The one pop culture couple who made us question the opposites attract theory is definitely Jackie Burkhart (Mila Kunis) and Steven Hyde (Danny Masterson) from That ’70s Show. Even fans of the show could never really figure out why and how they chose to be with each other. When the non-conformist and rebellious Hyde started hooking up with the posh but shallow Jackie, fans were convinced that it was just a fling, a very natural thing to happen in a circle of close-knit friends. But the couple defied everyone’s expectations when they managed to stay together for more than two seasons!

Hyde and Jackie were vastly different from each other and their relationship was full of friction and challenges, but they clearly cherished each other’s company. Moreover, it was one of the most refreshing on-screen couples of the last few decades and fans loved the added drama. Though they didn’t end up with each other, many fans to this day, still root for the couple. We made a point-by-point analysis to see if they really belonged together

10 They Belonged Together: It was Hyde’s longest relationship

In spite of the on-off relationship, Jackie was one of the few women who Hyde was actually committed to for a really long time. He actually envisioned a future with her, in spite of the fact that the relationship didn’t start on the right foot. But the fact that they kept finding their way back to each other was a huge clue that they could have made it work. When the show ended, the fandom couldn’t believe that Jackie and Hyde weren’t the endgame. Moreover, their individual character arcs developed in a way that convinced the fans that they will eventually wind up together despite their differences, especially considering their chemistry.

9 They Didn’t: No Mutual Respect

It was very evident neither Jackie nor Hyde appreciated each other for who they were. Hyde especially admitted many times that he despised Jackie and obviously believed himself to be a lot more evolved intellectually. They put each other down publicly many times and shamed each other without remorse. This is what the fans found so twisted – they both clearly didn’t approve of each other’s philosophies, so how would a long-term relationship even work? But the two somehow managed to be together for quite a while, in spite of the fact that they did not respect each other fundamentally. 


8 They Belonged Together: Two of the most interesting people on the show

It has to be said out loud, Jackie and Hyde both had such distinct personalities that whenever they were together, it made for great screen time. At one point, especially in Season 6, their relationship dynamic was a huge draw for audiences.

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The only other young couple on the show was Eric and Donna, and fans unanimously agree that they were pretty boring and had uninventive storylines. So, fans were always glad to see Jackie and Hyde together because their storylines had an element of unpredictability around them, and even their arguments made for some of the most intriguing moments in the show.

7 They didn’t: Hyde despised Jackie’s materialism

Fans were shocked when the anti-capitalist Hyde got together with Jackie, who was the very epitome of Western consumerism. Jackie was unabashedly materialistic, she was born rich and enjoyed the finer things in life; she wanted to be with a rich man and was very clear about her priorities. Hyde, on the other hand, was totally against ‘The Man,’ and insulted Jackie’s superficiality on several occasions even after they got together. This also created a lot of friction between them, and left everyone quite puzzled as to how these two people who disagree on every aspect of life, are together.

6 They belonged together: Jackie never tried to ‘fix’ Hyde

Yes, she did want him to shave off his beard, wear cleaner clothes, and maybe get a job someday, but Jackie never turned Hyde into one of her projects like Michael clearly was for her. Though Hyde’s personality was a big reason – he was the exact opposite of the complying Michael.

But Hyde could really be himself with Jackie and could actually open up to her, because she never judged him for who he is, despite their fights. This is also one of the most significant things about their relationship as they both had made peace with each other’s differences, which was really mature, considering they were both sophomores.

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5 They didn’t: Jackie deserved better

Jackie deserved to be with someone better after breaking it off with Michael who had cheated on her multiple times. Fans had argued multiple times that she always winds up with men who antagonized her or rubbed her the wrong way; while Michael was unfaithful, Hyde never really respected who she was as a person, and that was clearly damaging to her self-esteem. Jackie deserved a loving partner who would cherish her for the way she is, but it was evident that she was dating guys for the wrong reasons. Fans were convinced of this even further when Hyde also wound up cheating on her after just one disagreement.

4 They belonged together: They loved each other

It was clear that at one point they were both clearly in love with each other, and even Hyde, who hated talking about his feelings admitted that he was in love with Jackie. The relationship actually proved a lot of people wrong who thought that they were with each other for superficial reasons; especially since Hyde and Jackie really worked towards making things work between them, and it showed. In fact, Jackie made a much stronger effort to keep her relationship with Hyde alive than she ever did with Michael, which was a sign that she was serious about him.

3 They didn’t: They didn’t have anything in common

The entire That ’70s Show fandom has at some point in their lives wracked their head about what Jackie and Hyde talked about when they were alone with each other. It was clear that they didn’t agree with each other on anything, be it politics, music, pop culture or even about their friends. This is not to say that couples who are vastly different can’t make it work, but Hyde and Jackie’s case is really exceptional because they have both antagonized each other in the past so severely and fans just couldn’t figure out why they chose to be together. 

2 They belong together: They challenged each other

The fact that they are so different really helped them both grow and it was actually very visible in their individual narratives. As Jackie left her toxic ex behind and actually sensed how much of an effort real relationships took, Hyde also tried to work on his commitment issues.

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The fact that they stuck by each other despite so much friction and were transparent about their relationship was a huge draw for the early 2000s audiences because it depicted a new kind of teenage romance. There were no fairy tale elements in their storyline, and yet it was non-toxic and rewarding.

1 They didn’t: Their future was too much of a gamble

Fans were always anxious about what Jackie and Hyde would do even if they did manage to end up with each other. Would they really have a future together? Hyde is too much of a non-conformist to actually go down the marriage route, and Jackie had stated several times that she only wants to marry a rich and successful person. Plus, Hyde was never really very ambitious and wanted to stay in Wisconsin, whereas Jackie wanted a jet-setting career that would take her all around the world. At some point, things were bound to go kaput, and fans just couldn’t handle the dilemma.

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