Society is fascinated by zombies, and thus have made a ton of movies and TV shows about them. Today, the content of zombies spans nearly all genres from romance to westerns and horror stories. Zombies are so common in the film industry because they are popular. So if one is to make a zombie movie, they are guaranteed to get good reviews, right?

Well, that is not true. In fact, there are a ton of terrible zombie movies out there. Reviews from critics and audiences alike have mushed these titles into the mud due to their lack of any depth, terrible make-up, and/or awful writing.

10 Automaton Transfusion (2006): Score 3.7

This indie horror flick, directed by Steven C. Miller, is about three teenagers who run into zombies. For a B-movie, the first half of the film is not so bad. The gore special effects and acting are decent enough.

The movie’s downfall comes from its awful camera work, lack of continuity (like the sun is suddenly out when it is supposed to be night), and many zombie clichés. Some may enjoy the clichés though, as it is a lot like a typical survival-horror video game in terms of its plot and action. While it was harshly reviewed, it is worth pointing out that the movie had to work with a low budget. For a low-budget film, this movie is worth some praise as well for what it did accomplish. However, there are far better low budget zombie flicks out there.

9 Day Of The Dead: Bloodline (2018): Score 3.4

In terms of ideas for a zombie movie, this one is not half-bad. The story is in an underground bunker where survivalists and military personnel seek a cure to the zombie virus above. However, that is owed to the fact that the film is a remake of Day of the Dead (1985).

The movie was a box office failure with a budget of 10 million and grossing only about 750,000 dollars. Those who saw the film did not care about any of the characters and felt that it was a pointless remake. While the effects were alright due to the high budget, the acting was plain and unmemorable.


8 Return Of The Living Dead: Rave To The Grave (2005): Score 3.3

The premise of this zombie story is college students inventing a new drug and sells it around campus. This leads to resurrecting the dead and the zombies attack a Halloween rave.

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This movie actually never hit theaters and was instead released on the Sci-Fi Channel in October of 2005. It is the fifth and final installment to the Return of the Living Dead series. With a title like “Rave to the Grave,” those who do watch and enjoy the movie do so because they knew going in that it was going to be bad and enjoy how bad it is.

7 Zombie Lake (1981): Score 3.1

The original title of this movie is “Le Lac des Morts Vivants” as it was a French production. The zombies of the movie are German soldiers that died during World War II and had their bodies thrown into a lake.

This title is pretty infamous for how bad it is. It was directed by Jean Rollin, whose works are pretty well known so this was definitely his low-point. The zombie make-up in this movie was terrible, especially since it rubbed off in the lake water. There is an interesting father/daughter subplot, though.

6 Teenage Zombies (1959): Score 3.0

This movie is known to be so bad that it’s good. The science-fiction horror movie has a pretty buck wild narrative, following teenagers trapped on an island with a mad scientist, her pet gorilla, and a zombie slave. The scientist traps the kids in a cage in her lab with the plan to use them as subjects for making them mindless zombie slaves.

Teenage Zombies is definitely a title for just for the most dedicated of bad movie fans. The film promises equal parts boredom as well as confusion. There are good 1950s B-movies, and then there is this bizarre mess.

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5 The Quick And The Undead (2006): 2.7

Inspired by Clint Eastwood Westerns, criticisms of this film are actually pretty mixed despite the low IMDb score. While some see the movie as utter trash, there are those that will defend it for not being as bad as people say. Note that it is agreed the movie is bad, just not agreed on its level of awfulness.

The story takes place in a vision of a future where most of the world is overrun by zombies. The government awards bounty hunters who pick-off the undead. In truth, the world sounds interesting but the movie does not do much with the cool idea. The acting is also pretty terrible.

4 Oasis Of The Zombies (1982): Score 2.6

Another French zombie movie, this title is originally called “La Tumba de Los Muertos Vivientes“. Like Zombie Lake, the plot has to do with zombie Nazis (a common zombie trope). The movie follows an expedition that seeks buried treasure that the Nazi’s have buried, but it’s guarded by zombies.

If you have a friend who likes bad movies, then show them Oasis of the Zombies as a way to truly test them. The movie was directed by Jesús Franco Manera, who is a major figure when it comes to B-movies and exploitation movies.

3 Zombie Nightmare (1987): Score 2.5

Part fantasy and part horror, this story actually has a main character who is a zombie himself. He was killed by a gang of teenagers and was resurrected by a voodoo priestess so that he can get his revenge.

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This Canadian film is so deliciously horrible that viewers can get good laughs. This movie was even on an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, which actually garnered it a decent amount of attention.

2 The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies!!? (1964) : Score 2.3

This movie is about a man named Jerry who falls in love with a stripper her meets at a carnival. However, her sister is a fortune teller and she turns him into a zombie. Then Jerry goes on a killing spree.

Viewers have found this movie both strange, funny, as well as boring. Not only is the movie a bad zombie film, but is regarded as one of the worst movies ever made. In its terribleness, it has made itself a legacy among fans of camp or kitsch movies.

1 House Of The Dead (2003): Score 2.0

In this movie, some college students travel to an island to attend a rave but it is taken over by bloodthirsty zombies. It is a prequel to all of the House of the Dead video games. But, despite being a prequel to a not-terrible video game franchise, the movie is abysmal.

It is not so bad that it is good either, IMDb reviews call it the “ultimate low”. One review called the movie Gilligan’s Island meets Shaun of the Dead but that is too much of a compliment to give viewers an idea of what they are truly in for. Nearly every IMDb reviewer gave this movie one out of 10 stars.

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