Teen drama 13 Reasons Why has become one of the most successful series on streaming service Netflix. The fourth and final season of the controversial show, based on the novel of the same name by Jay Asher, premiered in June this year.

The kids at Liberty High have had to deal with rape, murder, and suicide, which are all contentious subjects for a TV series aimed at teenagers, but the show has captivated audiences of all ages since 2017. The show’s creator Brian Yorkey did a great job of creating layered characters, not all of whom are straightforward heroes or villains.

12 Aries – Jessica Davies

You can easily figure out which 13 Reasons Why character you have most in common with, just by looking at your Zodiac sign. If you are Aries, then you share a lot of personality traits with Jessica Davies, played by Alisha Boe.

Jessica was also a rape victim, but she took that experience and used it to help other people, setting up a group for the survivors of sexual assault at Liberty High. Aries make great leaders, and Jessica showed great leadership in her response to what was a very traumatic event.

11 Taurus – Clay Jensen

Taureans are very loyal to their friends and will support and defend them to the last, just like Clay Jensen did after Hannah’s suicide. It was Clay (Dylan Minette) who took on the responsibility of figuring out what had driven his best friend to suicide, almost to the point of obsession.

Taurus is the most loyal sign of the Zodiac, but they are also stubborn – and Clay was certainly doggedly persistent in his pursuit of the truth about Hannah’s life and death, to the point where it even began to affect his own health.


10 Gemini – Alex Standall

The Zodiac sign Gemini is symbolized by twins, and people born under this star do tend to have two very different sides to their personalities. They can be great friends and good fun to be around, but they are just as likely to act impulsively, regardless of the consequences.

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Alex Standall, one of Hannah’s school friends, certainly acted rashly when he tried to take revenge on Jessica for breaking up with him and when he later found himself involved in the murder of Liberty High bad boy Bryce Walker.

9 Cancer – Tony Padilla

Tony Padilla was another of Hannah’s closest friends, and she also trusted him with the very important task of handing out the all-important tapes after her death.

Chances are Tony was a Cancer, as they are known not only for their trustworthiness but also because they are very good at following instructions – so long as those instructions don’t interfere with the strong Cancerian moral code.  Hannah trusted Tony completely and knew that he would do the right thing after her suicide.

8 Leo – Bryce Walker

If your star sign is Leo, then we have bad news for you; the character who fits most closely with this sign of the Zodiac is the villainous Bryce Walker. However, this has nothing to do with the terrible way that he treats women, but the fact that he is one of the most popular guys at Liberty High.

Leos tend to be the life of the party, with a wide social circle and lots of friends. This star sign is also known for being domineering and too proud for their own good, which explains why Bryce felt that he was untouchable despite the crimes he had committed.

7 Virgo – Zach Dempsey

Like many Virgos, Zach Dempsey (Ross Butler) is kind to his friends and always tries to do the right thing, even if it doesn’t always work out that way. However, he could also be unintentionally cruel and was the subject of one of Hannah’s tapes because of the bad way in which he reacted when she turned him down.

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It seems that Zach, like other Virgos, was insecure when it came to romantic relationships, no matter how confident he may have seemed on the outside.

6 Libra – Tyler Down

Quiet and introspective, Tyler Down is something of an outsider at Liberty High, though his habit of stalking the corridors and taking candid photographs of other students often gets him into trouble.

Tyler wants friends of his own, and Librans also like to surround themselves with people who notice them and who will listen to what they have to say. Librans are known for being considerate and caring, but they do have an unpredictable side, especially when they feel as though they have been let down by others.

5 Scorpio – Hannah Baker

Hannah Baker, played by Katharine Longford, is the central character of 13 Reasons Why and the narrator of the first season. Her tragic suicide wasn’t just about how she was feeling, but about how others had made her feel, and she made sure that she got her revenge on those who had wronged her.

Like Hannah, Scorpios are vengeful personalities, and they follow the adage that “revenge is a dish best served cold”. They can also be reserved and resolute; once set on a course of action, nothing will change their minds.

4 Sagittarius – Kevin Porter

Considering 13 Reasons Why is set at a school, we don’t hear much from the teachers. One member of staff who does make a few appearances is Kevin Porter, the guidance counselor.

Sagittarians generally make good teachers, as they are inspiring and positive, as well as being impartial and objective (important traits for a guidance teacher) and unflinchingly honest. If you’re a Sagittarius, you believe that you can achieve anything you put your mind to.

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3 Capricorn – Olivia Baker

Hannah’s mother, Olivia Baker, played brilliantly by Kate Walsh, is a leading character in the first two seasons of the show, as Liberty High deals with the aftermath of her daughter’s death.

She is determined to find out why Hannah felt the need to kill herself, and also a little guilty – an emotion that Capricorns feel all too easily. Capricorn parents often focus on their careers at the expense of their children, and Olivia would be the first to admit that she didn’t really know what was going on in Hannah’s life.

2 Aquarius – Monty de la Cruz

Season two villain Monty de la Cruz uses both his physical strength and the force of his personality to make life hell for many other Liberty High pupils. Of course, not all Aquarians are bullies like Monty, but they can find it difficult to relate to the feelings and experiences of other people.

Aquarians do like to have things go their own way, however, and if people aren’t willing to play by their rules, then their response can end up being heavy-handed or even unkind.

1 Pisces – Justin Foley

Loyalty to friends is generally seen as a positive quality, but in 13 Reasons Why Justin Foley took that too far, lying and threatening other students to try and protect his friend, Bryce Walker.

Pisces is one of the most loyal signs of the Zodiac, but this means that they can also find themselves in a situation where others take advantage of that blind loyalty. Stronger personalities can influence Pisceans, and bend them to their will, which certainly seems to have been the case with Justin and Bryce.

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