The Marvel Cinematic Universe brought The Inhumans to ABC in their own television series. The Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series also expanded on the characters and their origins. However, for people who only know about the Inhumans from the TV shows, there is a lot more about these heroes from the comics that they might not know.

The Inhumans have been in Marvel Comics since the 1960s and have interacted with everyone from the Fantastic Four to the Avengers to the X-Men. This is not only a superpowered team but also an entire society ruled by their king, Black Bolt, and operating as a sovereign nation that might return to the MCU.


The Kree Created The Inhumans

Movie fans got to know the Kree warriors in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, and the TV show Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. hinted at their relationship with the Inhumans. However, the truth is that there would be no Inhumans without the Kree.

The Kree scientist who created the Inhumans wanted them to be “deadly weapons” but ended up not working with them at all. The Inhumans rebelled against the Kree and sided with humanity when the Kree came to Earth, and they have stood against the Kree since that time.

The Inhumans Gain Power Through Terrigen Mist

Inhumans are born with their powers inside them. However, their powers don’t manifest until they go through a process to activate them. This happens through exposure to the Terrigen Mists, which are unleashed in a chamber where the Inhuman awaits.

An Inhuman can’t go through the process until after they are 31, although there have been some Inhumans created at a younger age. Once an Inhuman gains their powers, they learn their place in the Attilan society.

The Inhumans Royal Family Is A Monarchy

The Inhumans are ruled by a governing body, namely the Royal Family of Attilan. The king is chosen as the Inhuman with the most genetic superiority and, in most cases, the strongest powers. After the Kree attacked and killed Black Bolt’s parents, he took over as the King of Attilan.

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The House of Agon includes Black Bolt as king and Medusa as queen — she has served as leader at times as well — and family members Crystal, Gorgon, Ahura, Lockjaw, Alecto, Petras and Luna Maximoff. Triton was a member until his death. Karnak was also a member but left the family for Earth.

The Inhumans Live In A Caste System

The Inhumans operate Attilan under a strict caste system. This means that everyone has a place in society and there is no chance of rising above one’s position. This is a rigid society that bases a person’s worth and position on their powers.

When an Inhuman goes through the Terrrigen Mists process and receives their powers, the level of their powers indicates what position they hold on Attilan. Those with less are sent to the lower levels to serve as part of the labor force. Once assigned, no Inhuman can move out of that caste position.

The Inhumans Are Allies With The Fantastic Four

The Inhumans first appeared in Fantastic Four #45 in 1965, and they have been associated with the First Family of Marvel Comics ever since. In the MCU, the Inhumans have already appeared in an ABC series and in Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

There are rumors the characters might be coming back to the MCU after the Fantastic Four debuts. This would make sense given their relationship in the comics. Both Queen Medusa and Crystal have served as members of the Fantastic Four, and Johnny Storm was once in a romantic relationship with Crystal.

The Inhumans Live On The Dark Side Of The Moon

The Inhumans don’t live on Earth. Their city of Attilan is on the Dark Side of the Moon, where the Inhumans live away from humans and ensure that their city remains untouched by all but space travelers.

They joined Uatu the Watcher on the moon and, by moving to the dark side of the moon, they ensured that no one from Earth would see them or even know they existed. The city has its own gravity built into it and an air filtration system that allows the Inhumans to live.

The Inhumans Didn’t Always Live On The Moon

With the humans on Earth proving to be full of hatred and intolerance for mutants, the Inhumans knew they lived in danger on Earth, so they decided they needed to find a safer place to live, which is why they moved to the moon.

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Long before that, though, they lived on Earth in the North Atlantic Ocean. When the Fantastic Four first met them, the city had moved to the Himalayas, and it stayed there until the Royal Family moved it to the moon.

The Inhumans Tried To Terraform The Earth

In 2016, Marvel Comics released an event series called Inhumans vs. X-Men. As the title suggests, it pitted the mutants of Earth against the Inhumans. The war started when the Inhumans released the Terrigen Cloud over Earth which would create more Inhumans on Earth.

However, the problem is that the Terrigen Cloud would also kill all mutants. When the X-Men asked the Inhumans to stop the cloud, they refused, not seeming to care that it would kill all mutants. This showed villainy in the Inhumans, born out of their privilege.

Black Bolt Was In The Illuminati

The Illuminati was a group of heroes on Earth who banded together in secret and pulled strings behind the scenes to ensure things happened how they wanted them to. Their goal was to do whatever it took to protect Earth, even if what they did to accomplish it was not always a morally correct.

While it seems strange since the Inhumans live on the moon, Black Bolt was a member of the Illuminati. He helped make some terrible decisions, including banishing Hulk from Earth and making threats to the Skrulls. It also resulted in his banishment from Attilan for a long time after Medusa learned he was involved.

Ms. Marvel Is An Inhuman

There are Inhumans that have nothing to do with Attilan. One of these is a teenage girl in New York named Kamala Khan. The Marvel Cinematic Universe fans will get to know her better when she gets her own Disney+ show in 2022.

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Jersey City was covered with the Terrigen Mists, and Kamala’s powers were unlocked. She fought to gain control of her powers and soon became one of the most powerful Inhumans on Earth.

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