Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is a classic comedy movie that focuses on Ferris Bueller who makes the decision to skip school along with two friends to have a wild day. From partaking in a parade to riding around in a Porsche, the day ends up being quite the adventure for him. All that takes place while being chased and hunted down by his headteacher as well as his sister, who tries to sabotage him.

Everything does go his way though, and he tries to ensure that everyone has a great time, which makes him seem like a great guy on the surface. Even though he spends the entire day with his best friend and girlfriend, many people believe he isn’t the nicest of people. Here are five examples of why Ferris Bueller is a great friend, alongside five examples of why he’s actually a terrible one.

10 Great Friend: Dedication To Getting Sloane Off

In the movie, Sloane is Ferris Bueller’s girlfriend, whom he makes it clear that he will marry one day. However, while they’re romantically attached, she is still also his friend and it’s very clear throughout the film that he does care about her very deeply.

Even though he actually pretends that one of her grandparents is dead to get her out, which is no doubt a shock to her when she is told, it’s clear he just wants to be with her. He spends the entire day trying to make her as happy as possible, which, even though they’re skipping school, is a nice thing deep down.

9 Terrible Friend: Cameron Is Sick

When Ferris finally convinces his parents he is too sick to attend school, the first thing he does is call Cameron who he knows isn’t well. He continues to hound Cameron until he comes out with him to spend the day, despite the fact that Cameron is genuinely poorly.

Ferris literally won’t take no as an answer, which Cameron is well aware of. He even loses his cool in his car as he debates with himself about whether or not to leave the house. While the day does end up being good for him (minus the car incident), the fact Ferris bullies him to get out isn’t the sign of a great friend.


8 Great Friend: Baseball

Ferris Bueller might make Cameron and Sloane take an entire day off school, which is certainly a risky thing for them to do, but he more than makes up that with the activities that they get up to. Ferris takes them everywhere in what is an incredibly action-packed day for the group.

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One of the things they do is attend a live baseball game where he even manages to catch the ball. He can’t be too bad of a friend when he is taking them around to do fun things throughout the day. At least he makes the most of the time away from school and tries to do his best so that Cameron and Sloane have fun as well.

7 Terrible Friend: Makes Cameron Do A Prank Call

In order to get Ferris’s girlfriend, Sloane, out of the school to join them for their fun day off, Ferris and Cameron make a series of prank calls to the school. This is the way they go about things to get her out, speaking with the Principal, which is something Cameron is clearly not comfortable doing.

Despite Cameron making it clear he isn’t enjoying doing it, Ferris pushes him to continue anyway, which shows how bossy he is towards his friend. The moment showcases Ferris pretty much bullying his friend to do what he wants, which is unbelievably selfish.

6 Great Friend: Gets Them A High-Class Meal

How often is it that a bunch of High School teens get to enjoy a full high-class meal during the day alongside some of the most powerful people in the area? The answer is incredibly slim and is something that neither Cameron or Sloane would be doing without Ferris.

He is creative and smart enough to know how to take someone’s reservation and despite the fact they’re clearly in the wrong attire, the three of them get to enjoy a lavish meal together. It highlights how good of a friend Ferris is, doing everything he can to make sure they have a good time.

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5 Terrible Friend: Lies To His Parents

While his parents are more family than friends, that doesn’t mean that the way he treats them is okay. Ferris Bueller is a major liar, which is something that he does throughout the entire movie to various different people, including both his mother and father.

He is incredibly good at convincing them he is sick, which grants him the day off but also says a lot about his character as a person. It’s clear from the way his sister acts in the movie that he does this a lot of the time as well, which makes it even worse.

4 Great Friend: Everyone Loves Him

We don’t get to see exactly what Ferris Bueller is like on a regular basis with all of his friends in this movie, as it is all set in just one day. However, what is clear is that absolutely everyone, outside of Principal Rooney, absolutely adores him as a person.

People in school spend the entire day seriously worried about Ferris’ wellbeing, and even start a fundraiser for him, proving how popular he is. While his sister tries to spend the whole day making sure he gets caught, even she ends up helping him out. You don’t get this popular without being a great friend!

3 Terrible Friend: Third Wheel

Despite the fact that Ferris Bueller is desperate for Cameron to spend the day with him, the fact is that he really just wants to spend time outside of school with his girlfriend. He begs Cameron to come out for him to literally play the third wheel to him and Sloane throughout the entire movie.

In order for Ferris’ fake phone call to the school to work, claiming that Sloane’s Grandparent has died, he needs two people to be ringing at similar times to convince them it isn’t just him. That is the entire reason why he invites him around, therefore Ferris pretty much just uses him.

2 Great Friend: He Changes Cameron

While there are certainly many different ways to look at how Ferris treats his friends, one of them is that he actually frees Cameron. Ferris is confident, always gets everything his way, is about to head to college and has a beautiful girlfriend when we meet him.

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Cameron, on the other hand, has no clue what he wants from life and is stuck with parents who he hates. Ferris spends all day trying to help Cameron shake that thought process and helps him escape, feeling free to actually be himself for the first time in his life.

1 Terrible Friend: Destroying/Using The Porsche

Granted, Ferris Bueller himself doesn’t actually do anything to Cameron’s father’s Porsche in terms of damage. However, he does take the car for the day, despite Cameron begging him not to, which runs up the miles and leads to the decision he makes at the end of the film.

When Cameron accepts that the miles won’t go down and is happy enough to take the blame, he then goes much further and starts destroying it. He boots in the front of the car and ends up sending it smashing through the glass and out of the house, totally wrecking it. This will have been a major issue for him, yet at no point does Ferris try to even stop him.

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