Although it is hard to sustain a relationship in the crazy world of Hollywood, there have been those celebrity couples whose adorably sweet and authentic real-life romance have just touched the hearts of fans all over the world. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone definitely stood out in that regard.

The two young actors met while making 2012’s The Amazing Spider-Man and sparks flew from the get-go. While the film and its subsequent sequel didn’t necessarily wow critics or some intense aficionados of the comic book web-slinger, most agreed that Garfield, as Peter Parker,and Stone, as his doomed love Gwen Stacy, created some of the best onscreen chemistry ever.

It surprised no one when rumors started circulating that the two had fallen in love in real life. Throughout their nearly four-year relationship, Garfield and Stone never officially confirmed their romance in public. They’d make red-carpet appearances ever so often, paparazzi snapped PDA pics, and during the press tours for the ASM films, they’d show off their cute rapport, but not once did they say, “Yes, we are a couple.”

Then the heart-wrenching news came out in 2015 that they split, and fans legitimately had a tough time accepting it. That’s why when the two looked chummy again in 2017, as Stone was winning award after award for her delightful turn in La La Land, there was a palpable hope they were reconciling. It doesn’t seem to be happening, but that hope is still very much alive.

Here are 16 Secrets Behind Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield’s Relationship.


We know how Garfield and Stone sizzled on The Amazing Spider-Man set, but what was the moment like when they first actually laid eyes on each other? For Garfield, he admitted he was smitten right away.

It happened during Stone’s audition for Gwen Stacy in the superhero reboot. Garfield had already been cast as Peter Parker/Spider-Man – which was a dream come true for Garfield. He has said what a huge fan of the comics he was ever since he was a kid. “[Spider-Man] has been such an important symbol to me… Every skinny boy’s dream.”

In the auditions for Gwen, Garfield recounted how had spent the whole day doing reads with the various actresses that came in, and he was about done with it when Stone walked in.

The actor recalled (via Bustle), “It was like I woke up when she came in… It was like diving into whitewater rapids and having no desire to hang onto the side. Throughout shooting, it was wild and exciting.”

He added, “We got on really well as people, in between [takes]. That was the fun stuff: In between, we’d just mess around, and I felt, ‘Ah, this is different.’ I wasn’t really aware what was happening in the screen test. She keeps you on your toes, and that wakes you up. That was the beginning.”


While the attraction between Garfield and Stone was pretty immediate, there was a bit of a snag – they were both involved with other people at the time they were shooting Amazing Spider-Man.

Stone was dating actor Keiran Culkin (younger brother of Macaulay Culkin), who she met in the 2009 dramedy Paper Man. The actress is notoriously private about her relationships, and never really talked about her time with Culkin, but it was reported they split in April of 2011.

Garfield was in a three-year relationship with actress Shannon Woodward, best known for starring in the sitcom Raising Hope and most recently in season 1 of HBO’s Westworld. He talked about how busy their work schedules were during their relationship. “I’m just busier,” the actor once told Parade (via Daily Mail). “That’s the main thing. I haven’t got as much time to mope about and complain that I’m bored. She travels with me when she’s not working.”

A month after Stone and Culkin broke up, Garfield and Woodward also split.

The rumors then flew fast and furious that Garfield and Stone were indeed an item, with neither one of them confirming anything. At the 2011 Comic-Con, promoting ASM, the two were extremely charismatic and chummy but stayed mum on the romance. So frustrating!



Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield actually had friend in common before they even became a couple: Jesse Eisenberg, who had worked with them both prior to their romance.He also shares their comic book connection, due to playing Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League.

Eisenberg and Stone knew each other first when they starred in the hilarious 2009 zombie comedy Zombieland. The two became fast friends off set. “She’s phenomenal. She’s a totally unique talent… hysterical and real,” the actor said in Chicago Tribune interview, while Stone gushed, “He’s a genius. He’s the funniest person I’ve ever met… He’s just so open and lovely.”

Fans still haven’t given up on a Zombieland sequel. Eisenberg told EW, “I would hope that it happens, and I’m sure everybody would be happy to do it if it happens and it’s good.”

Eisenberg later became really good friends with Garfield when the two starred in the excellent David Fincher/Aaron Sorkin film The Social Network in 2010. Garfield told Pop Sugar how he and Eisenberg bonded, “We’d share rides in together in the morning and eat lobster in Boston, crab in Baltimore. Wherever we were, we’d have the shellfish of that specific area of the United States. Little things like that.” Garfield even attended the opening of Eisenberg’s play The Spoils in 2016.

This shared friendship with Eisenberg just goes to show you how compatible Garfield and Stone must be.


Garfield played a Portuguese Jesuit in Martin Scorsese’s underrated 2016 movie Silence and said he experienced something he never quite had in a movie. In W Magazine‘s YouTube series “Screen Tests,” the actor went deep and talked about basically praying for a year in preparation, developing “a relationship with something greater than myself,” he said.

This train of esoteric thought somehow lead into how he celebrated his “perfect” 29th birthday in 2012. He recalled to W, “I was with my most favorite people in the world. I was with eight of my closest friends.” Garfield then explained his friends surprised him, showing up in an L.A. They all went to Disneyland and ate “[special] brownies… it was literally heaven.” He doesn’t mention Stone by name, but she had to be there.

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He laughed about how he got a little freaked out on It’s a Small World ride because he realized it really was a small world, and how he and his friends just danced around Fantasyland. The actor also said he almost bought a backpack in the shape of Chewbacca from Star Wars. “Chewbacca’s head is like right here and his arms are over my shoulders. And his legs wrap around my waist. In retrospect, I should have just got it. It was a great backpack.” How can you not love this guy?


Some of the best moments between Garfield  and Stone were on their press tours together for the Amazing Spider-Man movies. Toward the end of 2012, it was clear the two were a couple, generally being adorable when they were snapped together. But then in 2013, the two kept a lower profile because they were busy shooting Amazing Spider-Man 2, which also starred Jamie Foxx as the villain Electro.

Once the film was nearing release in 2014, Foxx, Garfield, and Stone did the majority of the press together – as Foxx tried a few times to get the two of them to publicly admit they were in love.

Take, for example, when the trio was on The Ellen Show. Host Ellen DeGeneres, also a sly one when it comes to getting her guests to admit dating rumors, asked if Andrew and Emma’s chemistry was just natural or did they have to “practice” kissing.

Stone just looked at Garfield, who was clearly uncomfortable, while Foxx was off on the side, patting himself down like they were too hot. “Just looks so natural, whew… I’m not trying to get into nothing, I’m just saying” he smiled. Then when DeGeneres wouldn’t really drop it, Foxx interjected, “I say it’s great acting.”

Then in Moviefone‘s “Unscripted” series, Foxx flat out asked them if their “personal connection” helped with the acting. “It sure does,” Emma patiently responded, patting Foxx on the shoulder. “It sure does, thanks for asking.”


Sticking with the privacy thing, the cute couple also had a unique way of interacting with the photographers who would follow them around the Big Apple when they were together.

Instead of just putting their heads down and quickly walking away or stopping and posing for photos (which is really what those guys want a celebrity to do anyway), Garfield and Stone held up signs in front of their faces.

The first time they did it was in 2012, after having dinner in the city. They walked out with signs, which read, “We just found out that there are paparazzi outside the restaurant we were eating in. Why not take this opportunity to bring attention to organizations that need and deserve it?, Have a good day!”

Then, another time, Stone held up a sign that said, “Good morning! We were eating and saw a group of guys with cameras outside. And so we thought, let’s try this again. We don’t need the attention, but these wonderful organizations do,” with an arrow pointing to Garfield’s sign. His card finished the message, giving information for charities that the couple supports. “,, (and don’t forget), Here’s to the stuff that matters. Have a great day!” 

That’s definitely a great way to handle paparazzi.


Stone and Garfield did have many things in common – charities, a great sense of humor, and a love for animals – including their beloved dog, Ren.

The two fell in love with the 2-year-old female purebred golden retriever just before Christmas in 2012, meeting her at an animal shelter called Saving Spot! Dog Rescue of Los Angeles, after she was surrendered by her previous owner. “She was one of the dogs they first saw, but they weren’t sure,” a source told People. “They left and they couldn’t stop thinking about her, so they came back for her. And it’s true love.”

The couple were originally just going to take the dog in as a foster pet but officially adopted her on Christmas Eve, naming her Ren on the spot.

“She won the doggie lottery,” added the source, who described the already house-trained pup as “a typical golden puppy. Very, very sweet and loving. They totally fell in love with her.”

Photos were often snapped of Stone and Garfield walking the dog. When asked by reporters how things were going with Ren, Stone beamed, “You know, it’s good.”

We’re just wondering now that they are not together, who got custody of Ren? Maybe it’s a joint custody thing.


Then the sad news in April 2015: Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone were splitting up. There were inklings of something amiss when Garfield did not attend the Oscars with Stone, despite her being nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her turn in Birdman. He was filming Scorsese’s Silence at the time.

It was a crushing blow to fans since they seemed to be such an ideal couple, but it must have been an even bigger blow for the two of them. Garfield pretty much said as much when he opened up to USA Today in September 2015 about how he felt being in the public eye. “Having a relationship with the public is very confusing to me, maybe as an English person because I can’t do the — I’m not very good at the Twitter,” he said.

“I really struggle with (promotion). I really want my work to be seen. I want people to see work I do, that’s important to me… I’m a mess. Like everybody else, I’m just struggling through trying to make sense of this weirdness we’re all in, the weirdness of being alive.”

Garfield said, very honestly, “I’m not OK. I am not OK.”

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He continued, “That feels really good to say to you. I’m really not all right. I’m in the struggle of being a person. I haven’t got anything figured out.” Poor Garfield.


More guarded than her ex about what she says in public, Stone nevertheless also seemed to feel the sting of their breakup.

When they were together, Stone hardly ever gushed about Garfield on camera besides the usual stuff, but she did admit to ABC News’ Amy Robach in 2014, “It’s like a dream to work with him. He’s obviously one of the greatest actors we have alive today. And he’s also just a remarkable human being. I love him very much.” That comment gained a lot of traction because it was one of the first times the actress verbally confirmed her relationship with Garfield, even if she did it in a roundabout way.

Then Garfield and Stone split and while the actor continued to share his feelings, as above, Stone still kept it close the vest. She showed just the barest of her feelings when she spoke with Vogue in 2016.

She and the Vogue reporter, who were mostly talking about Stone’s upcoming performance in La La Land (which would win the actress her first Oscar), had spent the day bowling and in quiet moment while just sitting, Stone said that she still loved Garfield “very much,” and added drily, “I’m really glad you’re sitting down so I can tell you.” Then she showed her heart a little. “It’s been interesting. It’s been a good year. And sad. Pros and cons.”


Like we said, when the couple broke up, our collective hearts broke, too. Of course, these were just two people like anyone else who needed to move on, regardless of how adorable they were with each other. There is a sort of messed-up fascination we have with celebrities we love – or even love to hate – so we get why some Hollywood A-listers become frustrated. Maybe enough so that sometimes they want to mess with us a little.

Case in point: several months after their supposed split, Stone was spotted coming out of a stylist’s office she shares with Garfield, carrying a brown paper bag with the actor’s name clearly written on it. Naturally, this sparked speculation that the two were back together.

The Wall Street Journal conducted an in-depth interview with Stone shortly after the paparazzi pics turned up, and asked the actress what the deal was.

She understood why people might take it as a sign – and that’s why she didn’t turn the bag around to hide Garfield’s name.

She explained, “When I picked up the bag, I was like, ‘This is kind of funny if there are any [paparazzi] out there.’ There’s probably some rebelliousness that comes out in me after all these stories and people texting you for weeks about something that, for the most part, is not true. But even when it’s false, I would rather just let it be false.” Nice one.


In the same Wall Street Journal interview, Stone continued to voice her frustrations about why she even had to answer the question about carrying a bag with Garfield’s name on it to begin with.

“See, I never talk about this stuff for this exact reason—because it’s all so speculative and baseless,” Stone said. “Once you start responding – once you’re like, ‘No, that’s not true’ – then they’re like, ‘Well if we push enough, we’ll get a comment, so let’s see what else we can make up.’ I understand the interest in it completely,” she added, “because I’ve had it, too. But it’s so special to me that it never feels good to talk about, so I just continually don’t talk about it.”

This is also the reason Stone (like Garfield) doesn’t like social media. “It’s that need to be liked,” she explained during a chat for the Los Angeles Times and EPIX’s five-part TV series Hollywood Sessions. “That need to be seen, that need to be validated, in a way, through no one that you know…It’s this very modern ‘keeping up with the Joneses.’ It’s almost impossible to find someone that’s not, in some way, on the Internet…Every time I talk about social media, I forget where I’m going. I go into a rabbit hole.

Stone added about fame, “It seems like everybody knows what that feels like. It seems like everyone’s cultivating their lives on Instagram or on different forms of social media, and what pictures looks best of their day.”


During the 2017 awards season, Stone and Garfield starting running into each other more and more. She was being handed most of the Best Actress awards for her performance as the wannabe starlet trying to make it in La La Land, while Garfield gained some awards traction for his turn as a WWII medic who refused to take lives in Hacksaw Ridge.

At the 2017 Governor’s Awards, the exes reunited, and they couldn’t have looked happier.

The duo was seen “talking during almost every opportunity,” an eyewitness told E! News, and in many of the photos, they were snapped laughing.

Then at the 2017 Golden Globes, Garfield gave Stone a standing ovation when she won a Golden Globe, and a month later, fans shared a screenshot of the actor getting emotional when she won Best Actress at the Oscars.

Garfield was just wowed by Stone and talked about her a lot during this time. He told Vanity Fair, “I’m constantly inspired by her work. I’m constantly inspired by how she handles and holds herself. So for me, I’ve—it’s been bliss to be able to watch her success and watch her bloom into the actress that she is. And it’s also been wonderful to have that kind of support for each other. It’s nothing but a beautiful thing.”

This mutual affection seemed to carry on for months after the awards season, so maybe there is still hope.


Unfortunately, no real rekindling of their romance has happened. Stone did go to London in May of 2017 to see Garfield perform in a 25th-anniversary revival of Angels in America. “She was in the audience watching the show,” an eyewitness told People. “She left backstage with him.”

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“They never stopped caring about each other,” a source told People. “Even when they split, Emma and Andrew had great love and respect for each other.” Another reported source added that “the feeling between them is still romantic,” but most people who know the Amazing Spider-Man co-stars have said that the two are simply supportive exes and friends.

So what’s really holding them back from a reconciliation? One of the sources believes the two would only start dating again “if the timing is right” and they are not so focused on their careers. “They care about each other and encourage the other’s career.”

Garfield may hold more hope in his heart that they’ll get back together than even fans. In December 2017, he was asked by The Hollywood Reporter at a special actors’ roundtable who he’d take with him on a desert island. His answer: “Emma Stone. I love Emma. She’s all right. She can come.”


Stone has reportedly been dating Saturday Night Live writer and segment director Dave McCary. In fact, according to a People source, they have been dating since the middle of last year.

They met in 2016 when Stone was hosting SNL. McCary directed the short “Wells for Boys,” which is hilarious. McCary has worked at the long-running NBC sketch show since 2014 and is also the co-founder of the sketch comedy group Good Neighbor, along with Kyle Mooney, Beck Bennett, and Nick Rutherford.

“He is one of the most tender, beautiful hands when it comes to directing,” fellow SNL writer Julio Torres told Vulture about McCary.

An insider also told People, “Dave has this core of kindness and sweetness. He’s tall and fit, confident and funny. He’s not someone who seeks the spotlight,” which is perfect for Stone because once again, who’s likely trying to keep the romance under wraps as long as she possibly can.

She was spotted last July attending the premiere of McCary’s feature directorial debut Brigsby Bear and in November, they enjoyed a showing of The Nutcracker in Manhattan, along with SNL alum Mooney and stopped for an affectionate moment as McCary wrapped his arm around his girlfriend outside the theater


Garfield has said he felt like “a gay man…without the physical act,” spurred on by his stage performance in Angels in America.

He plays Prior Walter, the tormented, AIDS-afflicted gay man at the center of the play, which is set in 1980s and runs about seven hours in total. As mentioned, Garfield first did the production in London but is now heading up its new revival on Broadway.

The comment, which the actor said in July of last year, caused a bit of a backlash, but Garfield told BBC’s Newsbeat the quote was taken out of context. “That discussion was about this play and how deeply grateful I am that I get to work on something so profound… It’s a love letter to the LGBTQ community. We were talking about, ‘How do you prepare for something so important and so big?’ and I was basically saying, ‘I dive in as fully as I possibly can.'”

Then, in an interview with Out magazine earlier this year, Garfield expounded on that idea. Up until this point, I’ve only been… attracted to women,” he said. “My stance toward life, though, is that I always try to surrender to the mystery of not being in charge… I have an openness to any impulses that may arise within me at any time. But, if I were to identify, I would identify as [straight], and being someone who identifies that way, and who’s taking on this seminal role, my scariest thought was, Am I allowed to do this?”


Don’t put the Garfield-Stone relationship in the waste bin quite yet.

Rumors had circulated that Stone was considering buying a house in London. The actress had reportedly fallen in love with the British city when she filmed her upcoming period drama The Favourite – a film about the rivalry at the court of Queen Anne (Olivia Coleman) in the 18th century. The queen took a shining to a lowly courtier (Stone) much to the chagrin of a scheming duchess, played by Rachel Weisz.

Reports, however, say there might also be another motive for Stone to live in London – to be closer to the British Garfield. 

On top of that, Garfield and Stone are constantly in contact because they share many close friends, as evidenced by the Eisenberg entry. Stone introduced pal Taylor Swift to her The Favourite co-star Joe Alwyn, who is now Swift’s boyfriend, while Garfield and Alwyn are also friends.

A source told OK! “Even as Emma wanted to cut Andrew out of her life, she probably couldn’t because she has so many of the same close friends. Most people in Emma and Andrew’s worlds think the pair are destined to reunite.” We are all crossing their fingers.

Are there any other Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone secrets we might be missing? Let us know in the comments below!

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