Regardless of what your zodiac sign is, it’s possible to like movies from any genre. However, your astrological sign can determine which films within the genre you’re most likely to enjoy and which films you’re more likely to despise. While the comedy genre might not be typically associated with Pisces, there are comedy films for this sign, too.

If you’re a Pisces, many of the typical comedy films won’t appeal to you, but some of the more emotional or creative ones are likely to make you happy.

10 Hate: Superbad

Many Pisces individuals aren’t likely to enjoy your more typical crude and juvenile styles of comedy. They are a particularly sensitive sign that cares a lot about others, and they wouldn’t love the goal the main characters have of trying to get girls drunk.

This kind of comedy is one that many Pisces people would find a bit below their emotional intelligence.

9 Love: Obvious Child

If you’re a Pisces, you’re more likely to enjoy comedic films that have an air of depth and emotional sophistication to them. Obvious Child is a lesser-known comedy film starring Jenny Slate that is reflective and smart.

It’s funny but also has a warmth and romance to it that the deeply idealistic Pisces would enjoy. It’s definitely one worth giving a try.


8 Hate: School of Rock

School of Rock is a fun and silly comedy, and it does have a good message to it. However, it wouldn’t particularly appeal to a Pisces sign as they might find it a bit uninteresting.

While they might enjoy some of the characters, they would likely find the comedy in this film a little too simplistic for their tastes and predictable.

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7 Love: The First Wive’s Club

Pisces individuals are known for being some of the most empathetic of the entire zodiac. They can relate to people easily and often feel their feelings.

They would enjoy this film about a group of women banding together to try and get what they deserve. Many Pisces are prone to giving too much of themselves to people who don’t deserve it, so they could deeply relate to this plot.

6 Hate: Happy Gilmore

Happy Gilmore is another more typical crude comedy film that most Pisces sign individuals wouldn’t love. Adam Sandler has a very distinct style of comedy that is over-the-top, brash, and in-your-face.

The Pisces would find this abrasive and not creative or compassionate enough to make them feel safe while also having a good laugh.

5 Love: Knives Out

Pisces individuals are also known for being extremely creative and having an interest in human nature, personality tests, and overall what makes people tick.

They would love Knives Out because it deals with human nature and prompts people to think deeply about class issues. They would have a lot of compassion for Marta and enjoy the thoughtful humor and intensity of this film.

4 Hate: American Pie

Once again, comedy films that often make fun of others or have jokes that are at the expense of certain groups wouldn’t appeal to many Pisces. They wouldn’t enjoy the very immature, sexually-driven comedy of American Pie and would find it outdated and a bit problematic.

Pisces tend to be expansive in their thinking and not super traditional, so American Pie wouldn’t be their cup of tea. This franchise is outdated in many ways, and it doesn’t have anything in its setting or plot that would appeal to the creative and imaginative Pisces.

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3 Love: The Grand Budapest Hotel

The main reason why The Grand Budapest Hotel would appeal to a Pisces sign is that they love aesthetics and things that don’t feel like the real-world.

They like to watch films that have an otherworldly or unique feel to them, and this movie definitely provides them. They would like the quirkiness of the film and find it appeals to their personalities as they too like to feel unique.

2 Hate: Napoleon Dynamite

Napoleon Dynamite wouldn’t be a favorite of a person who is a Pisces because it’s a bit too reductive. It makes jokes at the expense of small-town, poor people, and a Pisces wouldn’t find it caring or compassionate enough.

They wouldn’t particularly find the more deadpan kind of comedic style appealing either, and it would likely not be a film they’d want to watch more than once.

1 Love: Legally Blonde

While many favorite comedy films for a Pisces would be on the more creative or thoughtful side, they can also enjoy a more traditional lighthearted comedy.

Legally Blonde is a fun ride that takes a lot of tropes about a certain kind of woman and flips them on their head. As a person that can sometimes not be taken seriously, a Pisces could relate to Elle Woods and her journey to be seen as intelligent and a great student.

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