifestation of Naraku (following in her weaker sister Kanna’s footsteps), Kagura is one of Inuyasha’s most formidable foes in the animated series. Despite her hatred of Naraku, Kagura coldly manipulates human beings for her own benefit.

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Kagura’s strengths include controlling the power of wind, which she harnesses to her benefit to defeat her enemies. Kagura can transform her hairpins into a feather-like flying device. She can also summon a whirlwind of blades to fight with, reanimate zombies to fight on her behalf or to use as shields, and can harness tornados to destroy her enemies.

7 Bankotsu

As the leader of the Band of Seven, Bankotsu has proven to be one of the strongest ancillary villains in Inuyasha. Despite being a normal human devoid of demonic powers, Bankotsu compensates with a series of unique skills and strengths.

Bankotsu’s inherent abilities include handling the Banryu, an enormous dragon beast that uses the shards of the Shikon Jewel to channel fireballs and lightning bolts to attack enemies. After slaying his 1,000th demon, the Banryu transforms into a mystical sword with unparalleled powers. Even as a hand-to-hand combatant without his Banryu, Bankotsu nearly defeats Inuyasha.

6 Hakudoshi

As the second evil iteration of Naraku, Hakudoshi is one of the meanest and most menacing villains in the entire series. When he isn’t summoning demonic rats on his villainous rival Kikyo, Hakudoshi enjoys wielding his trademark Naginata weapon.

The Naginata is a large pole with a rounded blade on each side used to slay demonic enemies. In addition, Hakudoshi’s strengths derive from his ability to fly on his demonic horse named Entei, heal rapidly by regenerating skin cells and create defense barriers for protection akin to Naraku’s.

5 Moryomaru

Also known as Perfect Monster, Moryomaru is a villainous golem created by The Infant to bring down Naraku as well as Inuyasha. With a sentient piece of impenetrable armor, Moryomaru can absorb demonic energy to become stronger.

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While he fails to absorb Sesshomaru, Moryomaru was strong enough to break the almighty villain’s powerful sword in the process. Along with regeneration and armoring abilities, Moryomaru uses deadly Kongosoha Spears to defeat his enemies.

4 Magatsuhi

Summoned to the earthly realm through Naraku’s flesh, Magatsuhi literally serves as the evil spirit of the Shikon Jewel. Among his many strengths include being the only villainous survivor of Miroku’s deadly Wind Tunnel.

Magatsuhi’s evil attributes also include shapeshifting from a floating head with red eyes in the underworld to a human being with long hair in the living world. Often mistaken for the ultimate villain in the series, Magatsuhi functions more as Naraku’s wicked righthand man.

3 Kikyo

As Inuyasha’s first love, the former keeper of the Shikon Jewel, and current high priestess, Kikyo is a character that evolves from protagonist to antagonist during the anime series. No matter her objective, however, Kikyo wields enormous power.

In addition to being a masterful archer, Kikyo has the ability to collect and purify human souls. She was able to survive Naraku’s attacks after he shoved her into a pool of miasma and later carved a hole in her chest. When she is resurrected by Urasue, Kikyo nearly defeats Naraku.

2 Sesshomaru

As the immensely powerful, full-blooded demon and older brother of Inuyasha, Sesshomaru is among the top two strongest villains in the entire series.

Sesshomaru’s supernatural skills include master swordsmanship, superhuman speed, strength, and durability, upgraded senses, immortality, rapid regeneration, teleportation, and telekinesis. He wields a poisonous whip, an animated fur weapon called Mokomoko-Sama, and a venomous claw called Dokkasou. Sesshomaru can also transfigure into his Demonic Dog form and overpower enemies to obtain shards of the Shikon Jewel.

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1 Naraku

As Inuyasha’s number one arch-enemy, Naraku is the strongest villain in the animated series. In addition to his unparalleled intellect and masterful manipulation skills, Naraku combines brilliant strategy with an array of supernatural skills to wreak havoc.

Naraku’s powers include black magic, expert swordplay, the ability to puppeteer demonic entities such as a hive of hellish wasps, floating and flying, shapeshifting, absorbing demonic energy, physical replication, superhuman strength, speed, regeneration, and immortality. Naraku can also wield the full gamut of psionics, create defense barriers, project energy, radiate noxious fumes, create phantom castles to serve as headquarters, and use spider webs to assist his arachnid form.

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