Libra is the sign of the zodiac that all other signs seem to love. They are naturally socially gifted and they find ways to understand and relate to everyone, and that ideology is perfectly represented in the symbol of their sign, the scales. Librans love to find balance in all things, and they love for life to be pleasant, enjoyable, and intellectually stimulating.

It should come as no surprise that one of their favorite forms of stimulation is movies. They can enjoy a fun superhero flick with the best of them, so in the DCEU world, which characters do they relate to, and which don’t they understand?

10 Relate To: Joker

Libra is a sign that is symbolized by balance, but one of the darker aspects of that balance can become a desire to challenge the status quo and play devil’s advocate just to see how people react to it.

They love to look at situations from every angle that they can, and as a more intellectual sign of the zodiac, they want others to do the same. So in the world of DC villains, Joker is probably the most relatable to them.

9 Won’t Understand: Victor Zsasz

Librans can oppose others just because they like to, but they never do or feel any one thing super intensely. They’re the exact opposite of singularly minded, and they are not the type to submit themselves to others.

So the sadistic but shockingly loyal lackey to Roman Sionis, Victor Zsasz, is not a character that a Libra can relate to on any level. Libras are also a very aesthetic sign, so someone as creepy as Victor will unsettle them.


8 Relate To: Superman

Libra is represented by a pair of balanced scales, so a character like Superman is one that they can relate to more than most.

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While Libras don’t typically want to live double lives, they can see the value in creating the kind of balance that Clark Kent has created, and they understand the utility of keeping his two lives separate and secret for the sake of maintaining both.

7 Won’t Understand: Amanda Waller

Libras might be willing to challenge the status quo, but they never throw all of their eggs in one basket. And while they can change their opinions and thoughts quite quickly, they’re not a naturally dishonest bunch.

So a character like Amanda, someone who lies, cheats, manipulates, and puts others in danger for the sake of her own endgame, is someone that Libra will find incredibly unappealing.

6 Relate To: Etta Candy

The zodiac sign of Libra is arguably the biggest social butterfly in all of astrology, and they just have a very good knack for rubbing people the right way and knowing how to interact in a way that charms everyone and rarely offends (unless that’s their aim).

So a character like Etta Candy is one that the scales will easily relate to. She appreciates people and ideas from all walks of life, and it’s hard not to like her.

5 Won’t Understand: Ares

Libras are an air sign, which is the element that represents mental agility and intelligence, and of course, they are represented by two counterbalanced weights. So a character like the god of war will be extremely hard for them to understand or appreciate.

That kind of unbridled aggression will be offensive to Libran sensibilities, and the single minded nature of Ares’ goals and behaviors will bore them.

4 Relate To: Dinah Lance

Librans have a lot of innate appreciation for beauty and art in all it’s forms, so a character like Dinah Lance will be endlessly appealing to them.

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They’ll also have an easy time relating to her, because while she is just a pretty songbird in the eyes of many, she can be quite ferocious and is willing to do what’s right when she feels compelled to do it, which is very much a Libran way of doing things.

3 Won’t Understand: Cyborg

Again, Libra is an air sign, and that element represents all things mental. So if a Libra ever found themselves in the same position as Victor Stone, their reaction would be completely different.

Yes, the change Victor underwent was drastic, but a Libra would roll with the punches and would be ecstatic at the fact that their intellectual capacity was now far beyond that of any standard human being.

2 Relate To: Aquaman

Most signs of the zodiac would have a lot of difficulty trying to exist in two worlds at once, but like the half-human, half-Atlantean Arthur Curry, Libra would be able to not only manage both, but thrive in both.

Like Arthur, leading isn’t something that feels entirely natural to Libra, but their willingness to think outside the box and relate to everyone makes a lot of people willing to follow them.

1 Won’t Understand: Batman

While Batman is another superhero who lives a double life, and it seems like Libra should be able to relate to that, it’s hard for them to enjoy Bruce Wayne just because he’s so miserable about his own life.

Libras love to be social, so the lone wolf lifestyle that Bruce lives does not appeal to them. His facade as the spoiled playboy would seem too gauche for Libra, and his alter ego as Batman is far too dramatic for them too.

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