Movies have a way of making viewers feel a multitude of emotions whether that be laughter or tears, but some movies leave viewers thinking “what did I just watch?”. From mind-bending action movies to stunning portrayals of heaven, movies have the power to leave fans feeling confused, excited, and even horrified.

Reddit user VanGarrett explained how some movies leave the viewer questioning their whole existence and looked to other Redditors to create a comprehensive list of flicks that made viewers feel this way. Here are just 10 movies that left Redditors questioning what on earth they had just watched!


Sausage Party (2016)

Sausage Party has to be one of the strangest plot lines to ever exist with the whole movie focussing on grocery items that suddenly figure out what happens to them once they are purchased. The revelation sees the movie dive into chaos with the animated flick suddenly becoming wildly inappropriate for anyone under the age of 15.

The movie challenged boundaries alongside the minds of its viewers, with a deleted Redditor claiming that the “movie is a travesty”. Sausage Party may contain some pretty hilarious references and unpredictable scenes but overall the movie left nearly all of its viewers thinking: “what did I just watch?”.

Tenet (2020)

If one was to rank every Christopher Nolan movie from best to worst then Tenet would definitely be one of the best with it being possibly the most anticipated movie release of 2020. The movie was a mind-bending watch with many viewers enjoying it but being confused as to what actually happened, Christopher Nolan employed a range of filmmaking techniques that correlated with the complex storyline which signified Tenet’s role as a history making blockbuster.

Amock99 was just one fan who suggested that the movie was “a mind-bender” before suggesting that it “needs more than one viewing to follow it properly” which summarizes the complexities of the movie and just how well-written it is. Tenet lived up to the sky-high expectations fans had of it but following the first watch, many fans were left confused but also amazed.

Interstellar (2014)

Interstellar is another movie created by the wonderfully talented Christopher Nolan and pulls on the heartstrings of its viewers from the offset. The movie created some of the most stunning scenes in cinematic history alongside one of the most heartbreaking stories aided by Matthew McConaughey’s emotional performance.

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The complex nature of the movie left many fans struggling to understand the actual plot but upon rewatching it, many fans have finally understood how genius it truly is. Reddit user odd_neighbour explained that they “wanted to send abuse mail to Christopher Nolan for weeks afterward” due to the heartbreaking storyline between Murph and Cooper.

What Dreams May Come (1988)

What Dreams May Come is something of an artistic masterpiece with the movie containing some of the most beautiful scenes ever seen in its depiction of heaven. Through its beautiful and vibrant coloring, the movie brings to life a story that left viewers questioning the life they would leave behind.

What Dreams May Come is a perfect depiction of the afterlife resulting in it being such a poignant watch, especially for those that appreciate movies that are beautiful in their story as well as its representation. The movie was so whimsical and elaborate that many viewers like bunnyidiot suggested: “it felt like a fever dream” made up of colors, existential questions, and the incredible Robin Williams.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

The Rocky Horror Picture Show was one of the first movies to combine horror with music to create an iconic horror musical that continues to push boundaries even today. The movie gave us some of the best musical performances that have led to many fans going to see theatrical versions of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, it challenged the usual conventions and movies seen of its time and proved to be a staple movie within cinematic history.

Reddit user zymos explained that they “randomly walked into a theater the first run” before stating that it is the “only movie [they] ever sat through twice”. The movies strive to challenge the norm resulted in many viewers being speechless and unable to explain what they had just seen, before going back to watch it again, earning its place in the cinematic hall of fame.

The Cat In The Hat (2003)

Adapted from the beloved Dr. Seuss book, The Cat In The Hat found its way onto viewers’ screens in 2003 and proved to be a popular watch for many children but caused havoc for most parents. The movie was a chaotic ensemble of a naughty cat that sought to cause mess, drama and encourage questionable behavior but also relied on adult humor to win over suspicious parents.

The Cat In The Hat was a bizarre but beloved adaption of the famous book but some fans were left confused after watching it with Reddit user [deleted] sharing “that film was just so random”. The lack of consistency was balanced by the utter mayhem which is why viewers felt lost in the carnage but could ultimately always find a laugh somewhere in the movie.

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Donnie Darko (2001)

Donnie Darko just had its 20th anniversary and there is still a list of things that fans don’t know about the movie. This movie’s intricate storyline was highlighted by the number of fans who questioned what it was they had just watched after seeing the movie. The movie combined science fiction and fantasy before leaving fans fearful of seeing a man dressed in a bunny suit.

The movie is something of a dark tale that highlights the role of mental health whilst also providing viewers with an interesting and complex storyline about survival, manipulation, and the rumored apocalypse. Donnie Darko‘s elaborate plot left some viewers like GroovinWithAPict struggling “to keep up with the plot” whilst also questioning what they would do if they were Donnie Darko.

Cats (2019)

Cats was one of the most anticipated movies of 2019 but this famous stage production didn’t quite deliver on the silver screen with many fans being disappointed in the movie despite it having an incredible cast. The movie brought to life the musical story of Cats through unusual CGI and animation, Cats was expected to break box office records but unfortunately fell flat.

The movie offers some visually stunning scenes complemented by a wonderful music score but ultimately the movie failed to have a plot and resulted in some viewers like tacobelmont sharing their lack of understanding towards the movie when their “wife dragged [them] to the theater because she heard it was garbage”.

Hereditary (2018)

Hereditary is certainly a movie that deserved the hype it got, the movie challenges the realms of cinema by introducing the family structure to the world of horror. The movie employed the use of a dollhouse in what was one of the most interesting styles of filming to date in the sense it mirrored the family home, Hereditary played on the safe structure of the home to create something so wonderfully terrifying.

Fans knew to have high expectations after watching the trailer which was haunted by the sound of tongue clicks to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The movie sought to terrify viewers and that’s exactly what it did with viewers like -Liliane- sharing that “that movie stayed in my head for a solid week after [they] watched it”, proving how it captivated its viewers through horror.

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Midsommar (2019)

Midsommar played every opinion viewers had of a horror movie by purposefully setting the movie within a somewhat whimsical setting filled with flowers and nature, resulting in the movie being visually stunning to watch. However, the movie didn’t compromise the terror associated with the horror genre for its beautiful setting and instead created a traumatizing representation of grief that haunted viewers through the vacant smiles shared by the members of the cult.

TeeMannn shared how “the horror doesn’t jump in your face but slowly cooks you alive and by the end [viewers]  felt completely mushed in the brain” due to the movie drawing the viewer into a false sense of security before traumatising its viewers. The movie left many completely speechless and forever disturbed!

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