Barry Allen, better known as The Flash, is one of the most beloved characters in DC Comics. A founding member of the Justice League, and the hero who originally discovered DC’s multiverse, the Flash has had a rich history within DC comics. He may not get the same attention as the other heroes, like Batman or Superman, but this will likely change once The Flash movie comes out in 2022.  

However, since there is still some time before this is released, some viewers might want to brush up on their reading material and his background. While many fans might already know that Barry has triumphed in many of his battles, some might not have realized how many trials and hardships he has faced too.

10 He Died In Crisis On Infinite Earths

The seminal crossover event, Crisis On Infinite Earths, saw the villainous Anti-Monitor attempt to destroy all of reality, forcing characters from across the multiverse to team up to stop him. This event is also notorious for the number of beloved characters who die during its runtime.

Barry Allen’s death is one of the most shocking and heroic sacrifices during Crisis On Infinite Earths and saw the hero crumble to dust to prevent the Anti-Monitor’s machinations from coming to fruition. Barry’s death would persist for over twenty years, until his return in Final Crisis, but The Flash’s sacrifice and death remains one of the saddest and vitally important to DC’s history.

9 The Death Of Iris

Iris West-Allen has been a constant in Barry Allen’s life throughout the many versions of the character. Though their relationship has sometimes been rocky, their deep love for each other is constant. As such, Iris’ sudden, unexpected death at the hands of the Reverse-Flash was one of the largest blows to Barry that has ever occurred.

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While a version of Iris would eventually return, her death would push Barry to the brink, especially with his enmity with the Reverse-Flash. 


8 His Mother Is Killed

The death of Barry Allen’s mother, Nora Thompson, is a defining event in Barry’s life. Not only is his father framed for his death, but Barry lives for most of his life without the support of his parents as a result.

The pain of her death is only deepened when it is revealed that the Reverse-Flash (an important villain throughout multiple versions of the character) killed her, in another ploy to torment and ruin Barry. In some versions of Barry’s history, his father is cleared of the crime. However, the pain of his mother’s death never truly goes away. 

7 He Creates The Flashpoint

Soon after his resurrection in Final Crisis, Barry Allen decides to travel back in time to prevent the death of his mother. This created a massive crossover event for DC and one of the Flash’s most defining stories, titled Flashpoint. He successfully does so, but he causes a number of dangerous changes as well.

For example, Superman is a government secret, the villain, Captain Cold, is a duplicitous hero known as Citizen Cold, and Wonder Woman and Aquaman are at war. In order to right the wrongs he himself created, Barry is forced to run back in time and stop the creation of Flashpoint, losing his mother once again. 

6 He Kills The Reverse Flash

Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash, is one of the most powerful villains fans have met (on and off TV). He is relentlessly focused on Barry Allen to the point of obsession, and is determined to ruin the life of the Flash as much as possible. Eventually, Barry had enough of Thawne’s constant attempts on the lives of his loved ones and kills him.

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Eobard would eventually return as a living paradox later on, but his first death would have massive effects on Barry’s life. Barry was ostracized for some time and was even put on trial for the murder of Eobard Thawne, drastically affecting his life. 

5 He Is Forced To Fight His Best Friend

DC’s Rebirth reboot introduced August Heart, the childhood best friend of Barry Allen. After a freak accident gives a number of Central City citizens speed powers, August takes to fighting crime alongside Barry. However, August’s return soon leads to something darker, as Barry is eventually forced to fight him.

It is soon revealed that August is also the serial killer Godspeed, who targets other speedsters and The Flash is forced to fight him to protect innocent lives. Even when Barry rediscovers someone from his childhood, it leads to pain and heartbreak. 

4 He Becomes The Black Flash

In the DC Universe, the Black Flash is an aspect of death for all speedsters. Mostly impartial, he will stalk speedsters that are destined to die. However, the Black Flash himself died after Barry Allen returned from the dead in Final Crisis.

This caused a ripple through the Speed Force, and corrupted Barry’s powers, causing him to kill any speedster that he touched. Even when he eventually burned off the power of the Black Flash, Barry had inadvertently killed multiple people, as well as paving the way for the resurrection of Eobard Thawne. 

3 He Battles His Evil Future Self

DC’s New 52 reboot saw a massive influx of new characters, but one of particular note wasn’t technically new, but was in fact an alternate version of Barry.

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More vicious and better trained than the Barry readers knew, this alternate Barry attempted to kill his past self in an attempt to heal a wound in the Speed force. He even trapped the past Barry in another dimension temporarily and doled out his own brand of justice during his past self’s absence.

2 He Forgets Wally West

The New 52, for all of its new characters, also altered many fan-favorites. One of the most notable was Wally West, Barry’s nephew who became The Flash after Barry’s death.

His multiversal replacement, Wallace, became a hero in his own right, but the original Wally was left in limbo, erased from the minds of all of his friends and family. Wally was eventually freed at the beginning of DCs Rebirth reboot, but his absence heavily altered his place in the DC universe, and his relationship with Barry. 

1 He Burns Himself To Regain His Powers

When Barry created the Flashpoint, his mother was returned to life, but he lost his powers as well. When he decides to reverse the Flashpoint and regain his powers with the help of Flashpoint’s Batman, things go terribly wrong.

Barry is scarred and burned by the lightning used to regain his powers. While Barry eventually heals from his injuries and regains his speed, the damage dealt to his body is undeniable. It was certainly some of the most brutal injuries The Flash had ever experienced.

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