A sequel to Scream (2022) was announced only a month after its release, but already Redditors have a massive amount of suggestions for where the franchise should go next.

There are those who believe it should continue to lean into franchise history while others think it should take a new direction entirely. Many suggestions revolve around the continued presence of Sidney Prescott and Gale Weathers, and opinions about their inclusion vary wildly. Regardless, Redditors have ideas for the next Ghostface murder spree, with or without franchise legacy characters.

10 Kirby Comes Back And Is The Gale To Sam’s Sidney

Redditors are split on whether Gale and Sidney should come back, like one Redditor who wants those two away, but for another character to return.

Hapafro808 wrote “The surviving cast of Scream (2022) without legacy characters, intertwined with Kirby’s return (so the focus would be on Sam and Kirby as possibly the new Sidney and Gale)” Kirby is technically a legacy character, but even still the Redditors recommendation could work, even if it doesn’t leave Tara with much to do.

9 An Early Ghostface Death

Several Redditors want something very specific in Scream 6, which is having three killers total. And, apparently, they have several ideas of how to go about this twist. Like glamourbuss, who wrote: “Sam kills Ghostface in the opening scene when he tries to attack her. Tara witnesses this and gets scared of how brutal Sam was while killing him.” They then elaborate on how the film’s narrative would play out, which is admittedly a very interesting concept: The “Movie revolves around trying to find out who the dead Ghostface was connected to as more murders happen.”

Enid___Coleslaw added a twist to the twist: “I’d also like to see a Ghostface killed and then unmasked, to create a false sense of security. I’ve seen a lot of people mention three killers this time, which could be cool, especially if say halfway through the movie one Ghostface gets killed and then somewhere in the third act the second one’s identity is revealed and they’re detained, and then we get the reveal that there’s a third one.”


8 Gale Dies In The Beginning

Like Karen in the closing of Halloween Kills, losing Sidney or Gale in the opening of Scream 6 would be both surprising and devastating. And it would also set the surviving characters on a mission.

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Word-Powerful thinks this should be the case with Gale at the beginning of the next installment: “Would be a good twist which no one expects and Sidney going on a personal hunt with surviving peeps of Scream (2022) and maybe some casts returning from the previous ones who were in connection with gale showing up at the funeral offering support and so on. Just make it darker and scarier and grittier. Maybe turn this thing into the last trilogy with a time jump and a third part of her being a bit older and her kids being teenagers that are hunted.”

7 Leave Woodsboro

Scream 2 took the plot to college while the third installment took Scream‘s best characters to Hollywood, but the original, Scream 4, and Scream (2022) all took place in Woodsboro. For some fans, that’s enough.

Teamhuw1 put it well, writing “Take it out of Woodsboro. 60% of the series has been set there. Travel is cheap, Gale made it there from New York in a day. I’m sure any returning character can justify travel and have a reason for leaving the town.”

6 Two Ghostfaces In The Opening

The opening scene of Scream (1996) features one killer on the phone and one with the knife. The requel did something similar, but some fans want the next level: two people wearing the Ghostface costume

ScoopTheOranges made this suggestion along with several others, writing “Two Ghostfaces on screen together at once in the opening kill.” Patschpatsch came in later with an agreement and an added comparison: “Not really related but I had goosebumps seeing there Spider-men flying around…seeing two Ghostfaces could have a similar effect. Maybe even during the first kill.”

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5 Chad Should Be The Next Dewey

Chad Meeks-Martin almost didn’t survive the latest Ghostface rampage, but he pulled through to potentially fight another day. However, he might want to not go walking out in the dark to find his girlfriend in the next one.

Young_quinny feels that Chad survived for a particular reason: a bright future. In their words “Chad (will) become a Dewey 2.0.” It would be an interesting angle, especially considering how Scream (2022) effectively set up his sister, Mindy Meeks-Martin, as the franchise’s next Randy.

4 Figuring Out One Of The Killers Early

Each Scream film has revealed the killer or killers towards the tail end of the third act. However, one thing the next installment could do to retain fan interest is change up when the reveal occurs.

As CodyMatthews phrased the idea, “It would be cool if they would figure out who the killers are or who at least 1 killer is before the unmasking, they usually just reveal themselves when they feel like it and the survivors never have a clue.”

3 Competing Killers

The Scream series is known for its red herring characters, but one Redditor thinks the red herring could be adjusted to focus not on identity, but rather motive. Throughout five installments, a motive hasn’t been revealed until the killer is. However, leaving the water murky could be beneficial, as could making it even more complicated.

VariousCranberry9795 mentioned two things that either could or should appear in the next Scream. One of them was a new angle for the killers: “Have 2 killers that aren’t working with each other, but more like competing.”

2 More Visions Of Billy Loomis

The other thing VariousCranberry9795 brought up was a continuance of something started in Scream (2022). Namely, Sam’s hallucinations of her father. Unfortunately for her, her father is one of the scariest Ghostface killers in history.

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In the Redditor’s words, “Keep the Billy hallucinations (I know, seems like everyone hates them, but I enjoyed them.” The Billy Loomis hallucination cameos were a neat addition to the franchise’s mythos, but if they continue in the sequels their purpose undoubtedly needs to be tightened up a bit.

1 More Focus On Tara

While Sam was the protagonist of Scream (2022), her younger sister Tara had an equal if not greater impact.

Fallsdownwelles isn’t the only Redditor to think Tara should get the spotlight the next time around, but they do have an interesting trajectory in mind for the narrative, writing “I’d like Tara to be the primary target and final girl, but for Sam to still have a large main role with the focus diving deeper on her mental health struggles since the events of this movie. Tara would take the final girl role to a new level because she’d both be facing another killer as well as trying to look after Sam and make sure she’s mentally okay.” These are things that were set up in the 2022 film and should receive some follow-up. Provided they are continued, the Redditor’s suggestion would be an excellent way of going about it.

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