Spidey has had some bad luck in recent years — Spider-Man 3 soured fans on the original trilogy and the Amazing reboots came and went without any fanfare. Spider-Man: Homecoming brought the web-slinger into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it retold a story we had seen a couple of times before. Thankfully, critics and fans seem to unanimously adore Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Who knew that the only way to make Spider-Man cool again was to add more Spider-Men?

The new film introduces audiences to a character that comic fans have loved for quite some time: Miles Morales, the second Spider-Man. Miles takes over for Peter Parker in the beloved series Ultimate Spider-Man and he has been a staple of the comic world ever since. Originally, Miles was from a different dimension than the Peter Parker most audiences know. Now this concept is being taken to the big screen, bringing Spider-characters from all different universes together for one giant adventure. As you might imagine, there are an infinite number of Spider-People, and each one is weirder than the next.

For the list, we’re taking a look at the weirdest versions of Spider-Man in existence to see just how odd they can get. Some of them are only slight diversions from the traditional friendly neighborhood vigilante, but others are so crazy that we wonder how anybody came up with them in the first place. We’ll rank them from least to most bizarre, so stay until the end if you want to see the really weird spider-themed creations.

Time to swing through the Spider-Verse — here are the 30 Weirdest Alternate Versions Of Spider-Man, Ranked.

30 Spider-Family

Marvel fans rue the day that Peter Parker and his love Mary Jane Watson got divorced. However, a Marvel universe exists where that never happened. Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows is a series that takes place in an alternate universe where Peter and Mary Jane remain happily married.

Not only do the happy couple live on, but they start a family! Peter, MJ, and their daughter Annie Parker all suit up together as a spider-themed crime-fighting family. It’s a shame that things didn’t turn out so well for the official Peter Parker, but at least readers can indulge in this alternate version of Spider-Man’s life.

29 Tragedy-free Spider-Man

What if Spider-Man had it all? House of is a comic famous for its drastic reshaping of Marvel, but it also gave readers a universe where Peter Parker lives his dream life. Much like the original, Peter is a boy genius who gets bitten by a radioactive spider. Instead of tragedy shaping his early life though, things go pretty smoothly.

Uncle Ben never gets mugged. Peter goes on to marry Gwen Stacy and have children. He becomes a movie star, business magnate, and big-time celebrity. He does all of this while maintaining his career as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. It’s weird seeing him living his best life!


28 Scarred Spider-Man

What’s weirder than Peter Parker having everything he ever wanted? Peter Parker having absolutely nothing. Warren Ellis’ Ruins is a parody on the Marvel world that some fans may consider more “realistic” than the one we all know. Ruins takes the the scientific accidents in most origin stories and gives them the outcomes we would expect in the real world — scars, deformities, and not-so-fun superpowers.

Instead of extra agility and the ability to stick to walls, this spider-bite gives Peter Parker a horrific, infectious rash. With no powers and no cure, Peter’s condition scars his entire body and he doesn’t survive. Don’t worry though, not every universe is this depressing.

27 Violent vigilante Spider-Man

This Spider-Man has no excuse for his horrible actions. Last Stand Spider-Man is a pretty traditional web-slinger, aside from the fact that he has no qualms about taking lives. After eliminating Kraven the Hunter, this Spidey becomes violent and merciless. He dons a new costume consisting of jeans and a leather jacket and decides the he’ll no longer let his enemies live.

His spree of violence keeps the police on his tail, now lacking any sympathy for the once-beloved vigilante. He is shot by police, leaving him with a tragic end as a result of his tragically immoral decisions. Uncle Ben would be so ashamed.

26 Spider-Gwen

This fan-favorite Spidey isn’t even Peter Parker. In this alternate universe, it’s Peter’s girlfriend that Gwen Stacy gets bitten by the radioactive spider, turning her into the punk rock-loving Spider-Woman.

Although Gwen cares for Peter very deeply, this universe’s Peter Parker is especially insecure — he knows that Gwen is smart and strong, but now she even has superpowers. To gain powers (and be more like his true love) he performs a science experiment on himself. Like all Marvel science though, it goes awry and inadvertently turns him into the Lizard. Gwen ends up fighting Peter because of this, leading to run-ins with the law and a tragic end for the love of her life.

25 Silk

Technically, she’s not just another version of Spider-Man — Cindy Moon is one of Peter Parker’s high school classmates who just happens to have been bitten by the very same radioactive spider. She spent most of her teenage life locked away in a bunker, but once Peter broke her out, she became her own Spider-vigilante: Silk.

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Silk has a photographic memory, and extremely heightened Spider-Sense (she prefers Silk-Sense) and can shoot webs from her fingertips. She also has a strange superhuman tracking ability, capable of sensing Peter Parker no matter where he is. She is even drawn to him, for both superhuman and romantic reasons.

24 Superior Spider-Man

Unfortunately for Peter, the Doctor is in– literally. Superior Spider-Man has the web-head’s consciousness swapped with that of Doctor Octopus, letting Doc Ock run free in Spider-Man’s body. As vengeance against his greatest foe, Ock takes over Peter’s life with the goal of being a better vigilante than the old Spider-Man ever was.

With a new costume, a ruthless attitude, and some new mechanical arms, Doc Ock settles some of his own personal scores while taking Peter’s life in a new direction. He actually improves it quite a bit, especially with his work at Parker Industries. Peter eventually gets his body back, but not until after Doc Ock drastically alters Spidey’s friendly reputation.

23 Victorian Spider-Man

Marvel 1602 places Spider-Man into Victorian England. This version of the character is Peter Parquagh, a spy from Scotland in the service of Sir Nicholas Fury, with an alter ego known as the Spider. He falls in love with real-life historical figure Virginia Dare, the first child from England born in the New World. She acts as 1602‘s Gwen Stacy, even going losing her life at the hands of Norman Osborne.

The Spider of 1602 seems to have all the powers of traditional Spider-Man, with the exception of spinnerets on his arms that produce organic webbing. He also wears a frilly, era-appropriate costume.

22 The Spider

Miles Morales might have started out as the Spider-Man in the Ultimate series, but he was one of many. Among the dozens of other Spider-Men in the Ultimate Comics, there is one known simply as the Spider.

The Spider isn’t just some Peter Parker knockoff. He is a villainous super soldier on a mission to destabilize North Korea under the orders of Gregory Stark, Iron Man’s twin brother. Very little information was ever revealed about the Spider. Hawkeye crushes him under a mass of concrete, though, and the Ultimate books were eventually canceled, so it seems like nobody will ever see him again.

21 Spider-Man 2099

If there are Spider-Men from the past, obviously there are some from the future. Spider-Man 2099 isn’t Peter Parker at all — Miguel O’Hara is an engineer at Alchemax, a tyrannical corporation that runs much of society in the future. After Miguel decides to turn against his employers, his associates at Alchemax have him scarred and altered during a dangerous DNA experiment.

He acquires Spider-Man’s powers and even a few unique ones of his own to become the Spider-Man of the future. Not only does he have natural webs, talons, fangs, and even telepathy, but he has a high-tech suit that allows for gliding instead of swinging.

20 Spider-Punk

In a dystopian world where an evil Osborn rules the United States, Hobart Brown leads the resistance against him. He sets out as Spider-Punk to liberate the country from Osborn’s tyrannical Thunderbolt Department, an evil police force armed with “Variable Engagement Neuro-sensitive Organic Mesh”– or V.E.N.O.M., for short.

With Spider-Man’s abilities and the power of punk rock, Spider-Punk eventually defeats Osborn’s regime — though only after beating him up with his electric guitar and shattering the V.E.N.O.M. suits with music. It’s a unique take on Spider-Man, to say the least.

19 Spider-UK

This alternate universe Spider-Man is actually Billy Braddock, known in the regular Marvel universe as Captain Britain. He was created for the original Spider-Verse series– initially as Spider-Punk until the designs were separated– and as such, he doesn’t have a lengthy comic book history.

This amalgam of the two characters isn’t exactly the super strong Captain Britain fans might know — he only possesses the powers of Spider-Man, despite the primarily Captain Britain-inspired outfit. He even lacks a spider-sense! This is especially apparent in Spider-Geddon, where he gets taken down by Verna, one of the Inheritors.

18 Lady Spider

Plenty of Spider-Men use technology in their fight against crime, but none are quite as steampunk as Lady Spider. Living in a steampunk version of New York City, inventor May Reilly creates a mechanical spider suit to fight crime.

Lady Spider has no superpowers of her own — once she was bitten by her father’s pet spider, but received a moral lesson instead of abilities: don’t let anybody cage you. Taking this to heart, she spends her time using her intellect and resolve to defeat Victorian versions of Spidey’s infamous rogues. She debuts her suit when the Mayor is taken hostage by none other than Electro — how appropriate.

17 Manga Spider-Man

Marvel’s Mangaverse comics tried to emulate the aesthetic of manga, a style that drastically changed the Spidey mythos. This version of Spider-Man isn’t a kid from Queens — he’s a ninja pupil of the Spider-Clan.

After Venom defeats Sensei Ben Parker, Peter became determined to hone his ninja talents in the hopes of avenging him. The Mangaverse Spider-Man design is surprisingly close to the original — he wears the classic red and blue suit with the addition of short sleeves, gloves, sneakers, and a backpack. There are much weirder Spider-Men across the Marvel dimensions, but this one is certainly unique.

16 Spider-Man Noir

What would Spider-Man be like if he came from the crime-noir pulp comics of old? Apparently, he’d be a gun-toting vigilante with a really cool suit.

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Spider-Man Noir is a retelling of the Spidey mythos in 1933. His origins are mostly intact, but instead of being a student-turned-vigilante, he’s a rugged investigative reporter during the Great Depression. Noir Spidey is set on taking down New York’s criminal underbelly headed by — you probably guessed it — Mayor Norman Osborn. This dark and gritty take on the web-head features in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, bringing this slightly obscure iteration of the character to audiences everywhere.

15 Scarlet Spider (Kaine Parker)

Spawned from the infamous Clone Saga, Kaine is the first (albeit botched) clone of Spider-Man. Created by the villain known as the Jackal, Kaine is the precursor to Ben Reilly, the most famous clone of Peter Parker and the original Scarlet Spider.

For a clone, Kaine has quite a few qualities unique to himself– aside from being extremely cold-blooded and violent. While his powers are similar to Peter’s, his “Mark of Kaine” ability allows him to burn opponents who come into physical contact with his hands. He also shoots organic webs from his wrists, and even has a psychic link to arthropods that gives him the ability to communicate with spiders.

14 Arachknight

The ongoing comic book event known as Infinity Warps has altered the Marvel universe with weird fusions of its many heroes. Among mashups like Captain America and Doctor Strange, Iron Man and Thor, and Ghost Rider and Black Panther is Arachknight — an amalgam of Moon Knight and Spider-Man.

Much like Moon Knight himself, this version of Peter Parker has four distinct personalities that fight for dominance. “Science Peter” is a gifted scientist, but also his most insecure self. “CEO Peter” is the confident head of Parker Industries, the “Knight” is his gritty inner vigilante, and the “friendly neighborhood arachnid” is the Spidey we all know and love.

13 Spirit Spider

This version of Spider-Man goes from a rich vigilante to Marvel’s Spirit of Vengeance. After an experiment goes awry (what else is new), Peter Parker’s soul gets trapped in Hell, only to be saved by this universe’s Sorcerer Supreme, Bruce Banner.

In an effort to save Peter’s life, Banner imbued him with the power of Hell’s trapped souls to make him the Spirit Spider — or Ghost Spider, as he was initially named. As a cross between Ghost Rider and Spider-Man, Spirit Spider retains the powers of both and gets an intense new look, sporting blue flames instead of red.

12 Peni Parker And Sp//dr

Dipping into anime influences, this version of Spider-Man isn’t exactly a spandex-clad superhero. Peni Parker is the pilot of a high-tech mechanized armor known as Sp//dr. While Peni has no powers of her own– though she does use web-shooters– she uses Sp//dr to fight mecha-inspired Marvel villains.

Mecha (sometimes called the “super robot” genre) is a subcategory of science fiction known for giant battling robots. Imagine Spider-Man, but in the world of Mobile Suit Gundam or Neon Genesis Evangelion. While this version doesn’t have much history in print, she does appear in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse with a more anime-inspired look than her comic book counterpart.

11 Spider-Boy

Casual fans yearn for Marvel and DC characters to cross over, but older fans may remember that such a thing already exists: the Amalgam universe, a world populated with fusions of Marvel and DC characters. Spider-Boy, a cross between Spider-Man and Superboy, is a clone of a super soldier later adopted by Marvel’s General Thunderbolt Ross.

His strength and speed are heightened like the powers of Superboy, but his spider powers are a little unorthodox. Instead of sticking to walls and swinging from webs, Spider-Boy actually has the power to alter the gravity around his body, essentially throwing himself in directions that normal gravity wouldn’t allow for.

10 Spider-Cat

Appearing as one of the many background Spider-Men in the Spider-Verse comic series, Spider-Cat is– well, you know where this is going.

Originally a plain old house cat to a group of gamers, Spider-Cat somehow gained superpowers and became a vigilante. His nemesis is a Pigeon named Venom, who he fights in his dreams. Apparently these fights are very real, though, as he claims to have lost some of his nine lives in the process. Cat lovers won’t be happy to hear that he doesn’t make it out of the Spider-Verse comics, as the Inheritors defeat him and consume his life essence.

9 Spider-Monkey

The cleverly named Spider-Monkey comes from the Marvel Apes universe, where all of the Marvel characters are primates — as if that wasn’t clear. While many of the characters retain their typical personalities in ape form, Spidey is a little harder to recognize here.

Unlike human Peter Parker, Spider-Monkey is more of an anti-hero. He’s complacent, slightly arrogant, and has no problem being lethal with his enemies — even taking the life of Doctor Ooktavius. Despite this, he’s still considered a hero and an Ape-Venger (that’s their official name). It sounds like Spider-Monkey never got the “power and responsibility” screech from Uncle Ben.

8 Spider-Ham

What happens when Looney Tunes meets the Marvel universe? You get a world of anthropomorphic animals, puns, and heroes like Spider-Ham. In a bizarre twist on the classic Spidey origin story, a spider named Peter Porker is bitten by a radioactive pig, turning him into the Spectacular Spider-Ham.

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Spider-Ham and his dimension are obviously comedic takes on Marvel’s usual suspects, featuring alongside characters like Captain Americat, Ducktor Doom, and Swinester Six. He seems to have Peter Parker’s standard set of powers — he just happens to be a Porky Pig lookalike.

7 Man-Spider

The Peter Parker we know and love was turned into a literal Spider-Man — or Man-Spider, in this case. Originally, after the villain Brainchild used Peter as a test subject in an experiment, Peter was transformed into a creepy humanoid-spider hybrid. This actually happened more than once, if you can believe it.

This gross spider-creature wears the tattered remains of Spidey’s costume and is a primitive, villainous husk of web-slinger. Man-Spider rears his head in the comics every once and a while. Thankfully, he always turns back into someone more man than spider.

6 Spiders-Man

What’s weirder than a man-sized spider in a Spider-Man costume? Thousands of tiny spiders in a Spider-Man costume, of course!

Like some kind of birthday piñata from our childhood nightmares, Spiders-Man is a collective of spiders that believe they are (and take the shape of) Peter Parker. There’s not much more to say here. He’s a Spider-Man made of spiders and it’s scary. Hopefully this concept doesn’t apply to the other heroes in his universe. If it does, stay away from Wasp, Scorpion, Wolverine, Rhino– or anybody else named after a potentially dangerous creature, for that matter.

5 Cosmic Spider-Man

Wielding the nigh-unlimited power of the Enigma Force, Captain Universe (also known as Cosmic Spider-Man) comes from a dimension where Peter Parker has godlike abilities. He possesses an enhanced version of Spider-Man’s power-set along with new powers that rival the abilities of Superman. In the original Spider-Verse comic series, Captain Universe used his dimension as a sanctuary for all Spider-Men targeted by the Inheritors.

Not only could Captain Universe punch the Hulk into the moon with ease, but he could see at a subatomic level, manipulate cosmic energy, and even fly. His only real weakness is that his additional powers only work when he’s present in his own dimension — hardly a weakness at all.

4 Webslinger

This scary Spider-Man is rooted in dark fantasy. Young Peter Parker ventures into an eerie forest known as the Webwood, where he encounters an mysterious witch. The Widow of the Web, as she is known, gifts Peter the powers of a spider under the condition that he may never use the powers for self-interest or personal gain. Soon after, Uncle Ben is robbed by a bandit. Sounds like classic Spidey, right?

Well, Peter fights off the bandit to save Uncle Ben — technically abusing his power. For breaking his deal with the witch, this Peter Parker is cursed forever as a monstrous spider-creature called Webslinger. He guards the Webwood with his life, despite frightening the locals.

3 Hostess Cakes Spider-Man

The Spider-Man who appeared in ads for Hostess Twinkies actually has his very own Marvel universe. There are so many places and characters in Marvel comics that the company keeps a numerical record of every unique continuity it creates. The Hostess ads have their own designation: Earth-51914.

As for this version of Spider-Man, he’s less of a hero and more of a salesperson. He loves to talk about how great Hostess desserts and often defeats his villains by hitting them with a barrage of pre-packaged cakes. Does this ad campaign really need its own dimension?

2 Supaidāman

He might look like Spider-Man, but Japan’s 1979 TV adaptation of the web-slinger is not what you might expect. Takuya Yamashiro (not Peter Parker) combats the Iron Cross Army, an invading alien force led by Professor Monster.

It might be Marvel-inspired, but Spider-Man is really a tokusatsu show — a genre that focuses on special effects despite a low budget. If you don’t quite know what the means, picture Spider-Man in the vein of Godzilla or the Power Rangers — Spider-Man fights monsters that grow to the size of skyscrapers, and he even pilots his own giant robot against them.

1 Italian Spiderman

What more do you need to know? It’s not an official Marvel universe, but it is an alternate version of Spider-Man. There’s no spandex here, he’s just an angry man with a shotgun and a Spidey t-shirt. Italian Spiderman (specifically with no hyphen) is actually an Australian film — a parody of ’70s action movies that happens to misappropriate Marvel’s friendly web-head.

Part Batman ’66, part hyper-violent grindhouse, Italian Spiderman must be the weirdest web-slingers amidst all the many Spider-Man variations.


Which version of Spider-Man do you think is the weirdest? Leave a comment before you go and share your thoughts!

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