The WWE 2K franchise has been a mainstay for wrestling fans for over twenty years, and since its launch in 2000, it has managed to push out a new game every single year. Fans can recreate the signature moves of their favorite wrestlers, assemble their own stables, push certain storylines, and have a totally customizable WWE experience.

With “complete control of the WWE Universe” in their hands, most fans are happy living out their wildest wrestling dreams, but some have taken to Reddit to voice their unpopular opinions. Whether it’s about the graphics, layout, or creative decisions, wrestling fans are not the type to keep quiet.


Scanning Isn’t Necessary To Make WWE 2K Games Good

Since WWE 2K14, active competitors like wrestler-turned-actor John Cena have had their faces digitally scanned so that the most accurate model of their faces can be created for the game. While most fans think this is the best way to go about capturing a wrestler’s unique physiology, others disagree.

“There are modders in this community that achieve better results without that technology,” asserts Kiel297. Scanning is generally considered the best –and most cost-effective– way to deliver a wrestler’s authentic avatar annually.

The AEW Game Is Better Than WWE 2K22

There’s been talk of an AEW wrestling game to rival WWE 2K22 for two years, but so far the only game fans have received is AEW Casino: Double Or Nothing, a game for Android and iOS mobile devices that launched back in February of 2021, making any comparison a moot point.

The Cory Ledesma Era Was The Best For WWE 2K Games

Yukes and AKI are the game development companies most associated with the WWE 2K franchise until Visual Concepts stepped in, and with VC at the helm, some fans are looking at the titles of yesteryear through rose-colored glasses. Wrestling fans have managed to find something to complain about with every new release for years.

“I just remembered when there was this guy named Cory Ledesma,” explains mistab777, “who was the main guy behind these games for years, and I always felt like the games were being made by enthusiastic fans of the product. Those were good years.” “Hilarious that now people are calling those years ‘the good years’,” responds natedoggcata, “when I’m old enough to remember people calling for Cory Ledesma to be fired or replaced every year.”

The WWE 2K Games Are Still Quality

While most fans think that the WWE 2K franchise has improved as far as its graphics and combos are concerned, there’s a general consensus that its current developers are just going through the motions, with each title released a slightly different version than its predecessor. This is no doubt a problem inherent in VC’s dogmatic annual release schedule.

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MangoPronto maintains, “To me, games have never been better. The gameplay is much better, slower and less arcadey but I can have actual matches that feel real now, with proper storytelling in them compared to the old days.” Savvysmoove90 disagrees, saying, “I’m a be honest the WWE 2k series has been trash.”

Visual Concepts Should Be Applauded For Bringing Back GM Mode

One of the most fun aspects of prior WWE 2K games was the GM mode, which let fans assume the role of the General Manager whose decisions could directly affect the in-game show. Visual Concepts put GM mode back into WWE 2K22 after a nearly ten-year absence, to mixed opinions from fans.

“Aren’t the new guys the reason why we have GM mode again, after YUKES took it out for years?” asks AndyDandyRandy, but according to dolphab, “Them finally implementing the mode (literally 9 years later) is just a calculated PR move to win back fans after the 2K20 disaster.”

WWE 2K Should Do Away With Overalls

It’s the nature of WWE 2K games and WWE as a franchise that some wrestlers will be ranked higher in value than others. Cesaro is a fantastic technical wrestler, but he’s a jobber, whereas Roman Reigns has less in-ring finesse, but he’s pushed as a superstar. In the WWE 2k games, wrestlers have overall stats that place them apart from one another in a ranking system most fans acknowledge as fair.

“I hate the overalls in these games,” says New-Force-4659, going on to explain that if “anything can happen in WWE” then why are some wrestlers ranked higher than others? The simple fact is the games reflect the often head-scratching way some wrestlers are pushed whereas others, even with a pop from the crowd, continue to toil in obscurity.

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The Game Company That Develops WWE 2K Is Getting Lazy

It can be difficult to keep a gaming franchise going as the titles go into the double digits. Make too many changes and fans will be alienated, but make none and they’ll condemn a game developer for being lazy. Some fans feel that this applies to WWE 2K as well, but most accept a certain lack of gameplay provided the graphics and controls are seamless.

PhantomWolfZero claims that in the case of WWE 2K it “won’t even bother putting new modes in like GM Mode, WarGames, Mixed Tag.” Most fans don’t blame laziness so much as avarice, as gaming companies recognize they don’t have to introduce too many new features for legions of fans to faithfully return every year and purchase a WWE 2K game.

WWE 2K Needs To Take A Few Years Between Game Releases

Staying relevant and maintaining a high level of quality are two concepts usually at odds in the gaming world. There’s always a danger that if too much time lapses between game releases, fans will move onto something else. As much as it might make sense for there to be 2-3 years between WWE 2K releases (like UFC games), it’s still an unpopular opinion.

“I really think that to make a good game they just need to take a few years so they can fully plan it out,” says HumidHarold420, but Ryan-Fever is having none of it, clapping back with, “Nah dude I’ve been playing 2k19 for over 2 years now I need something.”

Sports Games Like WWE 2K Are Trash

While it’s true, sports games can start to feel repetitive after a while for fans who don’t really explore all their options, most fans know the value of performing grappling moves in the WWE 2K game rather than on their neighbors or cat.

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One Reddit user insists, “2k, the show, ufc, fifa, everything. It all sucks.” They prefer to play the game in real life than on a console, neglecting to understand that in the case of WWE 2K, most fans couldn’t physically portray the same stunts their favorite wrestlers do.

The Objective Is Not To Win Every Time

Most fans play WWE 2K because they like to watch their favorite wrestlers win their matches, especially against opponents who they often lose to in real life (or don’t face much at all). For them, it’s a matter of victory in title matches and winning belts, not making their gaming experience exactly match what they watch on TV.

According to Kode6, “Pro-wrestling games are supposed to be played like the real thing, sell the match.” In order to sell matches, players would have to take considerable hits and telegraph them as effective, something they might not be willing to do. They want to have the customized, entertaining gaming experience promised by the WWE 2K franchise, not directly simulate what they can watch on Raw or Smackdown. 

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