The production of the Supernatural prequel’s pilot episode is underway. The prequel called The Winchesters is being produced by Supernatural star Jensen Ackles and narrated by Dean Winchester. Some fans can’t wait to hear the voice of their beloved character, Dean, again.

However, a large part of the fandom is not happy with the plot of the prequel, which is said to be the love story of John and Mary Winchester. Many of them would rather want other plotlines from the CW-hit show to become a spinoff.

Lucifer’s Fall From Grace

Lucifer was one of the biggest villains of the show, especially in the early seasons. A Reddit user, carlrt, is highly interested in a prequel show about the Devil himself. They say, “A show about Lucifer’s fall from grace and subsequent battle with Michael could be cool.”


The user gives further ideas about the prequel, “Could show him as a righteous character and start to slowly become more of the sociopath he becomes and about why he became disillusioned with God and his “love” for humans.” With Netflix’s Lucifer coming to end recently, this show might be something that audiences outside of SPN fandom will be interested in too.

Young Bobby and Rufus Hunting

Many Supernatural fans loved the duo of Bobby and Rufus, who had a very limited time on the showThey give off ‘old married couple’ vibes with their constant bickering with hidden true affection for each other.

Hence, fans would love a prequel following the younger versions of these characters being hunting partners and best friends. A Redditor, Various_Permission47, says, “So I’ve always thought that a young Bobby and Rufus spin-off would make a good TV show.” They further give reasons for their opinion saying, “I think the dynamic between the two characters would be funny and engaging.” With 74 upvotes, fans are certainly interested in this idea and many other fans have mentioned that they would watch it.

Wayward Sisters

Wayward Sisters was a planned spin-off of Supernatural until the CW decided to drop it off. Many fans are still enraged with this decision and they still believe that the show would have been worth watching. One of them is andthatwasenough, who says they would rather watch Wayward Sisters than the current prequel in production, “Unfortunately, where Wayward Sisters felt very organic and was wanted by many fans, the current spin-off attempt feels like a money grab.”

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Supernatural faced a lot of criticism for its misrepresentation of women in the early seasons. That is why Wayward Sisters would have salvaged that problem as it would have followed the stories of a band of women hunters.

Heaven Before Humanity

The show gained a much more cohesive plot when Heaven’s concept was first introduced in season 4 with Castiel’s introduction in season 4. As an extension to the prequel idea following Lucifer’s fall from grace, a Reddit user called ImNotEvenReallySure suggests Heaven before humanity as a concept for a Supernatural prequel

They comment, “I would’ve loved a show about Heaven before humanity. From the creation of the leviathans and Chuck having to put them away, the fight with Amara and all four archangels battling her, and finally the fall of Lucifer. It’s one of the most interesting pieces of lore in the whole show as it starts everything off and I feel it would be so successful if they did it right.”

Gabriel’s Adventures

Gabriel is a fan-favorite character and fans have loved all his iterations (like Loki and The Trickster). He is an archangel with human desires and proclivities. He makes fans laugh with his playful personality and also makes them sympathize with him for the way his family treats him.

A Redditor, ohheyitslaila, entertains a wonderful idea about the character’s spin-off, “I just want to see Gabriel’s adventures hiding from his brothers, becoming Loki, becoming the Trickster. He would be a great character to explore, and they wouldn’t have to stick to a certain time frame. Like they could have one episode from 2000 years ago, then one from 50 years ago. Some familiar characters like other angels could pop up. I think it would be really cool to see more gods and monsters from other countries.”

Alternate-Universe Sam and Dean

One of the things that fans loved from season 15 of Supernatural was the presence of alternate-universe versions of Sam and Dean Winchester. The AU Sam and Dean weren’t evil or darker, their personalities were just vastly different from regular Sam and Dean and this is what made them incredibly funny and memorable.

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This is why, a Reddit user, suggests a spin-off show about them and their universe. Another fan on Reddit, blackygreen, agrees with them and comments, “Yeah I forgot about huntercorp!Sam and Dean. That would be interesting. Seeing them navigate their new world.” This is something most SPN fans will be interested in watching and it will be fun to see how different these characters are from the Sam and Dean fans have grown to love.

Charlie’s Adventures In Oz

Another fan-favorite character on the show that didn’t get a fitting ending is Charlie. Fans loved the nerdy fangirl character of Charlie. She provided the much-needed frivolity in the latter seasons of Supernatural. So, it is not surprising that fans want to see more of her character.

A Reddit user commented, “I would LOVE to see Charlie’s adventures while she and Dorothy were in Oz.” Fans saw Charlie going to Oz with Dorothy in season 9 and then she comes back later. However, it would certainly be interesting to see what was Charlie up to in Oz. Her adventures and her possible romance with Dorothy can make up for a great TV show for the modern generation.

American Men Of Letters

Henry Winchester appeared only in a handful of episodes, but it was enough for fans to get interested in him and the storyline of American Men of Letters. A Redditor, HoosierKittyMama, states, “I’d like to see more of the American MOL [Men of Letters] since we know John’s dad was one.”

The show had a season dedicated to British Men of Letters, but only a handful of episodes focusing on American Men of Letters so, fans would naturally want to know more about them. Furthermore, American Men of Letters is directly connected to the Winchester brothers since Sam and Dean are their descendants. Not to mention, fans will get to see the beloved Men of Letters bunker again.

Bobby Doing Anything

Bobby is the adopted father of all fans with daddy issues. His unique way of caring for people and his grumpy personality made fans love him. Also, he is an extremely influential person in Dean’s life since he was the first person Dean met in heaven in the series finale, making Bobby a beloved character.

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The Redditor, Old-While-1229, tells that they just want a spin-off of Bobby, “Just Bobby doing anything.”

Castiel And Crowley Hunting Together

Another duo that is beloved in the fandom is Castiel and Crowley. The two are opposites of each other in every way, one is an angel and the other is a demon. This is what makes every scene that they are in, pure comedy gold. A large number of fans love the idea of this Supernatural spin-off and say that would watch anything involving Cas and Crowley.

A Redditor, Gilgameshbrah, is deeply invested in the spin-off idea as they give a brilliant idea for the plot, “Ever since those two worked together I can’t get this out of my head. It would be amazing if they made a spin-off series of those two chuckle-heads fighting monsters, solving mysteries, and slowly but grudgingly becoming friends. They were both hilarious working together.”

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