Over a decade ago, Cartoon Network debuted its quirky workplace animated comedy, Regular Show. It followed the story of two slackers Mordecai, Rigby, and the rest of the park crew, through their ridiculous adventures. Full of pop-culture references, ’80s music, and creative storylines, it is easy to see why the show became an instantaneous hit with kids and adults alike.

Updated on July 3rd, 2021 by Kristen Palamara: Regular Show had a lot to love about it and has become a cult-classic Cartoon Network series since its final episodes aired in 2017. The series was smart, hilarious, and seriously deep at times. Fans love to watch and rewatch the show, now streaming on Hulu and HBO Max, to enjoy the misadventures of Mordecai and Rigby and to catch things they may have missed. The series has an overall IMDb rating of 8.4, but most of the most iconic, hilarious, and all-around best episodes of Regular Show are ranked even higher than that.

15 The Dome Experiment Special (9.3)

“The Dome Experiment Special” followed the park crew during an experiment where they are all locked in a bio-dome together for a month. Benson is determined to prove to everyone that the dates of the dome experiment were off.

Benson’s theory makes the group wonder about the true intentions of the bio-dome experiment and conspiracy theories swirl throughout the episode. As with many episodes of Regular Show, fans appreciated the humor and multitude of pop culture references scattered throughout. This episode had more than usual as it seemed to reference everything from The Simpsons Movie to Rambo.

14 The Real Thomas (9.4)

Rigby becomes suspicious of who Thomas truly is and begins to look into who the real Thomas is during this episode. Thomas began working at the park for college credit as an intern, but Rigby discovers the surprising truth behind Thomas.

Thomas is secretly a Russian spy and was sent to the park to try to steal the location to improve Russian parks. But, Thomas decides to save his friends when he learns that the real intention is to blow up the park. This episode shook up the series in the 6th season and immediately had fans paying attention. The outrageous and over-the-top true story about park intern Thomas being a Russian spy was so shocking and memorable that it is easily one of the top-rated episodes.


13 Skips’ Story (9.4)

“Skips’ Story” gave the audience background into Skips’ past and how he became immortal in the first place. The story begins when Mordecai and Rigby tell Skips they think it would be great to be immortal and Skips feels the need to tell them the truth about how his immortality has affected him over the years.

The episode gives fans insight into one of the lovable main characters of the series and gives Skips a tragic, yet intriguing, backstory. The 30-minute special impressed fans with the tragic love story out of nowhere and gave more depth to the fan-favorite character so there’s no surprise this is one of the top-rated episodes.

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12 Brilliant Century Duck Crisis Special (9.4)

The episode began with Mordecai and Rigby playing with cheaply made toys from a company called PlayCo and seeing a commercial advertising their products. It continued to see Mordecai, Rigby, and the rest of the park crew team up with the Baby Ducks to chase away a prehistoric creature running through the park and who had attacked Pops.

At the same time, the owners of PlayCo show up and attempt to get everyone, specifically the Baby Ducks, Mordecai, and Rigby, to sign a contract so they can make action figures based on their appearances, but they’re all hesitant given the cheaply made products. It’s an extremely silly episode but in a good way, with a lot of meta-humor about the big corporations, like the toy manufacturing PlayCo.

11 The Ice Tape (9.4)

This episode sees Mordecai, Rigby, and the park crew go on an adventure to find an ancient VCR player so they can play a particular VHS tape that is made of ice.

The ice tape supposedly tells the truth about Pops and his background in another highly rated episode that delves into the history of one of the main characters. Pops’ surprising history, from who his true father is to his species, is revealed in this episode. With Anti-Pops being introduced as Pops’ brother in the 8th and final season it gave fans endless questions about who Pops really was, and this episode provided a lot of answers making it a firm fan favorite.

10 No Train No Gain (9.4)

One of the best parts of Regular Show was its really fun parodies of classic movie tropes. In the season eight episode “No Train No Gain,” Pops gets trained by the mystical Earl who is clearly inspired by Pai Mei from the Kill Bill franchise.

However, Earl has a very particular training style, the ancient art of the “montage.” As with most things in the show, everything gets crazy very quickly and Mordecai and Rigby almost end up destroying the park. Silly and full of action movie references, this episode was a nice breather from the seriousness of the second half of the final season.

9 Kill ‘Em With Kindness (9.4)

In the final season, it was revealed that Pops was the ‘Chosen One’ meant to save the universe by fighting his evil double Anti-Pops.

In this action-packed episode, Pops still struggles with his new role and instead tries to make friends with Anti-Pops. However, he was predictably betrayed by the comically evil villain and luckily gets saved by Skips. Pops has been training for a while to face off against Anti-Pops so it makes sense that this epic climax between the two would be amongst the highest-rated episodes.

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8 Exit 9B (9.5)

“Exit 9B” found Mordecai and Rigby trying to save the park from being turned into a freeway. Unfortunately, everyone else was brainwashed and the duo spends most of the episode reverting everyone’s memories.

Eventually, the park crew finds itself in a massive fight against Garret Bobby Ferguson Jr and their previous enemies like Summertime Magic and Stag-Man. Eventually, Skips calls up the rest of his immortal friends and they win. With a bunch of callbacks to previous episodes and an alternate look at the park crew, it is easy to see why this episode was so successful.

7 Space Escape (9.5)

After months of training at the Space Tree Academy, the park crew is finally set to graduate. However, before that can happen they encounter the mysterious and powerful entity that Rigby and Mordecai dub Anti-Pops. This new villain is ruthless and seemingly would stop at nothing to get to Pops.

An epic battle erupts that ends with some of the crew of the Space Tree Academy sacrificing themselves in order to save Pops. Impressively, the episode took a far darker tone than what fans were used to seeing and perfectly set up the second half of the season.

6 Meet The Seer (9.5)

Set right after “Kill ‘Em With Kindness”, the crew find themselves on Planet Nielsen where they go see The Seer. Clearly based on The Architect from The Matrix, The Seer has been “watching” the lives of Pops and the park crew since the very beginning. She reveals to them that Pops and Anti-Pops will have their final battle on their home planet, Lolliland.

Importantly, the episode is reminiscent of the Format Wars of the previous seasons, and just like those, the episode perfectly breaks the fourth wall by reflecting on the quality of the “show” and its inevitable ending.

5 Cheer Up Pops (9.5)

After meeting The Seer, the crew is on their way to Lolliland for the final battle. However, Pops is upset and worried that he won’t be able to save them and the Universe. So, everyone tries to cheer up pops in their own unique ways.

They eventually throw a party where Blue-ray shows up and offers to record everyone’s memories on a Blue-ray set so that no matter what happens, they will always be remembered. Like always, Rigby almost messes it up for everyone but eventually, the set is complete and buried in the park. Again, the episode perfectly breaks the fourth wall and adds an emotional message that although the “show” is ending, it will always be remembered.

4 Rigby’s Graduation Day Special (9.6)

Rigby was often seen as the less intelligent of the duo and this was partly because he was a high school dropout. In the season seven finale, he finally graduates and is asked to give an inspirational graduation speech and, as always, hijinks ensue.

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In the end, he delivers a heartfelt speech that showed Rigby’s growth over the season as well as the wholesomeness of his friendship with Mordecai. Funny and sweet, the episode also acted as the setup for the show’s space adventures, therefore it is easy to see why this episode was a fan favorite.

3 A Regular Epic Final Battle: Part 2 (9.6)

The second part of the three-part finale, finally sees Pops and Anti-Pops starting their universe-ending battle. Although the episode starts with just the two of them, it soon divulges into an epic group battle with the rest of the park crew and all their allies such as the Guardians of Eternal Youth, the older Formats, and The Baby Ducks.

However, they aren’t able to stop Anti-Pops and the fight continues. Just before they are able to lock fists, Rigby and Mordecai break up the fight, and the universe restarts.

2 A Regular Epic Final Battle: The Power  (9.6)

The last part of the finale brilliantly starts the same way the very first episode of Regular Show starts. However, Rigby feels there is something off and eventually is able to convince Mordecai by showing him the Blue-ray disk set buried in the park.

The battle restarts between Pops and Anti-Pops and in an emotional and dark twist Pops sacrifices himself by throwing both him and Anti-Pops into the Sun. The Universe returns to normal and fans are able to see how the rest of the park crew live the rest of their lives. In the end, the entire finale was an action-packed and heartfelt sendoff to one of Cartoon Network’s best shows.

1 A Regular Epic Final Battle: Part 1 (9.9)

In the first part of the battle, the crew arrives on planet Lolliland. The crew is led through the agent tapestries which reveal the history of all the previous battles between Pops and Anti-Pops as well as the importance of the rest of the park crew.

Thanks to Mordecai, the crew sets up a bunch of traps to beat Anti-Pops and fans see the last bits of the hijinks and balls to the wall silliness that the show was known for. Although they don’t succeed in stopping Anti-Pops, this episode was the perfect start to the Regular Show finale.

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