Wolverine is one of the strongest superheroes in terms of sheer toughness. He doesn’t have super strength, but his powers and abilities make him virtually indestructible, long-lived and next to impossible to kill. His accelerated mutant healing factor has kept him from death countless times, and his adamantium skeleton and claws offer further protection. These qualities make Wolverine, aka Logan, a challenging character to write. Audiences need to relate to him and fear for his health whenever he comes across a foe. In James Mangold’s film The Wolverine, Viper put a life-sucking bug inside of Logan that slowed down his healing. In the brilliant follow-up film, Logan, Logan’s powers were eliminated due to his being slowly poisoned by the adamantium skeleton inside of him.

Weakening Logan with those methods was helpful for story purposes, but they aren’t the only ways his enemies can overpower him. There are some Marvel Comics characters who are strong enough to take Wolverine down. However, Wolverine still has a leg up on many of Marvel’s most powerful characters.

Updated Nov. 18, 2021 by George Chrysostomou: Although Wolverine has continued to be a major part of the comics and movies, there are countless other Marvel characters who have gained strength or perhaps have been defeated by Logan. As he ages, he only gains more wisdom in battle, and Wolverine is perhaps a more ferocious fighter than ever. These battles will certainly help to answer the question: How strong is Wolverine? 

25 Weaker: Ant-Man

Ant-Man boasts a number of impressive abilities. Although he could certainly evade Wolverine by growing much smaller, the character could be sliced in half pretty quickly by one of his claws. What’s more, in this case, growing much larger wouldn’t be a benefit.

The resiliency of Wolverine would mean that, in Giant-Man form, Scott Lang or Hank Pym would tire very quickly. They would also become a bigger target, one that Logan could either jump at or perhaps even take out the legs of in order to score a victory.

24 Stronger: Storm

Comic book fans know that Storm could actually be (and sometimes is) considered a goddess in many respects. Wolverine has fought alongside the warrior numerous times, but he likely still hasn’t found a great way to counter her weather-manipulating mutant abilities.

Wolverine works best in close combat, and Storm would never even allow him to get close. That adamantium skeleton is also likely a great conductor of electricity. Storm could very easily channel enough lightning to force Logan to black out. Her flight will only help in evading his advanced attacks.


23 Weaker: Spider-Man

Spider-Man has faced a lot of terrifying threats and somehow comes out on top. He doesn’t have the instincts of a hunter and killer quite as Wolverine does. One on one, Spider-Man could be more athletic and may even web up Logan, but those claws are useful for escape.

With one of his tricks quickly falling to the wayside, Spidey might focus on some of his strength and defensive tactics. Logan is far faster than many would expect, though. As he continues to heal from each blow, Peter might be in trouble. Spider-Man usually racks up the injuries relatively rapidly.

22 Stronger: Thanos

Thanos is one of the most powerful beings in the cosmos. He has taken down whole civilizations and is able to defeat the likes of the Eternals. The character can wield the Infinity Stones, but even without all that energy coursing through his veins he is still pretty invincible.

A fight between Wolverine and Thanos, especially the screen versions, would certainly be compelling. Both are largely invulnerable but the strength and resiliency of Thanos would give him the edge. Combine this with the Gauntlet and he is untouchable. Even Wolverine’s gifts couldn’t save him from the snap no matter what variation of Thanos he faces.

21 Weaker: Mystique

Mystique took an even more prominent role on the big screen in comparison to the source material. The character showcased her leadership abilities and demonstrated that her shape-shifting powers can be used effectively in high-stakes situations.

That might be enough to take down Wolverine, but in a one-on-one fight, Mystique wouldn’t really stand a chance. Indeed, Wolverine actually stabs Mystique with his claws in X-Men, showing how easy it is to defeat her tactical maneuvers.

20 Stronger: Scarlet Witch

The argument over if Scarlet Witch could beat Wolverine entirely depends on how much Wanda is willing to put into the fight, as well as which version of the character it is. The MCU version of Scarlet Witch may not fare as well as she’d hope against Wolverine, but the character in the comics almost certainly could.

Wolverine may be a better physical fighter and have accelerated healing abilities, but Wanda is one of Marvel’s most powerful beings. As demonstrated in the storyline The House of M, Scarlet Witch is capable of changing the very fabric of reality. She could destroy Wolverine’s mind before he could ever get his claws out.

19 Weaker: Deadpool

At first glance, Wolverine and Deadpool seem so well matched for one another that either could win in a fight. After all, both Deadpool and Wolverine have incredible regenerative healing powers that stop them from perishing from the worst injuries. If you’ve seen either of the Deadpool movies, you’d know exactly the type of violence he tends to face.

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Wolverine gets the edge in a battle between them for two different reasons. Firstly, in the comics, Deadpool’s healing power comes from Wolverine. It’s not original, therefore it’s easier to believe that Wolverine’s is better. Secondly, Wolverine has the adamantium skeleton, so even if Deadpool’s swords can get past the claws, he has to contend with so much more.

18 Stronger: The Hulk

This question has been explored through a couple of scenarios in the comics. Wolverine has actually been able to beat Hulk before, most famously by getting inside of him and exploding out of Hulk’s body. This argument is perhaps the most complex on this list due to the forgettable fact that Hulk has even better healing abilities than Wolverine.

The only difference is that Bruce Banner doesn’t have these qualities when he’s not the Hulk. Hulk is said to be stronger because he’s beaten Wolverine far more times than Wolverine has beaten him. Either way, these two are well-matched opponents.

17 Weaker: Captain America

One thing that some fans don’t know about Wolverine’s nearly indestructible adamantium claws is that they can’t cut through other adamantium or vibranium. Captain America’s iconic shield is actually made out of vibranium, making it an excellent weapon and defensive tool against Wolverine’s most harmful devices.

At the end of the day, Wolverine could defeat Captain America if they were pitted against one another on multiple occasions. Sure, Cap has the will to keep going even when at the end of his rope, but so does Logan. Both are outrageously stubborn and forceful. In the comics, Captain America was also taken out by a bullet, something that Wolverine chews up and spits out on multiple occasions. Cap doesn’t have Logan’s healing ability.

16 Stronger: Xavier

Professor Charles Xavier is often concerned the world’s most powerful telepath. Sure, he may be wheelchair-bound and therefore unable to physically fight Wolverine, but that doesn’t matter. As Xavier says to Logan on multiple occasions, including in the original X-Men movie, he can get into his mind and make him believe that he’s actually an 8-year-old child.

Not only can Xavier change Wolverine’s perception of reality, but he could get into Wolverine’s mind and completely subdue him. Logan’s adamantium skeleton doesn’t stop telepaths from getting into his head. Additionally, Xavier could get into the mind of another far superior character and convince them to destroy Wolverine. At the end of the day, Xavier is just unbelievably powerful and few are even close to his level, let alone above it.

15 Weaker: Falcon

This one is kind of a no-brainer. After all, Falcon doesn’t rank up that high on the list of the most powerful Avengers. However, his suit does him the ability to fly and that’s a power Logan doesn’t have. In fact, Falcon could probably move far quicker around and above Wolverine, but this would just drive him nuts and cause him to want to take Sam down even more.

All Wolverine would need to do is get his claws into Falcon’s mechanical suit and it would be over. However, Falcon does have an incredible aim, and if he got his hands on an adamantium bullet, he may last far longer against Wolverine. But that’s a very specific, as well as highly unlikely, scenario. Even then, Logan could probably find a way to dodge it.

14 Stronger: Phoenix

The Phoenix Force is one of the most frightening elements in the entire Marvel Universe. It’s something that has possessed multiple entities, but Jean Grey is its most famous host. Even without the Phoenix force, it’s arguable that Jean could destroy Wolverine.

After all, much like Xavier, she can enter his mind and manipulate it in such a way that he could go insane. On top of it, she has telekinetic powers which could completely rip Wolverine to shreds, as they nearly did in X-Men: The Last Stand. Though Wolverine does destroy Jean’s Dark Phoenix, she did ask him to do it, so it was probably Jean fighting the force inside of her in order for Logan to get close enough to end her. On any other day, Wolverine doesn’t stand a chance.

13 Weaker: Cyclops

In the comics, Scott Summers, aka Cyclops, is far stronger than he has been portrayed in the films. Still, it’s unlikely that he could defeat Wolverine in battle. Cyclops could almost definitely shred most of Wolverine’s body away if he were to use the full power of his optic blast on him, but it’s highly unlikely that Wolverine wouldn’t regenerate.

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If he got close enough, Wolverine could take Cyclops out with one well-placed swipe of his claws. There’s no way that Cyclops could recover from that. The fact that Wolverine is stronger than Cyclops probably is a sore spot for him since they have always been competing for the love of the same woman, Jean Grey.

12 Stronger: The Silver Surfer

Much like Wolverine, the Silver Surfer is highly durable and nearly indestructible. His metallic shell is so strong that it would be very difficult for even Wolverine’s adamantium to cut through. If he got a good enough shot, he could pierce the armor, but probably not deep enough to cause a mortal wound.

It’s hard to tell for sure which of these characters would win in a battle because they’ve never faced each other in the main continuity of the Marvel comics, only in a special series. Silver Surfer is also endowed with a cosmic power that allows him to survive in space, as well as fly, absorb, and project energy. He’s a total force to be reckoned with.

11 Weaker: Sabretooth

Sabretooth is essentially the more animalistic version of Wolverine. That’s a bold thing to say as Wolverine is pretty animalistic himself, but Sabretooth takes it to a whole new level. Sabretooth is a lot like Wolverine, except without the adamantium skeleton.

Both characters have incredible agility, as well as animal senses like heightened smell, strength, and hearing abilities. They both also have regenerative healing abilities that allow them to live for a long time and survive incredible scenarios. While an argument could be made that either character could win in a fight, Wolverine has the edge due to his adamantium skeleton, claws, and the fact that he’s so much smarter than Sabretooth.

10 Stronger: Apocalypse

En Sabah Nur, aka Apocalypse, is widely considered the first mutant on Earth, as well as one of the most powerful. He controls himself at a molecular level, which means he can change his size as well as manipulate his body in insane ways.

Additionally, Apocalypse can manipulate energy, has telekinetic powers, regenerative healing powers, can shapeshift, fly, and has super strength and agility, not to mention that he’s a telepath nearly on par with Xavier. Apocalypse is just far too powerful for Wolverine unless he were to get very lucky. Although Wolverine could get a good head shot if he were to attack Apocalypse at the right time, there’s just no way that he could take out this living God on his own.

9 Weaker: Jessica Jones

Comic book fans know Jessica Jones is incredibly strong, she wouldn’t stand a chance against Wolverine. She may be far stronger than him physically, but even her agility level wouldn’t match up to Wolverine’s. What Jessica does have going for her is her intellect. Though Wolverine is far smarter than some of his Saturday morning cartoon depictions, he just doesn’t stack up to the brainpower of Jessica Jones.

This means that she could probably find a way to out-maneuver him until he inevitably caught up to her. Once face-to-face, Wolverine’s adamantium claws and healing abilities give him a definitive edge. On the plus side, if Jessica got away with only a couple of wounds she could use Carrie-Anne Moss’ Jeri Hogarth to sue him.

8 Stronger: Mister Sinister

Nathaniel Essex, aka Mister Sinister, has an array of powers that would give him the edge in a battle with Wolverine. This Darwinist has many of the same abilities as Apocalypse, including teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, superhuman strength, and being able to manipulate his body at the molecular level. He can also project energy.

Wolverine has never beaten Mister Sinister in a one-on-one fight in the comic books, though he’s taken him down with the X-Men. In some cases, Sinister has shown himself to be impervious to both Cyclops’ optic blasts and Wolverine’s adamantium claws. This makes it almost impossible for Wolverine to make a significant enough dent in this outrageously powerful mutant.

7 Weaker: Rogue

In the very first X-Men movie, there is a scene in which Rogue tries to wake Logan up from a nightmare and gets herself stabbed in the process. The only way that she survives this is by absorbing some of Logan’s healing powers.

Theoretically, Rogue could beat almost every single mutant out there if she were able to touch them skin-to-skin for long enough. This is true even of Wolverine. The problem is, chances are she wouldn’t be able to hang on to him, or any other powerful characters, for that long. Wolverine would simply take her out with his claws if he absolutely needed to before she could touch him long enough to absorb enough of his energy to survive it.

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6 Stronger: Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange may not be a mutant, but he commands the powers and energies far beyond many of them. If Wolverine got close enough to Doctor Strange or surprised him, he could inflict a devastating wound that could end Strange’s life. However, even without the addition of the Time Stone, Strange could find a way of getting himself out of such a predicament.

Doctor Strange’s powers are somewhat unlimited, or at least, the extent of them is somewhat undefined. He is always capable of learning more and growing more as a magic user. He could completely warp the fabric of space and time and destroy Wolverine in some pretty creative ways. This is somewhat similar to how Xavier, Scarlet Witch, or Jean Grey could defeat him.

5 Weaker: Nightcrawler

Nightcrawler is easily one of the coolest and most beloved X-Men characters. Much like Mystique, he embodies some of the greatest metaphors of the entire franchise. He’s also very likable as a character. Even with his incredible teleportation skills, he wouldn’t stand a chance against the animalistic nature of Wolverine.

Sure, he could tire Wolverine out by constantly teleporting around him, if not evading the fight altogether, but eventually, Wolverine would catch up to him and take him out. In the comics, Nightcrawler spends a lot of time fighting with a sword, but even if that sword was made out of adamantium, Nightcrawler’s body isn’t impervious to Wolverine’s claws. With one clean shot at Nightcrawler, Wolverine could destroy him.

4 Stronger: (Some) Sentinels

While Wolverine could stand a fighting chance against some of the earliest models of the Sentinels, he doesn’t stand a chance against the ones of the future. In the comics, particularly in the famous Days of Future Past, the Sentinels actually destroy Wolverine.

Their energy blasts are strong enough to melt away almost anything. The future Sentinels from the movie X-Men: Days of Future Past can adapt to any scenario and regenerate their bodies, even once decapitated. These things aren’t meant to be messed with. Even Magneto and Xavier don’t stand a chance against these robotic creatures. This is precisely why it was so important for the mutants to go back in time and stop their creation in the first place.

3 Weaker: Omega Red

While Marvel fans who just know the movies may not know this character all that well, comic book fans almost certainly do. Omega Red is one of the X-Men’s most formidable foes. Not only does he have Wolverine’s accelerated healing ability, but he also has giant, retractable carbonadium tentacles.

Match that with his agility and power to secret poisonous pheromones, and you have one very tough opponent. Wolverine has really struggled with beating this character so an argument could be made that Omega Red could come out on top, but the same could be said in the opposite direction. At the end of the day, all Wolverine really need to do is get past those tentacles and take Omega’s head off with his claws in order to win.

2 Stronger: Magneto

Magneto may not be impervious to harm like Wolverine, but he has an obvious advantage over him; Magneto can control and manipulate all metals even if there’s only a small trace of them. On many occasions, in both the comics and the films, Magneto has used his powers to beat Wolverine.

In one particularly violent encounter, Magneto ripped Logan’s entire skeleton out of his body. However, Logan has beaten Magneto in a number of occasions, mostly with the help of other characters. It’s certainly possible for him to get the upper hand on the Master of Magnetism, but most of the time, Wolverine doesn’t stand a chance against Magneto and all of his incredible power.

1 Weaker: Iron Man

Iron Man and Wolverine share many similarities aside from the fact that they are two of the most beloved characters that Marvel has ever created. These similarities make them both formidable forces, but if they were ever pitted against one another in a real battle, Wolverine would come out on top.

Tony Stark may have every gadget and weapon at his disposal, but he is ultimately just a very talented and intelligent man. Wolverine has healing powers. Once Wolverine broke through Tony’s Iron Man suit, he’d be able to filet him. Stark would give Wolverine a run for his money. After all, he’s far more intelligent than Wolverine and could find a way to hurt him gravely. At the end of the day, Wolverine is far stronger.

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