In the worlds of pop culture and fiction, it’s hard to imagine a series that is more beloved and universally recognized as the Harry Potter franchise. In the years during and since its release, Harry Potter became a cultural juggernaut unlike anything the world has ever seen, and it doesn’t seem like its reputation as one of the greatest stories ever told is going anywhere anytime soon.

As a book series, it’s safe to say that Harry Potter is chock full of amazing and memorable quotes. Some of them are perfect embodiments of a certain character, and others are just thoughts and philosophies that are inspiring and clever. But–regardless of why–they’re quotes that have stuck in the hearts and minds of fans for years. So for anyone who is considering getting a tattoo in honor of their favorite series, here are a few short Harry Potter quotes that would make great tattoos.


Updated January 2nd, 2022 by Hilary Elizabeth: Harry Potter has one of the most devoted and enthusiastic fanbases in media history, and it seems like interest in the franchise will never end. A significant reason why the story sticks with so many people and touches them deeply is that it deftly communicates a lot of ideas and philosophies that fans can relate to or aspire to. There are many wonderful lines in Harry Potter, but some are so great they’re worthy of some more permanent ink.

Staying Strong

Don’t Let The Muggles Get You Down.

Muggles are non-magical people, as opposed to the wizards and witches who use magic. One of the core themes of Harry Potter is that everyone has value, regardless of their abilities. But there are people who suck the magic out of life, those who do not see or understand the inherent mysticism of the world. The best example of the hostility of Muggles is probably the Dursleys, whose pursuit of a normal life led them to abuse Harry and try to keep him from Hogwarts.

Technically, this line is rephrasing an older saying, but the books reword it to capture the spirit of the original quote while removing the profanity.

Another Adventure

To The Well-Organized Mind, Death Is But The Next Great Adventure.

People fear death. But there is a mystery and transcendence to the end of life as well. Often, tattoos serve to honor a loved one who has passed, but they can also represent an ideal. This line can help in commemorating an adventurous soul or a person whose mind was particularly well organized before they departed for the next great adventure, but it is also a great attitude to approach moving through life.

This is a bit of a longer quote, but there is a profound nature to it. It might also work well with an image of the Deathly Hallows since one of the three brothers learned to greet Death as an old friend.

The Trouble With The Truth

The Truth. It Is A Brilliant But Terrible Thing.

The truth hurts. This is an old truism often cited, and yet that does not mean the truth is a bad thing. In the first book, Albus Dumbledore evokes the beauty and terror of honesty with this simple quote.

Immediately afterward, Dumbledore warns to handle the truth with caution. That, however, is a matter worth debating, as many of the secrets that are hidden from people in the series led to greater conflict and suffering (just think of how the Ministry of Magic was too cautious with the reality of Voldemort’s return).

Finding Strength In Each Other

We Are As Strong As We Are United.

This is another nugget of wisdom Dumbledore offers at the end of The Goblet of Fire, telling his students as much after Voldemort’s resurrection during the climax of the book. Through solidarity, people can defeat anything. Voldemort tried to divide people. He preyed on Muggles, people born to Muggles, and invoked bigotry, whereas Dumbledore’s Army and the other heroes brought all of the forces of the magical community together to defeat Voldemort during the epic Battle of Hogwarts.

There is a second line to this quote. “We are as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided”. This is also a brilliant tattoo option, but the first half of the quote is strong on its own.

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A Magical Introduction

Yer A Wizard, Harry.

One of the most quoted lines in the whole series is when Hagrid finds Harry in the tiny shack where the Dursleys have taken him and tells him “Yer a wizard, Harry.” Many people have spent their whole lives waiting for their letter to Hogwarts, that call summoning them to a world of magic and possibility.

This is the sort of line that sticks with people forever. Obviously, when making it into a tattoo, it could have a different name attached to the end or could be worked into a piece of art.

Intimidating Intellect

Brilliant…but scary.

Of course, real Harry Potter fans know that this particularly awesome quote is in reference to the incomparable Hermione Granger, but it’s the kind of quote that everyone wishes could be said about themselves too.

So, for anyone looking to get a tattoo that honors their love of Harry Potter, love of themselves, and that will intimidate the hell out of everyone who sees it, this seems like the perfect Harry Potter quote to nail that trifecta. Also, even if someone doesn’t feel particularly brilliant and scary sometimes, why not get a quote tattoo that will inspire Granger-level greatness?

It’s All Relative.

You’re just as sane as I am.

It’s rare that characters have one particular line or saying that seems to sum up their entire personality, but “you’re just as sane as I am” is as close as anyone could get when it comes to Luna Lovegood.

Luna Lovegood is a genius witch and genius person in her own way, and although this is definitely a quirky quote to get permanently inked, it’s a good reminder that existing outside of the box can be a really good thing. Luna might be a little off the wall, but it’s what makes her special, and there’s nothing wrong with snagging some of that specialness in tattoo form.

A Darker Take

There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it.

Although the Harry Potter series is rife with inspiring and heroic lines, there are plenty of fans who are more interested in the darker side of the narrative. Voldemort may be the biggest of big bads, but he makes his moral philosophy clear here, and his desire for unlimited, absolute power is obvious.

If any Potterhead wants to memorialize the ultimate villain or they simply agree with Voldemort’s ruthlessly pragmatic outlook on the nature of power, then this is a great option.

Staying Grounded

It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Albus Dumbledore has always been one of the wisest characters in the Harry Potter universe, and he may be one of the most insightful characters in general.

And his quote about getting lost in dreams and forgetting to live life is a good reminder for everyone to keep dreaming, but don’t lose sight of the beauty and pain that exists within the real world too. Dreams can be good or bad, but they’re too ephemeral to let them overtake reality, and Dumbledore never forgot that.

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Educational Devotion

We could all have been killed. Or worse, expelled.

Hermione is such an extreme character that she has a lot of extremely memorable quotes, but one of her best has got to be this one. It perfectly sums up Hermione’s personality, and although her intensity might be considered a little over the top, it would make a great tattoo for a few reasons.

Firstly, it’s a pretty iconic Harry Potter quote in general. Secondly, if Hermione is a particular favorite, then what better way to honor her? But lastly, although Hermione’s extremism is a lot to deal with, her determination to achieve her goals on pain of death is pretty inspiring.

Eternal Optimism

Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.

Kingsley Shacklebolt was a relatively minor character throughout the entire Harry Potter series, but he certainly knew how to make an impression. And one of Kingsley’s more memorable lines is this, “every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.”

Given Kingsley’s occupational requirements, it’s pretty magnanimous that he embraces this kind of philosophy. But regardless of what he has to do and who he has to do it to, this idea is something that is obviously very important to him, and it’s something that everyone could use a reminder of now and again.

A Clever Motto

Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure.

The mottoes of every single house at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is meaningful and powerful in their own way, but it should come as no surprise that ultimately the words of house Ravenclaw are the most memorable and melodic.

It’s short, straight to the point, but still sounds lovely, so “wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure” would make a fantastic Harry Potter tattoo. Aside from being a very inspirational quote for traditional nerds, what actually makes this quote so wonderful is its double meaning. Yes, it can refer to super smart people, but it also clearly refers to the kind of intelligence that can’t be quantified or categorized.

Mischievous Maps

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good” is the passphrase used to activate the Marauder’s Map, but it is also a completely iconic Harry Potter quote in its own right, and would make a perfect tattoo for the more mischievous HP fans in the world.

It’s a great way to honor the Marauders, the Weasley twins, and really the entire more lighthearted and fun side of the Harry Potter universe. Permanent ink can be serious business, but that doesn’t mean that the content of those tattoos can’t be a little bit more cheeky and playful.

Getting Away With It

Mischief Managed.

If the more rascally Potterheads don’t want to use the words that activate the Marauder’s Map for a tattoo, then the phrase that deactivates it might be a good option.

The statement “mischief managed” is a good representation of those characters and real-life fans who somehow keep getting away with whatever tomfoolery they’re participating in, and it also works symbolically for those who have a playful and impish outlook on life without being outright naughty.

A Magnet For Trouble

I don’t go looking for trouble, trouble usually finds me.

If there is one thing that can be said about Harry Potter the character as well as Harry Potter the universe, it’s that trouble seems to find its way towards them.

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And obviously, most Harry Potter fans haven’t had experiences similar to Harry’s themselves, but for anyone who has had a turbulent past (or even a turbulent present), this seems like a pretty clever way to pay homage to HP as well as to some personal life experiences. But if anything can be learned from Harry, it’s that it’s not about whether or not trouble finds you, it’s about what you do if it does.

Wise Words

It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.

Albus Dumbledore is truly a fountain of thoughtful ideas, and his perspective on what really matters in a person is something that most people would easily agree with.

Power can be a useful tool in the Wizarding World as well as reality, but what someone chooses to do is undeniably more important than their status in the world. In theory, Voldemort was likely more magically powerful than Harry, but Harry’s decision to be a good person really won the Wizarding War.

Heartbreaking Ends

Dobby is a free elf.

The enslavement of House-elves is one of the biggest background issues in the Harry Potter universe, but Dobby proved to be a great inspiration to all who love liberty.

It seems appropriate that Harry managed to free Dobby, and that trickery wound up saving his and his friends’ lives in the end. But Dobby is ultimately one of the greatest heroes in the Wizarding World, and his ferocity when it came to his right to self-determination is unforgettable for any HP fan.

A Hard Journey

Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.

Upon reflection, Dumbledore abandoning Harry with the Dursleys may have been one of his worst decisions. However, he clearly knew how difficult Harry’s life would be, and perhaps he was attempting to turn him into someone who wasn’t afraid to choose the hard path as long as it was the correct one.

Ideally, everyone would live up to the expectation of doing what’s right instead of what’s easy, but a tattoo of this quote would be a permanent reminder of this choice that everyone has to make at some point in life.

Endless Love


Anyone who is looking for a short Harry Potter quote couldn’t find one shorter than this. It’s amazing to think that one memory of one character managed to make this one word into one of the most iconic quotes in Harry Potter history, but the revelation of Severus Snape’s undying love for Lily Potter and how much her death formed him as a person was one of the greatest twists in fiction history.

“Always” is something that could hold a lot of different meanings for a lot of different people, so it’s an awesome way to memorialize HP in tattoo form while still making it something relevant to the person getting it.

A Happy Ending

All was well.

Any Harry Potter fan understands all of the emotional trials and tribulations that a human being can experience as a result of these imaginary characters and stories, but after the epic drama of the Wizarding War, it was wonderful to have the series end on such a sweet note.

It wasn’t always clear whether or not Harry himself would make it out of the series alive, or if he would ever go on to have a normal life. But knowing that he wound up doing both was great, and this line was the perfect end to an iconic series.

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