There’s nothing like a good thriller to keep audiences entertained. Filled with complex characters and unpredictable plots, filmmakers don’t have to have a big budget to create great thrillers. Indeed, some of the low-budget thrillers out there are better than the blockbusters. But the best thrillers often have surprising twists at the end that leave viewers feeling shocked.

Although there are plenty of underrated thrillers on Netflix these days, there are certain thrillers from the past few decades that are worth watching over again just for the unforgettable plot twists. Keep reading to find out what thriller film twists audiences still can’t get over. Warning: spoilers ahead!

10 The Sixth Sense: Malcolm’s Discovery

Starring Bruce Willis as child psychologist Dr. Malcolm Crowe, The Sixth Sense follows Malcolm as he provides guidance to a little boy who claims to see dead people. There are numerous ghosts that appear throughout the film, but the most thrilling moment comes right at the end when Malcolm learns the truth about himself and his real connection to Cole.

Malcolm discovers that he is actually a ghost who did not survive a shooting by a former client. Although many parts of the film finally make sense upon this revelation, it’s still shocking to viewers.

9 Get Out: Rose’s Intentions

The Armitages’ plot in Get Out is shocking in some ways but predictable in others. They lure in black people, mostly men, and then implant their loved ones’ brains in their bodies to allow their loved ones to live forever. The audience knows that something sinister in nature like this is going on from the beginning of the movie, but the loyalties of the characters are trickier to decipher.

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The biggest twist in this film has to be the revelation that protagonist Chris’s girlfriend Rose Armitage isn’t being led on by her family. She’s working with them and knew about their plans all along.


8 Hide And Seek: David’s Secret

The central mystery in Hide and Seek, starring Robert De Niro and Dakota Fanning, is the identity of Charlie. Widower David’s daughter claims that she’s been hanging out with a mysterious and malicious being she refers to as Charlie, but his identity isn’t revealed until the last moments.

Viewers are shocked to discover that Charlie isn’t an imaginary friend or even a third party. He’s David himself, who has dissociative identity disorder.

7 Orphan: The Identity Of Esther

Audiences know that something is wrong with Esther from the moment she is adopted by the Coleman family in Orphan. But few could guess the real reasons behind the little girl’s strange behavior and malice towards the family that takes her in.

It is soon discovered that Esther is really a 33-year-old woman with a rare hormonal disorder that causes her to suffer from proportional dwarfism. She poses as a child to be adopted by families, only to seduce the father and murder the remaining family members.

6 The Village: The Time Period

For the majority of The Village, most viewers believe they’re watching a mysterious period piece. The exact date is never revealed, but due to the lack of electricity, the old-fashioned clothing worn by the characters, and the lack of any modern technology, it is implied that the people of the village are living at some point in the past.

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A major twist is uncovered when protagonist Ivy ventures out of the village and is confronted with modern American society, proving that the film is actually set in the present time.

5 The Visit: Nana And Pop Pop

Along with The Sixth Sense and The Village, The Visit is another one of M. Night Shyamalan’s creative thrillers that comes complete with a twist at the end. The latter follows the story of two kids who go to stay with their estranged grandparents. They don’t think much of it when their grandparents act strangely, putting it down to the joys of old age.

At the end of the movie, viewers learn that the “grandparents” with whom the children stay are really escaped patients from a nearby mental health facility who murdered their real grandparents.

4 The Others: Who’s Really Dead

In some ways, The Others is similar to The Sixth Sense. The story involves interactions between the living and the dead, only the former features a family living in the 1940s who believe their house is haunted by ghosts.

After a series of frightening encounters, protagonist Grace, played by Nicole Kidman, recollects that she suffocated her children with a pillow and then shot herself. The “ghosts” they’ve been running into in the home are actually the living, while they are dead.

3 Perfect Stranger: The Real Killer Behind Grace’s Murder

Bruce Willis also stars in 2007’s Perfect Stranger, this time as the suspected villain Harrison Hill, whom protagonist Rowena Price is trying to investigate. She spends the majority of the film trying to prove that Harrison is guilty of killing her childhood friend Grace. Of course, it’s not that simple.

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It is revealed that Rowena is Grace’s real killer and is trying to frame Harrison to avoid getting in trouble for the murder.

2 Us: Red Or Adelaide?

The second film by Jordan Peele, Us, is considered both a horror and a thriller. The plot involves a woman named Adelaide who came face to face with her own doppelganger as a child. When the doppelgangers return, Adelaide tries to rescue her family from their murderous intentions.

Only, Adelaide isn’t really Adelaide. She’s actually Red, the doppelganger who Adelaide ran into long ago. Red forced Adelaide to live the miserable life of a doppelganger below, while she lived Adelaide’s life above.

1 Gone Girl: What Happened To Amy

One of the most talked-about thrillers of the 21st century is Gone Girl, the story of a man who is suspected of his wife’s murder. Played by Ben Affleck, Nick Dunne is accused of killing his wife Amy, who disappears.

However, by the end of the film, Amy returns, revealing that Nick never murdered her at all. Instead, she framed him for her murder to get revenge for his cheating.

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