With the release of its series The Wheel of Time, Amazon entered into the business of fantasy TV in a big way, and the show has a gravitas that suits its approach to adapting its source material. At the same time, however, there are often flashes of humor and lightness in the series that help to add a layer of humanity and levity to the broader, grimmer existential conflicts.

Thus, it’s hardly surprising that many users on the internet have turned some of the series’ most interesting moments into some hilarious memes riffing on the show’s most memorable characters and scenes.


Sleeping Beauties

Sleeping Beauty is one of the most iconic Disney princess movies ever made, and it actually makes sense that this user would use its three fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather to stand in for Liandrin, Alanna, and Moiraine when they are standing before the Amyrlin.

What makes it especially humorous, however, is the fact that the diminutive stature of the three fairies actually maps well onto the three Aes Sedai, who are receiving reprimands from the Amyrlin for their actions in the field.

Undermining Authority

Logain is one of the most powerful characters to appear in the first season of The Wheel of Time, and his rant at the Amyrlin is one of the first season’s most powerful moments.

However, what this meme does so adroitly is to defang his pointed political and social commentary by inserting a Wendy’s cap, suggesting that all of his ranting and railing has ultimately been for nothing. Given that he is ultimately imprisoned by the Aes Sedai, this meme ends up being both funny and insightful.

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Two Great Franchises

There are few fantasy franchises quite as beloved or successful as Harry Potter, and its three main heroes are iconic. As this meme shows, their exploits also map quite neatly onto those of Alanna, Liandrin, and Moiraine, and this is another example of how the scene between the Amyrlin and her “daughters” is one that, despite its seriousness, is also ripe for parody and satire.

What’s more, it highlights just how dependent the Aes Sedai are on their leader for her blessings.

The Road To Nowhere

The conversation between Padme and Anakin is a meme that is almost ubiquitous on the internet, and so it makes sense that it would be used for The Wheel of Time.

This is a meme that manages to be both funny and also packs something of a punch, since the confrontation between the Whitecloaks and the Tinkers (who follow the pacifistic Way of the Leaf) is one of the most troubling scenes in the whole first season. Thankfully, this meme adds a bit of levity to a dreadful situation.

The Mystery Deepens

One of the challenges that The Wheel of Time has had and will continue to have is making sure that it appeals to both book readers and new fans.

In this case, a fan of the books thought that they were going to know everything that happened, only to find themselves somewhat befuddled due to the changes that were made in the adaptation process. As the use of the famous John Travolta meme illustrates, sometimes it is better to go into an adaptation with an open mind rather than with deep-rooted assumptions.

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That’s A Sick Burn

The Whitecloaks are some of the most belligerent and intolerant forces in the series, and their antipathy toward the Aes Sedai is especially notable and troubling.

As with the other memes including the Whitecloaks, this one aims to add a bit of humor to a rather grim situation, given that they are prone to burning Aes Sedai at the stake for no other reason than that they are able to wield the One Power. Even just the suggestion that a woman might be able to do so is enough to send her to the stake.

Irreconcilable Differences?

The meme regarding a married couple who are on very different wavelengths is another one that has become very common on the internet. What makes this version especially witty, however, is that it juxtaposes one part of the couple, who clearly is distressed at his girlfriend’s inability to grasp just how great the show is, with the other, who is simply concerned that he’s thinking about other women.

It is, in its own way, rather charming, and it is no doubt an accurate representation of many couples with a differing investment in The Wheel of Time.

He’s Cool

Eamon Valda is a very sinister figure on the show, and as one of the Whitecloaks he is violently opposed to the Aes Sedai.

However, this meme takes out a great deal about what makes him threatening and instead emphasizes his muscular physicality. What’s more, it adds a casual sort of coolness to the character that is very much lacking in his on-screen presence. No doubt many of the Aes Sedai would have appreciated this more laid-back Valda.

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A Match Made In Heaven

It’s hard not to feel sorry for Logain, who has to endure the agony of being gentled and then led through the streets of Tar Valon as an object lesson in what happens to False Dragons. At the same time, he gives Rand (one of Wheel Of Time’s most likable characters) a frightening grin that suggests he recognizes that the other man can channel.

Once again, however, a brilliant meme manages to take what is a rather grim (and foreshadowing) moment and turn it into something that is at least somewhat light-hearted.

Everyone’s Been There

When the series begins, there’s ambiguity about which of the young people from Emond’s Field will really be the Dragon Reborn, and at some times it seems that it might even be Perrin, one of Wheel Of Time‘s bravest characters.

This meme, as with so many of the best that appear on the internet, takes this very serious moment, when he is visited by a sinister personage, and instead flips it so that it’s one of those insistent calls about a car warranty. It’s a humorous and frustrating situation that everyone can sympathize with.

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