Futurama, the second most popular animated hit show from creator Matt Groening (behind The Simpsons), ran for seven hilarious seasons from 1999 to 2013. It told the story about a pizza delivery boy named Phillip J. Fry, who unexpectedly finds himself in the future. His only descendant, Professor Farnsworth, runs a cargo shipping service, which Fry joins. There, he meets the wacky robot Bender, strong-willed ship captain Leela, and the rest of the zany crew. Of course, there are always shenanigans.

If anyone were to say that Futurama is one of the funniest animated shows of all time, they’d probably have a hard time finding someone who disagreed with them completely. Some of the funniest quotes will still make fans laugh to this day.


Updated on December 17th, 2021, by Hannah Saab: Futurama continues to be an integral part of pop culture, with a loyal fanbase, countless memes, and unforgettable quotes still causing gut-busting laughter for viewers around the world. Some iconic lines have surfaced over the past few years, which truly stand out as being among the best Futurama quotes that will leave audiences guffawing even if they’ve heard them a hundred times before.

Bender Bending Rodríguez Gets Embarassed

“I’m So Embarrassed. I Wish Everybody Else Was Dead.”

Bender is selfish, so it’s natural for him to say something to the effect of wishing “everybody else was dead.” In fact, his selfishness is part of the reason Bender is arguably the best TV robot, which sounds like something he would say about himself.

In one particular situation where he says this, even though he’s the one who has done something embarrassing, it’s everyone else who should be dead so they don’t have to see him. As if he knows that he does so many senseless things, the general public should just stop looking at him. He shouldn’t have to clean up his act for anyone else, after all.

Philip J. Fry On Valentine’s Day

“Valentine’s Day Is Coming? Oh Crap – I Forgot To Get A Girlfriend Again.”

Despite his on-again, off-again relationship with Leela, Fry is not really successful with the ladies. He’s not really what anyone would call a catch, or smooth, at all. He can be quite funny and not often in an endearing way, as he’s a mostly average person with below-average skills.

Fans can use his excuse about forgetting to “get a girlfriend” for themselves the next time Valentine’s Day comes around and they’re still single, but they shouldn’t expect the statement to make them feel any better (Fry certainly didn’t.)

Dr. John A. Zoidberg Is A Terrible Doctor

“Fry, It’s Been Years Since Medical School, So Remind Me. Disemboweling In Your Species: Fatal Or Non-Fatal?”

Dr. Zoidberg is not the first person anyone would trust to be operating on them, especially if he has to ask if disemboweling someone will kill them. In fact, now fans may be left wondering what species exists in this world that could survive being disemboweled, but that’s one of the main reasons why his character is so funny.

He just scares everyone and acts like a wacky character, but somehow he’s a doctor. Those contradictions are part of what makes the show so strange in the best and often funniest way possible.

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Turanga Leela Knows When To Quit

“Well, You Obviously Won’t Listen To Reason. So, I Guess I’ll Listen To Idiotic-Ness And Come With You.”

Leela’s quote about her crewmates not being able to “listen to reason” emphasizes the fact that she must be so frustrated being constantly surrounded by dim-witted friends. While it is hilarious, this Leela quote is also pretty representative of her personality.

She’s the person who will try to talk someone out of doing something really reckless, but if they insist on doing it anyway, she’ll go with them to make sure they stay safe. While she may stick around to rub it in and remind them that she told them so, they can always depend on her to do it again.

Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth Is Always Handing Out Dangerous Missions

“Now, Now. There Will Be Plenty Of Time To Discuss Your Objections When And If You Return.”

Professor Farnsworth isn’t really known for taking peoples’ feelings, emotions, or even lives into consideration, especially when it comes to his experiments or his job. He’s focused on getting things from point A to point B and doesn’t really seem fazed when his staff’s lives are in danger, but that’s just who he is.

His dismissive attitude towards the safety of the crew is at best, hilarious, and at worst, slightly disturbing. It’s one of the things that makes him so fascinating as a character, though, and most fans would agree that they wouldn’t change a thing.

Amy Kroker (née Wong) Knows Quality When She Sees It

“Finally, A Uniform I’d Be Happy To Be Caught Dead In!”

A funny quote about a stylish uniform is brought to fans by Amy Wong, who is a Futurama character who deserves her own spin-off. It’s her hilarious one-liners like these that make her such a lovable character.

Most people have said, “I wouldn’t be caught dead in that outfit” at least once or twice in their life, but no one ever really says the opposite. Given the workplace hazards of Amy’s job, it’s understandable that she would utter this phrase at some point or another. Is it too much to ask for a good outfit in space?

Hermes Conrad Knows How To Cover His Tracks

“If You Ask Me, It’s Mighty Suspicious. I’m Gonna Call The Police. Right After I Flush Some Things.”

It’s pretty well known that Hermes enjoys his marijuana – that’s one of many of the running jokes with his character. Everyone knows that he enjoys this habit, but he’s constantly trying to hide it in a hilariously obvious way. His quote about having to “flush some things” emphasizes that.

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Hermes has a lot of really funny signature catchphrases, like adding “sweet” before an animal or object, but he always manages to say some pretty hilarious one-liners as well. Especially when it comes to hiding his marijuana habits.

Captain Zapp Brannigan Is Never The Hero People Want To See

“I Got Your Distress Call And Came Here As Soon As I Wanted To.”

Zapp Brannigan isn’t exactly a likable character, as he doesn’t really care about anyone else. It’s his selfishness that makes him funny and he is aptly often portrayed as an arrogant and egoistic character.

The fact that he would come and help someone in an emergency situation only when he feels like doing so indicates he doesn’t actually care about that particular person’s situation. He just likes the idea of being a hero when it’s convenient for him. It’s also pretty funny that he doesn’t even care enough to worry about admitting this.

Philip J. Fry Has Interesting Tastes

“Did Everything Just Taste Purple For A Second?”

The Fry quote about tasting like purple is hilarious because it simply doesn’t make any sense. How does anything taste like a color? What could the color purple possibly taste like? Fans could associate it with grape, but it’s clear that he means that color specifically.

Of course, Fry’s character is hilarious because some of the things he says are so strange that they just don’t make any sense, which could also be because he’s not exactly the smartest person. It may frustrate his coworkers – especially Leela – but it sure makes the audience laugh.

Bender Bending Rodríguez Is A Proud Robot

“My Story Is A Lot Like Yours, Only More Interesting ‘Cause It Involves Robots.”

If fans ask Bender, any story that involves robots is probably going to be more awesome simply because robots are awesome. It’s Bender’s style to be straight-up rude to people and shut them down for his own enjoyment.

To be honest, a story about Bender, in general, is probably interesting simply because of the shenanigans he gets himself into, even if they do sometimes put others in harm’s way. It’s clear from his personality that he doesn’t really care once he has booze in one hand and a cigar in the other.

Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth Puts His Health First

“Everyone, I Have A Very Dramatic Announcement, So Anyone With A Weak Heart Should Leave Now. Goodbye.”

Professor Farnsworth sometimes comes in with a different version of his catchphrase “good news, everyone,” with a memorable one being his quote about having “a very dramatic announcement.” He warns the crew that anyone “with a weak heart” should go but seemingly forgets that he’s the one giving both the warning and the announcement.

The gut-busting moment when he turns around to leave is interrupted by Leela just in time to remind the Professor to focus. It’s an underrated but totally hilarious line that reminds fans of the Professor’s age.

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Bender Bending Rodríguez’s Famous Catchphrase

“Bite My Shiny Metal A—!”

Most fans would agree that the best Bender quote is the one where he tells others to bite him as a way to insult them. It has become an iconic catchphrase in the fandom and has been featured in several memes and even fan art about the show.

The abrasiveness of the line is part of what makes it so funny, as it perfectly captures Bender’s personality in a way that not a lot of his other quotes do. Viewers know whoever is at the receiving end of the mean phrase is going to be in trouble, especially if it’s Fry.

Turanga Leela Has To Be Honest

“At The Risk Of Sounding Negative, No.”

One of the best things about Leela is that she’s not afraid to speak her mind, no matter who she’s talking to. When Fry does something particularly questionable about supplies for a challenging delivery, she’s quick to rebut and tells him that no, they’re not ready to leave.

Her sarcastic attempt at being polite is not surprising for her character, as it is part of what makes her so fun to watch. She’s obviously annoyed by everyone’s incompetence but can’t stand to leave her colleagues and closest friends.

Philip J. Fry Starts A Meme

“Shut Up And Take My Money!”

All the “eyePhone” ads have gotten to Fry’s gullible head and he’s obsessed with the idea of owning one for himself. A hilarious moment ensues when he talks to an obviously bored store clerk about it, eagerly asking if they still have any left in stock. The visual gag could have been the best part of the scene, as the clerk reaches behind a curtain and says there may still be one somewhere, only to reveal a giant factory-like setup creating hundreds of phones.

Fry’s frantic reaction to the “last” one left is somehow even funnier, though, and it has become an Internet staple. The meme has been used throughout the years in the same way Fry says the quote, as a critique of consumerist habits and capitalistic greed – or, more often than not, just as a hilarious way to say that something is a must-have product.

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