Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why saw Hannah Baker posthumously confront those who contributed to her eventual suicide, but she also left a tape for her friend, Clay Jensen – here’s why. Developed by Brian Yorkey – with Selena Gomez, previously eyed for a film adaptation, now acting as an executive producer – 13 Reasons Why season 1 premiered in its entirety in early 2017. Despite telling a largely self-contained story, it was renewed for three subsequent seasons in the wake of season 1’s positive reviews and surging popularity.

Ultimately starring Katherine Langford as Hannah Baker, 13 Reasons Why picked up in the aftermath of the character taking her own life. In the middle of his grief, Clay received a set of labeled cassette tapes. As he began to listen to them, he realized that they served as an audio suicide note. Furthermore, it became clear that each tape referred to a specific person and event – each deepening her depression and pushing her ever closer to her fateful decision. Depicted through flashbacks, Hannah’s titular 13 reasons included the majority of the show’s main characters and explored such serious topics as bullying, harassment, and sexual assault.


The mere fact Clay received the tapes meant that he was also included on the list. That fact was highlighted throughout the season – adding another element of mystery to proceedings. The answer was ultimately revealed during 13 Reasons Why season 1, episode 11, “Tape 6, Side A”. Hannah told the story of the time she and Clay went to a party together. There, they finally gave in to their feelings and almost turned their friendship into something more. Unfortunately, Hannah broke down and ultimately yelled at Clay to leave. According to Hannah, she had secretly wanted Clay to stay and console her. Despite that, she didn’t blame Clay for doing merely as she outwardly demanded. Hannah went on to say that Clay didn’t actually belong on the list at all. However, he needed to be there as he was a part of her story. Plus, she wanted him to hear her side – which he may not have, had the tapes merely gone through the others.

That would have been especially true had they made it to Bryce Walker. The tape directly after Clay’s own was made for Bryce – who had raped Hannah at a separate party sometime later. Everybody on the list before Clay worked eagerly to bury the tapes and everything detailed on them. Were Bryce to have come into possession of them at that point, the intimidation and general effort made to that end would have likely been more successful. After all, Bryce and his family were notably wealthy and had access to considerable resources. Though 13 Reasons Why tried to humanize Bryce in season 3, he was originally depicted as an unrepentant monster. As such, he would’ve had little trouble making ruthlessly sure Hannah’s story went away or was otherwise discredited early. By including Clay on the list, Hannah showed remarkable foresight even amid her depression and ensured that the story would end in the right hands. In this case, it was Clay bypassing Bryce to give the tapes to Mr. Porter and spurring Tony Padilla to give a digital copy to Hannah’s parents.

Clay being on the tapes also set up a reflection of the painful and equally traumatic effects a person’s suicide can have on those left behind. Clay’s sense of guilt of what he had possibly done to Hannah weighed heavily on him in the lead up to his tape. Though Hannah told him he’d done nothing wrong, Clay’s guilt only intensified further – to the point that he almost killed himself too. Those very realistic feelings twisted his mind and manifested in several (often troubling) ways across the subsequent seasons – until, unlike Hannah, he was seemingly able to put those demons to rest in the 13 Reasons Why series finale.

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