Tony Stark/Iron Man, the man who started off the MCU and was played beautifully by Robert Downey Jr. is considered by most in the cinematic universe to be the greatest Avenger. From his genius-level intellect to his world-changing inventions, Tony brings a lot to the table as both a person and a hero.

Victor Stone/Cyborg was living a normal life as a football prodigy until an accident almost kills him. In an attempt to save his son, Silas Stone used alien technology and it backfired and made Vic a half-man, half-machine hero. Like Tony, he has a genius-level intellect due to his new additions and he is able to hack or control any bit of technology. If they were to ever cross paths would they be great partners? Here are five reasons why they would be and five reasons they would hate each other.

10 HATE: Tony’s Arrogance

One of Tony’s charming qualities is his arrogance. He’s gotten in trouble with the government, his enemies, and even fellow heroes by always jumping into a situation headfirst without thinking of the consequences. Whether he’s going to take on terrorists or stowing away on an ancient alien ship, his higher than normal belief in himself has nearly gotten him killed.

Victor may have been arrogant as a young football stud, but once he left the gridiron, his cockiness turned into hatred of himself and his powers. Now, he cautiously uses his powers and he remains pretty level-headed despite his immense power.

9 GREAT: Both Have A Complimentary Power Set

Tony doesn’t technically have any powers but he does have a high IQ and inventions that have changed the world, even inventing an entirely new element. He is one of the world’s leading experts in alien tech and his various suits are always more innovative than the last.

Victor was a normal guy before the infusion of the mother box tech made him a computer genius, able to hack and communicate with any piece of tech in the world. With that sort of ability, it could make Tony’s work a lot easier and can even help him improve in ways he never thought possible.


8 HATE: Victor’s Inexperience/Reluctance To Use His Powers

His whole life, Tony has been in the spotlight, mostly due to his father’s successful business in Stark Industries. Even when he became a hero, he didn’t shy away from the spotlight and embraced the attention for his not so secret identity. He was always confident in his skills and never had a reason to be afraid.

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Victor, unlike Tony, didn’t like the attention he got as Cyborg and actually lived in the shadows, with most of the world presuming he’s dead. He is scared of using his powers and is very lost on what his abilities are and he’s too scared to use them for fear it could hurt an innocent person.

7 GREAT:  Tony Could Help Him Understand His Powers

Since the first Avengers, Tony has been studying alien technology and has even managed to perfect some of his suits using what he’s learned. There really is no limitation to what Tony knows, considering he’s done it all, from creating an advanced AI to inventing time travel.

Considering Vic is very cautious about his powers, it would be beneficial to learn from a man who has seen it all and is no stranger to alien tech.

6 HATE: Tony’s Unorthodox Mentoring Methods

He may be one of the greatest heroes, but he is not the best role model. Considering he waited almost 50 years to have kids, he was never really used to taking on younger wards until he met Peter Parker. Although he proved to be influential for Peter, he wasn’t always the most patient or reliable mentor.

Victor is a few years older than Peter but he is still a young hero and therefore needs a mentor to help him. Tony may offer to help0, but it doesn’t mean he’ll do a great job.

5 GREAT: Similar Suits/Tech

Like we mentioned before, Tony doesn’t have powers but he makes up for it with his highly advanced suits and his genius. His suits are equipped with AI, the ability to fly, shoot laser cannons, and they give him super strength and agility. In fights, his suits are even able to study the fighting techniques of his opponents and quickly adjust to defend himself.

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Although Vic didn’t build his suit, the tech that took over his body is considered AI that upgrades and learns new abilities every day. Vic is able to fly, shoot laser cannons, tap into any technology, and he can even summon boom tubes that transport him into anywhere in the universe.

4 HATE: Tony’s Sarcasm

Another one of Tony’s charming qualities is his never-ending sarcasm. Whether he’s in the lab or on the battlefield, his witty comebacks and banter are always present and it seems like he has a comeback for everything.

Vic is a little quieter and seemingly introverted, mostly due to his resentment. Even when he gains his confidence he is a rather serious and level-headed hero. Tony’s jokes and lack of taking anything seriously could rub Vic the wrong way.

3 GREAT: Tony Is One Of The Best People Vic Can Relate To

Although Tony grew up a billionaire playboy, he did have a tragic childhood when his parents died. Even before his parent’s deaths, he had a complicated relationship with his dad and he grew to resent him. After his life-changing experience, he turned his life around and decided to become a hero who knew how dangerous his inventions could be in the wrong hands and has sworn to only make his inventions for good.

Victor felt lost and misunderstood for a time because of his powers and he was scared of his power and what it could do. Tony could look at Vic and realize how dangerous he could be and agree to help him.

2 HATE: Vic Has Less Control Of His Powers

Although it seems like he’s quickly getting the hang of his powers, Vic’s cybernetics sometimes have a mind of their own and do things that Vic can’t control, like shoot a confused and angry Superman. On the battlefield, that lack of control could be costly and could lead to trouble if it is not taken care of properly.

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Tony has complete control of his suits and a majority of his inventions and has rarely ever had a problem.

1 GREAT: They Both Know How Dangerous Their Powers/Suits Can Be In The Wrong Hands

Tony became Iron Man after he realized how dangerous his military weapons were and swore to never make weapons for violence again. Unfortunately, just a few short years later Tony accidentally creates Ultron that almost takes on the world. He knows how dangerous his mind is and is often in fear of himself and that he couldn’t do enough to save the world.

Victor has been afraid of his powers and he is reluctant to join the Justice League because of it. He knows that if he is controlled or manipulated he could very well destroy the world.

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