The Good Witch was one of Hallmark’s top-performing shows as fans knew it as a series of made-for-TV movies prior to the show. Based on the life of the mystical Cassie Knightingale, fans followed her spooky life in Middleton. Middleton is a classic, small town where everyone knows their neighbor and spooky things happen from time to time. The mayor is heavily involved in the town’s happenings and Cassie is the hometown holistic healer.

As successful as The Good Witch was, there are still things that fans didn’t know about the show or still have questions about. For 7 seasons, fans have fallen in love with Middleton and the suspicious things that go on. However, not everything has always made sense. Fans have reached out on forums on all things Good Witch and its continuity errors.

Updated on September 27th, 2021 by Lynn Gibbs: After 7 seasons, Hallmark put an end to one of its most successful shows of all time, The Good Witch. The show centered around the small-town feel of a suburban area, Middleton, and its unique, albeit eerie, townspeople. What made this show a success was the connection Cassie Knightingale had with seemingly everyone as she ran a bed and breakfast, a local shop, and interacted with the rest of Middleton. However, without a Good Witch season 8, fans have questions about a few things that don’t necessarily make sense. 

12 Where Did Brandon & Tara Disappear To?

As Cassie’s stepson, Brandon is very close to the family and started out as a main character with ongoing storylines. When his wife Tara moved back to Middleton to be with Brandon instead of going to school, she too became an important part of the series. But after season 5’s ‘The Forever Tree: Part 2,’ fans couldn’t help but ask, why did Brandon and Tara leave The Good Witch?

The two were no longer in the series and their storylines disappeared. It would have made sense if Tara went back to school because Brandon had a larger storyline in Middleton, but the thought of why did Brandon leave The Good Witch is a question that was never answered.

11 Why Did The Final Season Miss Out On This Huge Opportunity?

One of the things that Gilmore Girls and The Good Witch have in common is the theme of fall. Both shows focus on small towns that have a passion for fall activities. It’s a season where magical things happen. And with The Good Witch having spooky properties to it, Halloween is a special time of year. At the end of seasons 1-5, there’s always a Halloween special that shows a different side to Cassie’s mystical family and the town of Middleton.

However, in the final seasons, there was no Halloween episode. This seemed like a missed opportunity and something that didn’t add up, especially since the show focuses on Cassie’s family being witchy.


10 When Nick Told Grace The Coffee Shop Wasn’t Her “Scene”

In the first season of Good Witch, viewers are introduced to Cassie, her daughter Grade, and their life at the bed & breakfast, Grey House. When a well-known doctor, Sam, and his troubled son, Nick, move in next door to Grey House, Grace learned fast that she and Nick would have a rocky start to a friendship. Grace tried to be nice to Nick but was skeptical and kept her distance.

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In one episode, Grace and Nick came face to face when Grace’s problematic second cousin, Abigail, was back in town and stood her up at a nearby cafe. But When Abigail failed to show, she resulted in talking to Nick. Oddly, Nick says something along the lines of “what’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?” because it wasn’t her scene. But considering it was a cafe that Grace had gone to before, it made no sense why Nick—someone that was new to the area—would ask Grace why she was at a place that serves coffee.

9 How Old Is Grace Supposed To Be?

Bailee Madison (Grace Russel) became one of Hallmark’s popular actors after starring in the series. She was in the show’s movies, before venturing into other Hallmark feature films. As popular as Bailee is as Grace, fans questioned her timeline in the series. Seven years before the show came to Hallmark, the network created an introductory movie titled Good Witch in 2008. The movie’s success is what led to the series.

In The Good Witch movie, Brandon and Tara told Cassie they would get married in two years, which was right after Grace was born. This would mean Grace would be around two years old at the wedding. But when they get married, Grace was around five years old and was ready for school. Furthermore, in the first season of The Good Witch, only five years were supposed to have passed, but if that’s the case, then how was Grace 15 years old?

8 And How Long Has Cassie Owned The Bell, Book, And Candle?

In the first season of the series, Middleton celebrated 13 years of Cassie’s The Bell, Book, and Candle. The store had been instrumental to many of the town’s successes and triumphs, and it had a special place in everyone’s hearts.

However, it was mentioned at one point in the series that Cassie opened the store a few years before Grace was born when she was still married to Jake. Cassie and Jake were one of Hallmark’s best couples but he died while on duty as a police officer. Nevertheless, if Cassie opened the store before Grace was born and Grace is around 15 years old when the show started, then wouldn’t The Bell, Book, and Candle be celebrating over 15 years of business, instead of 13?

7 Where Did These Actors Disappear To?

There are plenty of characters that pop in and out of Middleton who are never to be seen again. Funny enough, the same can be said for characters who had big roles in the series.

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In the movies, Brandon Russel (Cassie’s stepson) was played by Matthew Knight, and his wife Tara was played by Ashley Leggat. In the series, however, Brandon was played by a different actor, Dan Jeannotte. Even odder, his wife Tara was suddenly played by a different actress in season 2. Likewise, Cassie’s former father-in-law’s girlfriend, Samantha Thurlow, disappeared without much of a word; so did Cassie’s step-daughter, Lori. All these changes and disappearances aren’t dissected in the series, which only leaves fans wondering for longer.

6 Did Sam Buy Two Lake Houses?

In the second season, Sam decided to buy a lake house after wanting a get-away house for him and his son Nick. The number of times Sam tried bonding with his son made him one of The Good Witch‘s most likable characters because his heart was dedicated to being a good dad.

When it was time to house hunt, he took Cassie along with him to make sure it was the right fit for his family. In this episode, the house had multiple levels with wrap-around decks and was painted white. However, in ‘Family Time,’ Sam and Cassie were finally a couple and wanted to take their kids to the lakehouse to connect as a unit. This time around, the house was completely different. Everything from the shape of the house to the details was different.

5 How Does Cassie Stay In Business?

The Bell, Book, and Candle is an important setting in The Good Witch because it’s Cassie’s store and the place where most of Cassie’s witchy vibes come from. Cassie loved helping customers as they searched her store for the perfect gift. However, whenever customers asked Cassie about a specific item, she typically told them it was “on the house” and that they could pay her back when they were ready.

With that being the case, how was The Bell, Book, and Candle in business for over 15 years? Her best friend Stephanie and the mayor, Martha, get the most free goodies and rarely pay for anything. As many wise quotes Cassie shares with her patrons, she should have asked them to pay for her items.

4 Isn’t The Lights Festival In The Winter?

There are times when TV shows will switch certain episodes during production if they think they’re a better fit elsewhere in the series. And it appears The Good Witch has done this because there are a few episodes that appear out of order.

For instance, at the end of the second season, Middleton was preparing for its Lights Festival that happened every December. But in the series special that premiered after the second season, it was miraculously Halloween in October. The continuity errors were not missed and had them scratching their heads over the timeline.

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3 Tara Gave Up Cambridge For What Exactly?

Brandon and Tara’s relationship was shown more in The Good Witch movies, which some fans enjoyed more compared to the series. Nevertheless, in the first season of the series, it’s noted that Tara was accepted to get her Ph.D. at the prestigious Cambridge in England. Without talking to Brandon, Tara already accepted the student role and was prepared to go.

However, she never talked it through with her husband. Her drive for her Ph. D. was incredibly strong and respected. But when Brandon refused to go to England with her, Tara declined the opportunity and stayed in Middleton. What doesn’t make sense is that after years of hard work and schooling, Tara did nothing with her degree, lost her drive, and never went back. Her character’s personality completely changed.

2 What Happened To Grace’s Focus?

Grace had magical abilities just like her mother and cousins but she’s also one of the most intelligent characters on The Good Witch. She always had great grades and a good head on her shoulders. And while that aspect of Grace’s personality stayed with her throughout her time on the show, her focus altered.

One minute she was a math whiz, then she focused on history, and then suddenly she had a strong passion to be a writer. But at the last minute, Grace suddenly wanted to be a fashion designer and was going to college for fashion design. While most teens change their interests, Grace’s seemed uncharacteristic.

1 The Relationship Between Cassie & Abigail

When Abigail first showed up at Grey House, Cassie had a worried look on her face. Abigail was her equally magical cousin who caused chaos everywhere she went. She strung men along, she caused problems, and she wasn’t reliable. Cassie was worried about having someone like her around her small town and children. Cassie even warned her daughter about spending time with Abigail. And while Abigail was intimidating, she was anything but trouble.

A few episodes after being introduced to Abigail she was already a member of society and working in the town. She was so reliable and honest that she even became the mayor of Middleton. Looking back at Cassie’s views on Abigail, it made fans wonder if Abigail changed or if the writers changed her personality for the sake of the show.

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