Tammy Slaton has been on a harrowing weight loss journey since 1000-lb Sisters season 1, but fans agree that Tammy’s story has officially become too hard to watch in season 3. Initially, Tammy and her sister, Amy Slaton-Halterman, won fans over with their silly antics and hilarious banter, but as their fitness quests have progressed, viewers are finding it much more difficult to enjoy watching Tammy’s life unfold. From her deteriorating mental and physical health to her decomposing relationships with her family members, here’s why fans think Tammy’s journey is so hard to watch in 1000-lb Sisters season 3.


When viewers first met Tammy and Amy in 1000-lb Sisters season 1, the sisters were full of hope as they were both enthusiastic about the prospect of losing weight and turning their lives around. While Amy has been largely successful in achieving her long-term aspirations as she got bariatric surgery, has a husband, gave birth to her son, and has another baby on the way, Tammy has fallen short of reaching the goals she set in season 1. Although her siblings have done their best to hold out hope for her health venture, some fans find Tammy’s journey hard to watch in season 3.

Where 1000-lb Sisters seasons 1 and 2 featured moments of joy between the sisters, season 3 has made it difficult for viewers to focus on anything other than Tammy Slaton’s impending doom. After a few years, it’s become too difficult for the Slaton family to ignore that Tammy might not ever be able to recover from her physical and emotional ailments. Whether she’s struggling to understand the reality of her situation or she’s sabotaging her relationships with her family members, here’s why some 1000-lb Sisters fans find Tammy’s season 3 storyline too depressing to stomach.

Tammy Slaton’s Declining Health Is Hard To Watch

When Tammy and Amy announced that they were embarking on their weight loss journeys in 1000-lb Sisters season 1, the Slaton siblings were full of optimism and eager to put their past behind them. When Amy and Tammy shared their fitness plans with their mother, Darlene, however, the unfeeling matriarch quickly asserted that she didn’t think her daughters had the gumption to achieve their goals. Despite this ominous prediction, 1000-lb Sisters season 1 contained a hopeful gleam as the pair’s excitement for what a healthier future could hold propelled Tammy and Amy forward. Although both sisters demonstrated that they were dedicated to their weight loss journey in season 1, only Amy was fruitful in qualifying for bariatric surgery by the end of 1000-lb Sisters‘ debut. At the time, fans were still hopeful that Tammy would reach her fitness goals the next time around.

Unfortunately, all of the promise that made 1000-lb Sisters season 1exciting to watch has evaporated in season 3. Throughout the current season, Tammy’s demonstrated that her weight loss goal is no longer her priority. The Slaton sister demonstrated this during the 1000-lb Sisters season 3 premiere in which she checked herself out of rehab before reaching her 100-pound weight loss goal because she felt homesick. After returning home prematurely, Tammy went on to gain weight and ignore all of her doctor’s instructions. Tammy even fought with her home health nurse, Tisa, when she was asked to walk to the mailbox. Tammy has also exhibited that she hasn’t cut unhealthy foods out of her diet, signaling that there’s no end in sight for Tammy’s weight loss regression. Fans believe Tammy’s journey is so hard to watch in season 3 because her health’s unsalvageable.

Tammy’s Dysfunctional Relationships Are Hard To Watch

On top of Tammy’s health diminishing over the course of her run in 1000-lb Sisters, the reality star’s relationships with her siblings and mother are much worse off in season 3 than they were when viewers were first introduced to the Slaton family. In 1000-lb Sisters season 1, Amy and Tammy had a light-hearted rapport that occasionally featured sisterly bickering. Throughout the first couple of years Amy and Tammy were co-stars, the sisters took part in festive activities like trips to the swimming pool. Fans enjoyed moments that highlighted Amy and Tammy’s close bond. In season 3, however, Tammy’s relationship with Amy appears to be past the point of no return. Viewers find Tammy’s journey so hard to watch in season 3 because instead of tuning into a wholesome scene between the sisters, fans are sure to witness a disheartening fight between Tammy and Amy.

Although Tammy instigated her fair share of arguments with Amy throughout 1000-lb Sisters seasons 1 and 2, Tammy picks a fight with Amy and her other siblings, Chris Combs, Amanda Halterman, and Misty, in virtually every episode of 1000-lb Sisters season 3 so far. When Amy Slaton shared that she was hiring a nurse to help her take care of Tammy, the older Slaton sister exploded and cursed Amy out. After Amanda asked Tammy how she liked the new electric scooter her siblings bought her, Tammy almost caused a physical altercation. Tammy even managed to ruin the Slaton family’s getaway to the Smokey Mountains when she refused to get out of the van and demanded someone drive her all the way back home. Tammy’s succeeding in demolishing all of her familial relationships in 1000-lb Sisters season 3, making her situation all the bleaker.

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Tammy’s Crumbling Mental Health Is Hard To Watch

Regrettably, Tammy’s physical wellbeing isn’t the only matter Tammy has to tend to while attempting to salvage her health in 1000-lb Sisters. First off, Tammy and Amy’s doctors have been brutally honest about everything that goes into embarking on a fruitful weight loss journey. Even if the pair of sisters stick to their diets and exercise routines and are given the green light to get bariatric surgery, the pair still have to face their food addictions. Tammy and Amy’s relationship with food was formed from loneliness and grief during their childhood and until Tammy’s able to face her addiction, she won’t be able to make any meaningful headway in her weight loss quest. Sadly, Tammy hasn’t demonstrated that she’s willing to better her mental health in 1000-lb Sisters season 3. During a therapy session, Tammy refused to open up about her feelings and only succeeded in intimidating her therapist.

Another reason why fans find Tammy’s journey so hard to watch in 1000-lb Sisters season 3 is that she fails to recognize the emotional turmoil she’s suffering from. In addition to futile therapy appointments, Tammy is completely apathetic about her health condition. Tammy’s previously confessed that she suffers from depression and has contemplated taking her life, and viewers fear that Tammy’s still disinterested in reclaiming her story. Tammy recently demonstrated her indifference when she partied with her friends and indulged in alcohol and pizza. Tammy’s harmful and reckless behavior indicates that she has unresolved emotional issues that have to be dealt with before she can progress in her weight loss efforts. Tammy’s grim mental health state makes it difficult for fans to stomach 1000-lb Sisters season 3.

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