Developed by ABC Studios, Once Upon A Time is a compelling, fantastical series that combines Disney characters with folklore, Greek mythology, and unexplored fairytales. The show ran for eight years, from 2011 to 2018, but aside from the epic swordfights and daring acts of bravery, what makes it the ultimate rewatch binge?

While we’d all love to relive the romances and mourn the losses of our favorite heroes, the real reason Once proves sweeter the fifteenth time around in the details you’re able to notice when you’re not solely focused on absorbing the story. The series was all about hidden easter eggs, devilishly small details and jokes so fast you’d miss them if you glanced down to get more popcorn.

Interested in reliving the happy endings, cheering on the heroes and fighting the villains? Here are 10 details you’ll notice if you give the show a thorough rewatch.

10 It’s Suggested That Walt Disney Was The Last Author

When Isaac is summoned by the Sorcerer’s Apprentice to become the next author, the Apprentice tells him that the position is open because the previous author recently died. Walt Disney died on December 15, 1966.

When the scene starts, the text overlay says it’s 1966 when Isaac takes on the position. This implies that Walt’s storytelling abilities weren’t a fantastic imagination; his fairytales were a result of being witness to events and chronicling history.

9 The Abyss Of Tron References

The show’s creators, Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, also wrote the 2010 science fiction film Tron: Legacy and were undoubtedly proud… so proud in fact that they hide a bazillion references in plain sight within the series.

Henry carries a Tron lunchbox to school, reads Tron comics and plays “Space Paranoids.” There’s even a supporting storyline with a father named Kurt Flynn. Sounds familiar right? Jeff Bridges plays Kevin Flynn in the film, and the same last name can’t be a coincidence.


8 Emma Swan Is Based On “The Ugly Duckling”

The 1843 fairytale written by Hans Christian Andersen serves as the basis for the character of Emma. Both she and the duckling were rejected by their “foster families,” and feel alone in the world. They both go on solo quests to find their true families.

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The story of “The Ugly Duckling” is actually about a baby swan who gets separated from their family and is raised by ducks instead. Eventually, the swan finds its birth family and recognizes its true purpose. Emma also reveals she gave herself the last name “Swan” because she liked the book as a child.

7 Emma Wishes On A Candle Shaped Like A Blue Star

In the “Pilot” episode, Emma buys herself a birthday cupcake and lights a star-shaped candle. She closes her eyes to make a wish, and the camera zooms in to reveal the candle is a blue star. While Emma doesn’t wish out loud, it’s revealed she wishes to not be alone.

Her wish is reminiscent of a scene from Pinocchio when Geppetto wishes on a blue star to not be alone. Despite being extremely guarded, Emma truly wants to be surrounded by friends and her real family.

6 Leather Is The Material Of Heroes

Leather jackets aren’t just for James Dean or Jimmy Stewart in Night Passage; those fashionable pieces are worn by nearly every major hero throughout the series. From Emma’s signature burnt cherry-red to Hook’s gunpowder black, leather is the fabric of choice.

A brown leather jacket is even donned by the Sheriffs of Storybrooke from Graham to David Nolan. Leather may represent a sort of armor that’s durable and strong yet flexible to allude to a character’s vulnerability.

5 Snow White’s Dresses in the Enchanted Forest Are Reminiscent Of Emma

In flashbacks, Snow White wears a feathery, white wedding dress and several maternity gowns in similar material and style. These costumes are a subtle nod to Emma picking the last name “Swan,” as Snow’s dress skirts are fashioned with bundles of fluffy swan feathers.

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White also symbolizes innocence and purity; we discover later that because Emma is the product of true love, she is a blank slate. She could grow up the ultimate hero or the darkest villain, and the white her mother wears is emblematic of that uncertainty.

4 The Glaringly Obvious Amount of “Lost” References

Kitsis and Horowitz loved to pay homage to their previous works, and the onslaught of Lost easter eggs was evident throughout the series. Apollo chocolate bars are a few character’s candies of choice, including Henry and Emma, which are also the bars dropped on the island.

Many actors and actresses appeared in both shows including Lana Parrilla, Emilie de Ravin, and Rebecca Mader. Even the airplane that crashed into the land of Lost was Oceanic 815, the same number on the clock in Storybrooke when Emma arrives, 8:15.

3 What Time Period Is It, Even?

Many people are confused when Henry takes Emma from modern New York City into the frozen-in-time Storybrooke, Maine.

Here’s the breakdown: Emma is born in the Enchanted Forest and transported to our world in 1983 and lived 28 years in our realm. In 2011, on Emma’s 28th birthday, Henry brings her to Storybrooke and explains time stands still and everyone walks around in a haze. This explains why the town is outdated; the 80s never left.

2 The Name ‘Baelfire’ Has Significant Meaning

Neil Cassidy, aka Rumple’s firstborn son, is given the name Baelfire in the Enchanted Forest. Baelfire is an old Celtic term meaning a great fire, like a bonfire, used to mark a joyous occasion. Bae is considered Rumple’s guiding light, his torch through the darkness as he becomes the “Dark One.” Bae always encourages Rumple to do the right thing and listen to his heart, and he even sacrifices himself to save his father.

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1 So. Many. Missing. Characters.

Between a forgotten fairy (Tinker Bell) and a cast-aside puppet (Pinocchio/August), Once Upon aTime had a tendency to drop storylines in the blink of an eye. With a large cast of supporting characters, it’s plausible some would get left in the dust.

However, you can’t help but wonder what would have happened if people like Ruby, Archie or Mulan had stayed in the spotlight or at least got the screentime they deserved. 

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