Nakia and T’Challa are one of the strongest power couples within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. T’Challa is a superhero and king while Nakia is an experience War Dog. Together they weld a large amount of power. Both want to use this power to change the world, although they don’t always agree on how to go about doing that.

Despite this, T’Challa and Nakia continue to support each other as best they can. Through death and war, they continue to stand by each other’s side. This easily makes them one of the MCU’s best couples.

10  T’Challa Is Speechless At Seeing Nakia Again

Black Panther almost immediately begins with the reunion of Nakia and T’Challa. Nakia has been on an undercover War Dogs mission for some time now, and T’Challa is just now returning to Wakanda. As soon as T’Challa sees Nakia’s face again, he immediately freezes and seems incapable of real thoughts.

He is so struck just by her presence that he has to reboot. T’Challa cares for Nakia so much that he can’t focus on his mission. This scene reveals the strength of his feelings for Nakia despite their past break-up and recent distance. It is clear that Nakia is one of T’Challa’s best friends, but it is also clear they are something more.

9 T’Challa Wants Nakia’s Input On Ruling Wakanda

Upon their return to Wakanda, T’Challa is very interested in hearing Nakia’s thoughts on what he can do to improve Wakanda during his reign. He, of course, wants to be a great king and trusts the advice and ideas that Nakia will have. Nakia does have thoughts, most of which include opening Wakanda so that the rest of the world can see what it is really like.

She likely knows T’Challa won’t enjoy this idea, but she hopes to be the one to change his mind. When T’Challa doesn’t agree with opening the country, he says so respectfully. He understands Nakia’s motivations and respects them, he just doesn’t agree.


8 Their Banter At The South Korean Club

T’Challa and Nakia’s quick banter in the club gives the audience a glance into their relationship when they aren’t dealing with the death of monarchs and criminal arms deals. They obviously feel at ease with each other as they are willing to tease even when they are supposed to be on an undercover mission.

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Moments like these give the audience a sense that T’Challa and Nakia not only know each other well but have also been together for a very long time. Their long history only makes them stronger, because they are able to know each other better.

7 Nakia Stops T’Challa From Killing Klaue

Just as T’Challa is about to kill Ulysses Klaue in cold blood in front of the whole world, Nakia is able to stop him. The tension is high in the scene, and fans see a side of T’Challa he is not proud of.

Nakia knows that isn’t T’Challa’s usual way, and she doesn’t want him to do something he will regret. Even though T’Challa is filled with a lot of intense emotions at this moment, he trusts Nakia more than most and so he is able to break from these emotions when she speaks to him.

6 Nakia Gives T’Challa Advice About His Father

T’Challa is greatly upset by what he learns about his father and uncle, and the person he chooses to confide in is Nakia. This makes sense, as their bond is obviously very strong. Nakia does her best to make T’Challa feel better. This is a big milestone for Nakia and T’Challa because they are working through new information together.

Nakia proves how well she understands T’Challa by explaining to him how he will become his own king, not his father. Nakia knows T’Challa’s strength and she believes in the man he has, and will, become. This advice helps T’Challa, because he knows Nakia would never lie to make him feel better.

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5 T’Challa’s Death

This scene is far from heartwarming, but it’s a beautiful example of Nakia and T’Challa’s relationship. Nakia’s reaction to T’Challa’s death is so painful. She watched the man she loves, whether she admits it or not, get murder right in front of her and there was nothing she could do about it.

Unlike Queen Ramonda and Shuri, Nakia’s despair is quiet. She knows she cannot interfere and that, legally, nothing wrong has happened. However, this does not stop the rush of painful emotions she is most likely feeling after such a violent death.

4 Nakia Saves The Heart-Shaped Herb

Despite the pain Nakia feels after T’Challa’s death, she does not hesitate to jump back into action. While Nakia cares deeply for T’Challa, she doesn’t let her feelings get in the way of saving her country. This leads to one of Nakia’s best moments: stealing the heart-shaped herb.

This is important to the couple, because it illustrates how they are able to act independently of each other. Yes, they make an amazing team and are able to do great things together. But they also don’t allow separation to tear them down. A couple who is strong when they are apart is even stronger when they are together.

3 Nakia and T’Challa Reunite

Finding T’Challa buried in the snow in M’Baku’s kingdom was quite the shock. However, Nakia and Queen Ramonda wasted no time in waking T’Challa. This is one of the sweetest moments between Nakia and T’Challa. Nakia was convinced he was gone and was ready to pass the Black Panther mantle to a man who had long been an enemy.

Instead, Nakia is reunited with the man she loves. After waking T’Challa immediately moves to embrace Nakia as best he can. It’s a small moment between the two, but it is nice to see them take solace in each other.

2 T’Challa Opens Wakanda

After Killmonger dies, fans finally get to see one last heart-to-heart between the couple. The events of the movie have made T’Challa rethink his hesitance to open Wakanda to the world. He says as much to Nakia and she is delighted to hear this.

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T’Challa puts his trust in Nakia to help him run this operation, as he knows she has more experience in the world than he does. Nakia finally admits to herself and T’Challa that she still loves him, and the conversation ends with a long-awaited kiss.

1 T’Challa and Nakia Go To The United Nations

In the mid-credits scene, T’Challa gives a memorable speech to the UN about his plans to open Wakanda for aid and trade. The assembly does not seem very thrilled, but this does not matter to T’Challa. He knows what Wakanda has to offer, and he knows the program is being handled by one of the people he trusts most.

Nakia is by T’Challa’s side through the whole scene, giving him her quiet support. It’s good for fans and other characters to see T’Challa and Nakia as a united front. Their bond is strong, proving they are the best MCU couple.

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