In terms of his romantic interests, Captain America aka Steve Rogers is famously associated with Peggy Carter. However, this relationship dates back to his World War II days and a lot has changed since he woke up out of his frozen sleep in the 21st century. Interestingly, Steve ended up developing a romantic relationship with Peggy’s niece, Sharon, instead.

Given Steve’s duties as an Avenger and Sharon’s association with secret organizations like SHIELD, their romance has gone through highs and lows throughout the comics. There have been circumstances where both are also compelled to go against each other.


A Brainwashed Sharon Shot Steve

Civil War details the ideological conflict between Iron Man and Captain America. But amidst this internal war, supervillains also managed to turn more allies against each other.

Towards the third act, Steve walks to the Federal Court to present his case, only to be shot by a sniper. In the chaos that ensues, a mysterious shooter also shoots him three times in the abdomen. As it would be revealed, Sharon was the shooter as Doctor Faustus brainwashed her to go against her lover. When she finally discovers the truth, she resorts to all means to resurrect Steve, a mission that is successful in the 2010s Captain America comic issue Captain America: Reborn.

Steve Initially Didn’t Know Sharon’s Connection With Peggy

In Sharon’s debut comic Tales of Suspense #75, Steve was shocked with how much SHIELD agent Sharon resembled Peggy Carter, his old flame from several years back. The resemblance makes sense as Sharon is revealed to be Peggy’s niece.

By the time they meet, Sharon was already well aware of Steve’s exploits as she had grown up listening to her Aunt Peggy’s stories about him. Steve, on the other hand, had no idea about this familial connection and got to know about it much later in their relationship.

Steve Recruited Her For Secret Avengers

As a new Secret Avengers series debuted in 2010, Sharon was an instant pick when it came to Steve’s covert black-ops superhero team. Unlike her fellow Marvel Comics heroes, Sharon made up for her lack of superpowers by handling the stealth side of the team.

Around this time, the couple decided to resume their romance. In fact, in between missions, Steve and Sharon did get some time to get cozy together. In this series, Steve is also shown to be vocally appreciative of Sharon’s help in handling the Secret Avengers’ tactical operations.

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The Relationship Got Strained After Sharon Faked Her Death

Back in Captain America #237, a deadly encounter with the supremacist organization National Force leads to Sharon’s death in an explosion. Witnessing the death on videotape, Steve broke down and was unable to become Captain America for some time.

However, Sharon returned much later in Captain America #444. It seems that on the orders of Nick Fury, Sharon had embarked on yet another top-secret mission for SHIELD. While Steve was ready to resume their relationship, Sharon seemed to grow distant during this time. The uncertain nature of her work proved to be another obstruction and the two started having an on-and-off relationship ever since then.

They Continued Loving Each Other Even In Old Age

While Steve’s aging was slowed down by the power of the Super Soldier serum, Captain America (2012) found him aging naturally as the serum’s effects wear off. Around this time, Sharon is also trapped in an alternate dimension that causes her to similarly age several decades.

As their paths cross again in Captain America (2012) #24, they recognize each other and are still very much in love with each other. Sharon even jokes that despite having the same ages, Steve still seems to avoid the prospects of marrying her.

Mark Waid Believes The Couple Works Because Of Opposite Ideals

Sharon’s return from her alleged “death” was masterminded by comic book writer Mark Waid in Captain America #444. Waid’s decision to resurrect her also resurrected her romance with Steve, although it came with its ups and downs. Despite the turbulent nature of their relationship, Waid still believes that Steve and Sharon are perfect for each other.

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The reason behind this claim can be understood better from Waid’s comment in a 1997 interview with Wizard Magazine (per CBR). To put it in his words, “The reason she (Sharon) works so well with Cap is that she’s a complete cynic and he’s a complete idealist”.

Sharon Founded Daughters Of Liberty To Clear Steve’s Name

The initial comic issues of Captain America vol. 9 found the titular Avenger being framed for the murder of General Thunderbolt Ross. To clear his name and help him escape from captivity, Sharon devised a plan that also involved several other superheroines from the Marvel comics pantheon.

The result was a team called Daughters of Liberty which included the likes of Misty Knight, Spider-Woman, White Tiger, and Invisible Woman.

They Were Initially Against Each Other In Civil War

Civil War is a Marvel comic that makes for essential reading given how it presents its characters’ grey areas. For instance, Sharon is initially shown to be a supporter of the Superhuman Registration Act, This drives her to loggerheads with Steve who is commanding a resistance force against the Act.

Sharon’s feelings for Steve interfere with her vision. She finally gives up her stance as she doesn’t wish to capture her lover for the government. Finally, it is the death of Goliath that convinces her to fully side with Captain America’s team. Unfortunately, this is when Doctor Faustus enters the scene and brainwashes her to assassinate Steve. Despite being on the same team, Sharon yet again goes against Steve.

Sharon And Steve’s Child Suffered A Tragic Fate

Following the events of Civil War, Faustus’ influence over Sharon continued up to Captain America vol. 3 #41. In this issue, she starts regaining consciousness and even fights Red Skull’s daughter Sin in an attempt to escape captivity. It is then revealed that Sharon was pregnant with Steve’s child around this time.

The child eventually dies in her womb but the cause of death is uncertain. While it might seem obvious that the duel with Sin was the reason, a distraught Sharon claimed that she stabbed herself in the womb so that Red Skull couldn’t get his hands on her child. Even though Faustus made her forget that she was pregnant, members of the Avengers like Iron Man and Falcon eventually revealed the truth to her. A distraught Sharon quit SHIELD and continued her pursuits to revive Steve.

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Sharon Saved Steve As Iron Patriot

Sharon might not have Steve’s super-soldier powers but her martial arts and leadership skills are enough to save him in times of need. Sometimes, she can even resort to other measures.

In Captain America vol.9 #23, Steve is rendered weak by Selene’s magical forces until the Daughters of Liberty come to his rescue. Sharon leads the team donning the Iron Patriot suit. Initially, she aids Steve in battle and later also flies him away to safety. This is yet another wholesome moment that shows that both Steve and Sharon have each other’s back. Unlike other superhero love interests, Sharon is elevated from the damsel in distress trope.

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