It’s difficult to comprehend that Big Brother has been on the air since 2000. The reality competition series has made changes over the years, most notably in the sequestering of the jury to ensure a fair game for those who remain. But there have been other changes over the years as well.

Some changes have been subtle, some more noticeable, and with Big Brother fans still excited to watch every new season that airs, it seems any changes made have been for the better.

10 No Aired Have Not Competitions

Have Not competitions used to be a bigger part of every season, with fans watching players compete to avoid becoming a Have Not. The Have Nots must sleep in the most uncomfortable rooms, take only cold showers, and can only eat Big Brother slop, which is effectively oatmeal.

While players are still deemed Have Nots and face the punishments for the specified duration of time, who becomes a Have Not is only mentioned in passing unless it’s part of a larger challenge. In the past, there used to be televised Nave Not competitions in addition to Head of Household and Power of Veto.

9 More Diversity

As evidenced from season 23, which crowned the first Black winner of Big Brother (aside from Tamar Braxton from Celebrity Big Brother), the show has committed to more diversity in its casting. The Cookout Alliance from Big Brother 23 was one of the strongest and most entertaining alliances on Big Brother.

It formed when all the Black contestants decided to play together and created a foolproof strategy to keep one another safe. Season 23 also featured other players of various ethnicities.


8 More Twists

Big Brother‘s mantra has always been to “expect the unexpected.” Indeed, as the seasons have progressed, new twists have been added. From America’s Player to Pandora’s Box, some twists have only appeared once or twice while others come back multiple times.

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Some of these twists can totally shake up the game, such as with Jeff’s Coup d’Etat power that rendered Chima’s HoH’s reign useless, allowing him to change the nominees on the fly, or Claire being able to flip a coin to determine if she would be able to secretly replace Tiffany’s nominees.

7 Evicted Players Coming Back

In the first seasons, once someone was voted out, they were gone (with the exception of Kaysar who was brought back thanks to fan votes in one twist.) In later seasons, new competitions emerged that allowed players who were evicted to return to the Big Brother game, which made others nervous knowing that someone they got out could return.

The Battle Back competition was one such competition that appeared multiple times. More recently, there was Camp Comeback. In another twist, James Zincand returned, emerging from a cardboard box on the very same day he was evicted.

6 More Predictable

As with any reality show, the more seasons there are, the more predictable the direction can get. This has been the case with Big Brother, since most players now copy strategies from players who came before them, trying to emulate the games of their Big Brother heroes.

The show has become predictable in many ways, from the cliques forming in the house, to the ways votes will go, who will win competitions, and the teasing of big moves when the predictable ones almost always occur.

5 Alliances Form More Quickly

Alliances used to be formed organically on the show, more slowly as people started to get to know one another better and decide who they wanted to work with. Now, people size one another up as soon as they enter the house and trying to forge alliance as quickly as possible.

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No player wants to be left out, of course. But the scrambling, whispering, and obvious connections between like-minded people has taken the place of the unlikely friendships and bonds that used to have time to form in earlier seasons.

4 The Live Feeds

With the existence of the live feeds, the growing number of people who subscribe, and the ease at which information can be and is shared online by superfans, has changed the dynamic of the game. While fans only got to see what was on the televised episodes before, even though houseguests are filmed 24/7, the live feeds open the door to changing perceptions of houseguests.

Fans have called out bad behavior, ignorance, troubling words, and other events and personality traits after watching, which has, in some ways, changed the course of the game and even caused production to intervene or adjust what is shown on the episodes. One of the most prominent instances was when Aaryn Gries made racist remarks and they were shown on the televised episode after fans spoke out about the importance of showing this side of her to viewers. Aaryn was grilled by host Julie Chen in her exit interview once she was evicted, marking one of the biggest controversies on Big Brother.

3 Social Media Chatter

Not surprisingly, as the show has grown in popularity and technology has advanced since the first season, there is more social media chatter surrounding episodes. This has also been fueled by the addition of the live feeds.

There are unofficial Twitter accounts and blogs dedicated to spoilers about each season, along with ones that even provide play-by-play updates of every mundane thing going on in the house, 24/7, so those who don’t subscribe or who prefer text-based updates can follow along, too.

2 Copycats

More and more often, people come into the game trying to emulate the style and strategy of one of the smartest Big Brother players, like Dan Gheesling and Derrick Levasseur. Or, they note the mistakes of past players, like Paul Abrahamian’s lack of social game, and focus on avoiding replicating them.

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Players have the opportunity to learn more every time there’s a season with a new type of player, new twist, or new strategy. And they use this information to shape the type of game they come into the house wanting to play (even though it doesn’t usually work out as planned).

1 Acting More Responsibly

While there’s still a lot of immature behavior in the house, the latest seasons have shown players who are much more mature for their age, and taking on responsibilities like cooking, cleaning, and keeping the house generally tidy.

Of course, most rooms remain a mess as it’s tough to clean up after multiple people in a house with so many rooms, so much going on, and no one ever leaving. Nonetheless, players like Azah Awasum and Kevin Schlehuber made efforts to cook, clean, and teach others to do so as well.

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