The Simpsons is the longest-running scripted series in U.S. history, let alone the longest-running animated series. With so many episodes under their belt (over 30 seasons worth, to be exact), and with so much material to sift through and enjoy, it’s very easy for fans to pick and choose their favorite memories, embedded within quotes.

A person’s age and generational leanings can be determined by the quotes they gravitate towards, either from the golden era of the series, or some of the more recent episodes of year’s past. Some have endured the cultural zeitgeist more than others, and so here is a list of the quotes that still resonate with Simpsons fans.

Updated November 20th, 2020 by George Chrysostomou: Considering the latest season of The Simpsons is now available to enjoy on Disney+ across the world, it seems appropriate to revisit even more of their fantastic quotes from across the years; the kind that really plays on the mind afterward. 

15 Me Fail English? That’s Unpossible.

Ralph Wiggum isn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. It’s often quite easy to feel sorry for him. However, this quote from Season 6 of the show, Lisa On Ice, really shows the full extent of how stupid he is!

Unfortunately, he doesn’t quite understand how he has failed English. It’s quite baffling though because he can’t even form the full sentence without making a clear grammatical error! There may still be hope for him yet though.

14 I’d Rather Let A Thousand Guilty Men Go Free Than Chase After Them.

Of course, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. Ralph’s father, Chief Wiggum, doesn’t seem to take his own job too seriously. In fact, in Saddlesore Galactica, an episode in season 11 of the show, Wiggum showed just how lazy he was!

Stating that he’d rather let criminals go free than having to actually chase after them, it was a clear indication that his attitude to policing was pretty laid back. No wonder there’s constant crime across Springfield!


13 Shoplifting Is A Victimless Crime. Like Punching Someone In The Dark.

Nelson has clearly been taught the wrong lessons and it really makes the audience think about his background and upbringing. Somewhere along the way, Nelson has been taught that shoplifting is actually ok because it doesn’t affect anyone.

In episode 11 of season 6, Marge Be Not Proud, Nelson states that shoplifting is a victimless crime. Ironically, he compares this to punching someone in the dark which is far from victimless and simply protects the identity of the person doing the assault.

12 Skinner Said The Teachers Will Crack Any Minute Purple Monkey Dishwasher.

Principal Skinner has never been a great leader. But when the PTA stood down in The PTA Disbands of season 6, things went from bad to worse. Very quickly the structure of the school started to crumble.

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As the teachers panicked and tried to take action, some started to lose it a bit. It was Skinner’s goal to make them crack and this was perfectly illustrated in one hilarious quote, where mid-sentence an anonymous teacher really does break.

11 This Anonymous Clan Of Slack-Jawed Troglodytes Has Cost Me The Election. And Yet, If I Were To Have Them Killed, I Would Be The One To Go To Jail. That’s Democracy For You.

Mr. Burns clearly doesn’t really understand democracy. Yet, it’s a quote that has continued to remain relevant throughout all of political history since, he demonstrates just how corrupt he really is and where power should lie.

After failing in his electoral bid in Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish of season 2 of the show, Burns comes out with this fantastic line that still has many people thinking about just how sinister he is.

10 Everything’s Coming Up Milhouse!

When it comes to the Simpsons, Milhouse is the quintessential definition of the term “butt-monkey”. From the tenth season episode “Mom and Pop Art”, the Van Houten household becomes a target of flooding. Milhouse laments having to wear capri pants, but when the floodwaters reach his room, he is elated to discover that while his feet are soaking wet, the cuffs of his pants “are bone dry”, inspiring the infamous phrase.

Now “Everything’s coming up Milhouse” has joined the lexicon as a phrase meaning a seemingly unfortunate situation ultimately working in one’s favor.

9 My Eyes! The Goggles Do Nothing!

Another episode that involves hard-luck Milhouse; in the season seven episode “Radioactive Man”, he is chosen to be the sidekick to Ranier Wolfcastle in the next hit superhero action flick. There is an expensive million-dollar scene that the studio only has one shot to pull off, but Milhouse can’t handle the pressure and goes AWOL.

Wolfcastle is given goggles to protect his eyes from the deluge of actual acid in the scene, but when the wave hits him, it’s revealed that the protective eyewear has no effect, leading to one of the series most hilarious line utterances.

8 I Call the Big One “Bitey”.

Homer is a treasure a trove of many memorable Simpsons quotes. One of his best lines come from the season four episode, “Marge vs. the Monorail”. While Springfield embraces the new monorail transportation system, Marge seems to be the only sensible person who can immediately see the venture’s flaws.

Homer, however, is all on board (pun intended) when he is hired as the monorail conductor. After a brief tour of the train, Marge and Homer uncover a family of possums living in the vehicle’s interior. It is here that Homer proudly declares his moniker for the mother rodent.

7 I Think Women and Seamen Don’t Mix.

Oh, Smithers. Mr. Burns’ loyal lackey has a few amazing one-liners throughout the series. A particular racy line comes from the third Treehouse of Horror episode. In the segment titled “King Homer”, Burns asks his opinion on allowing Marge to board the ship to Ape Island….to which Smithers replies “I think women and seamen don’t mix”.

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This is obviously in reference to the superstitious belief that females are bad luck and shouldn’t be allowed on ships, but knowing what fans know now of Smithers’ sexual proclivities, this was probably also intended as a double entendre cheekily snuck past 90s censors.

6 I Was Saying “Boo-urns”

Back on the Burns-y kick. In the season six crossover episode “A Star is Burns” Jay Sherman from the short-lived animated series The Critic makes the trip to Springfield to judge a film festival. When Mr. Burns releases his movie, it’s universally panned.

The crowd boos, but Smithers convinces him it is actually a chant of his name with two syllables, coming out as “Boo-urns”. Burns asks for clarification, only to for the crowd to voice their displeasure even louder…except for one Hans Moleman, who admits he actually was cheering on Burns for his expensive, self-indulgent tripe.

5 Worst. Episode. Ever.

When a show lasts as long as The Simpsons, even the secondary characters get a chance at witty, memorable quips. Such is the case with the season 8 episode “The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show”. Homer lands the role of Poochie, a focus-group-tested canine creation injected into the struggling cartoon in a bid to boost ratings.

The move backfired and Poochie is vilified after his debut. The owner of the comic book shop, known as Comic Book Guy, goes on a self-righteous rant on how The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie show was the worst thing in the history of television. He is promptly told off by Bart but stands by his conviction that it is indeed the worst episode ever, punctuating each word for emphasis. These three words were forever associated with a sub-par product from an otherwise spectacular series (looking at you, season eight of Game of Thrones).

4 You Don’t Win Friends With Salad.

“Lisa the Vegetarian” was a watershed moment in the series. In this season seven episode, Lisa suddenly takes an aversion to eating meat when she makes the connection between what’s on her plate and the cute farm animals at the petting zoo she visited. She locks horns with Homer while he’s in the midst of hosting the biggest BBQ on the block, and the episode culminates with Lisa being judged for not being vegan.

This episode stands out because it permanently changes Lisa Simpson into a vegetarian, as per Sir Paul McCartney’s stipulation for lending his voice as a guest star. In the middle of the episode, Homer makes the argument that he would be less popular with his friends if he hosted meatless BBQ, which spurs an impromptu congo line with lyrics so infectious even Marge had to get in on the fun!

3 You Got the Dud!

In the season seven finale episode “Summer of 4 ft 2”, the Simpsons go on vacation in a beach town and Lisa befriends a group of cool kids who aren’t aware of her geeky identity back in Springfield. This leaves Bart forced to hang out with his less-cool parents and Milhouse; they play an old board game titled Mystery Date.

Bart ends up choosing a loser character who looks similar to Milhouse, to which case Marge declares quite jovially “You Got the Dud”! This scene is made all the more delicious by Homer’s delayed reaction and eventual realization of Bart’s misfortune. This line itself has gained traction on the Internet in the past decade, especially as a viral compilation on Youtube.

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2 Lisa Needs Braces!/Dental Plan!

The only quote on the list that’s actually a quote by two separate people. In the season four episode “Last Exit to Springfield” Homer is about to lose his dental plan in exchange for a keg of beer. Only a few scenes earlier, however, it is revealed that Lisa will need braces, an expensive dental procedure.

As he waits in line for the beer, these two facts converge in his head through repetition until he realizes they are not mutually exclusive: if he gives up the dental plan, he won’t be able to afford Lisa’s braces. Again, it’s the sheer repetition of this scene that makes endure in fans’ collective conscience.

1 To Alcohol! The Cause of… and Solution to… All of Life’s Problems.

Homer fights against prohibition in the eighth season episode “Homer vs. The Eighteenth Amendment”. After he saves the day and they purge Springfield of Rex Banner, the hard-nosed enforcer of Prohibition, alcohol is reinstated into the town, and he quotes a line that aptly describes the inebriating beverage.

One of the few quotes that can be repeated out of context and still be relevant without any existing knowledge of The Simpsons, it has become a popular motto on many a poster hanging on the dormitory walls of freshman college students.

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