Sitcoms of all ages face comparisons. One sitcom is influenced by the other, and the cycle goes on and on. If one is to compare Friends with How I Met Your Mother, one may see a glaring number of similarities. Could it be the premise has to be the same always? Or is it that one simply rips off the other?

We thought it would be a good idea to dig into the premise and the plot of both Friends and How I Met Your Mother, and here are 10 things that the latter took from the former.

10 A Group Of Twenty-Somethings

First thing first: cross-comparison will always be made of the very premise of two shows. Friends is based on a group of six twenty-somethings who live in the City. They try to figure out friendships, romances, careers, and their lives in general. How I Met Your Mother, too, is based on a group of five twenty-somethings who navigate life. And, oh, they live in New York City, too.

9 Coffee House And Pub

The gang of six from Friends had their own place at the coffee house, Central Perk. They sat on an orange couch and the two side chairs. They would talk over coffee, tea, muffins, chocolate cakes, or scones. The gang of five from How I Met Your Mother sat at the booth near the bar at MacLaren’s pub. They were a notch above the ones from Friends, they drank every night.

These were the permanent hangout places of all fellows from Friends and How I Met Your Mother. Needless to say, these were more than hangout places. The places were far too important to the stories, themes, and aesthetics of two shows.


8 City Vibes

If the gang from Friends lives in the City, there will be heavy domination of cultural and social elements in the show. With Friends, for example, we hear often of the Empire State Building, the block around Central Perk, Long Island, where Monica and Ross’s parents lived. There’s a subplot of Phoebe’s donation collection during Christmas at a great spot, right by Macy’s.

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How I Met Your Mother is dominated by New York City and its buildings. It tells exploration stories through two characters’ eyes; one-Marshall, since he moved from St. Cloud, Minnesota to New York. There is also an episode on the best burger in the City. The lead of the show Ted is an architect. Therefore a lot of subplots involve buildings, such as The Arcadian, designing the GNB headquarters.

7 Professor Ross And Professor Ted

Another glaring similarity is how both the lead characters end up either taking a sabbatical or getting fired to eventually get into teaching. Take Ross from Friends. He’s a scientist at the Museum of Natural History. He is sent on a sabbatical for his behavioral issues. He eventually bounces back as a college professor at NYU, teaching the subject he’s passionate about.

Ted from How I Met Your Mother works at an architectural firm. He ends up getting fired. He designs the headquarters of the Goliath National Bank. Ted teaches architecture at Columbia University.

6 Leads Break Up Only To End Up Together

Ross and Rachel, Robin and Ted. When the two couples started their respective love stories, it seemed like they had everything any couple would wish for. Both the couples started out in the early seasons of their respective shows. Ross and Rachel get together in Season 2, and Ted and Robin got together in Season 2, too.

The couples break up to within a short span for silly reasons. It seemed like the show makers had to break up Ross and Rachel somehow, so they gave them the “we were on a break” treatment. As for Ted and Robin, their break up didn’t make much sense ,either. They both wanted different things. Robin didn’t want to settle yet. But, when she was back from Argentina, she was a woo-hoo girl by choice.

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5 Always A Womanizer

Both the gangs had Womanizers. From Friends, Joey Tribbiani held the position. It didn’t take him more than a shower to get over a relationship. Barney Stinson represented the womanizer of the gang in How I Met Your Mother. They are stereotypical men. They carry a cultural burden on their shoulders. Joey is an Italian, short, muscular womanizer.

Barney is his American counterpart; rich, successful and lean. Both men have one night stands with women but never call them again. Barney and Joey have theorized their philandering ways. Barney with The Playbook and Joey with his ‘Ken Adams’ story.

4 Womanizer And The Female-Lead Hook Up

In both the series, the womanizer developed a crush for the leading lady. In Friends, Joey had a teeny tiny crush over Rachel, which wasn’t reciprocated at first. But, later, Joey and Rachel tried to work it out. It couldn’t last for long, nonetheless. Rachel ends up with Ross because he’s her lobster.

Barney and Robin have a one-time-thing in How I Met Your Mother. Ted is mad at them, just as Ross is mad at Joey and Rachel. Barney and Robin get together for a while and break up. They eventually get married, only to later get divorced. Whom does Ted end up with? Robin. Ted stole a blue French horn for her. He would have stolen her the whole orchestra.

3 A Going-Strong Couple

A strong couple is another similarity between the two shows. For Friends, it was Monica and Chandler who eventually realized they belonged together. Once they committed to each other, they figured out their highs and lows. It wasn’t always rainbows and butterflies for Monica and Chandler, but it was a beautiful romance crafted in the show.

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Similarly for How I Met Your Mother, Lily and Marshall were relationship goals. They set their standards so high, no one could match up to them. Marshall was the most loving husband Lily could ever get, and, in turn, she had Marshall’s back no matter what. This going-strong couple counseled on-and off-couples on the show.

2 Mother-Hen

In both the show, there’s a mother hen who helps the group navigate and takes their care. In Friends, Monica plays the unbeatable role of being one. She’s the quintessential mother-hen who makes sure everyone is doing okay. She takes care of them to the point of feeding them.

Similarly in How I Met Your Mother, Lily plays the mother-hen of the group. Though she could be outed by Monica. Lily liked to counsel her friends on relationships, mostly.

1 Couples Moved Away From The City

Mondler from Friends moved to Westchester by the end of the series. Lily and Marshall from How I Met Your Mother moved to suburbs, with minor plot differences. Monica and Chandler moved to a place where an ice cream truck went by. A place where their children could ride their bikes.

Lily and Marshall were gifted a house by Lily’s grandparents. It was located in the suburbs of East Meadow, Long Island, New York. Needless to say, each of the gang members took it to heart. There were friends who objected, cried and overreacted.

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