The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was released in 2014 as follow up to Sony’s well-received reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man which starred Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker. Out of the many Spider-Man movies that audiences have received in the past 2 decades, it generally agreed upon that this film is at the bottom of the list in terms of quality.

However, despite its many flaws, the film has several redeeming qualities that almost make up for the issues it has, even if it doesn’t get rid of those issues completely.

10 Isn’t: The Suit

One of the things the sequel brought with it was a much-needed upgrade to Peter’s suit which was created by costume designer, Deborah Lynn. The new design featured various noticeable changes such as the enlargement of the suit’s eye lenses as well a the change from their original yellow to white. Other additions included the utility belt that the character uses to store webbing and a new Spider-Man logo, with the pattern behind it being confirmed as a homage to the Sam Raimi era of the character. These simple but important changes all help create what is one of the best live-action Spider-Man costumes put to screen.

9 Is: The Villains

While the first film did a decent job of adapting the Lizard for the big screen, the sequel suffered from the same issue Spider-Man 3 had and dropped the ball with Jamie Foxx’s Electro and Dane DeHaan’s Green Goblin. Neither villain had solid motivations for their actions with Electro being motivated by his obsession for Spider-Man and Green Goblin operating out of anger that Spider-Man refused to give him his blood in an attempt to cure his deadly disease. It would also be easy to forget Rhino who, despite being featured prominently in the trailers like the others, was barely in the film and didn’t really have any importance on the overall narrative.


8 Isn’t: The Visuals

Another one of the better elements of the movie is the film’s visual effects. Although the film came out in 2014, it visuals rival some of the more recent Spider-Man movies like Homecoming and Far From Home.

The VFX work particularly shines during the battle between Electro and Peter in Times Square with slow motion being used to depict Peter’s “spidey sense” and give us a look at how he sees the world. Even moments like the iconic swinging sequences at the beginning and end of the movie are only as great as they are on account of the impeccable work that goes on behind the scenes.

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7 Is: The Sequel Set-Up

One major issue a lot of movies, specifically blockbusters, suffer from is trying to establish a franchise rather than prioritizing making a quality film. This is a problem that Amazing Spider-Man 2 also has with a sizable amount of the runtime is used to lay the groundwork for the Sinister Six, the third film which was set to come out in 2016, and other potential spin-offs. If Sony worried more about ensuring that the film would be successful, they might have been able to actually complete the trilogy. Unfortunately, the film became so focused on setting up future projects that the story it was trying to tell got lost along the way.

6 Isn’t: The Score

Composer Hans Zimmer is extremely talented at his craft, having worked on over 100 projects including films like Interstellar and Blade Runner 2049, so it’s no surprise that the score for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was so great. One could even argue that the score was an improvement when compared to that of the previous film done by James Horner which was also incredibly good.

5 Is: The Parent Subplot

Something many fans didn’t like about The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was that it reexamines Peter’s origin but puts more focus on Richard and Mary Parker, Peter’s parents, and giving them much more importance than they should have. Moments like Peter investigating the conspiracy around their deaths feel pointless and out of place, despite taking up a decent amount of time.

This subplot also somehow manages to make it seem like Peter only became Spider-man because of his DNA which completely goes against the nature of the character. While the desire to differentiate and add an extra dimension to Peter’s story is commendable, the execution ultimately falls flat.

4 Isn’t: Gwen Stacy

One of the main things used to help ground the character of Peter Parker is his romantic relationships. In the original trilogy, it was his relationship with Mary Jane but in the Amazing Spider-Man films, it’s his relationship with Gwen Stacy. One of the things that made their dynamic work so well is the chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone on account of the fact that the two were actually dating. Gwen’s importance to Peter being highlighted and being a part of the core of the story only served to make her death at the end of the movie even more emotional.

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3 Is: The Plot

The film’s biggest problem is that it feels more like a mixture of disconnected scenes and is constantly struggling to balance multiple concepts and ideas all at once. That lack of clear direction causes the film to feel aimless and void of anything meaningful. Unlike the first film which seemed to focus a lot on forgiveness, this film tries to explore so many themes that it addresses them all poorly. Overall, the end result is a film that feels more like a filler episode of a television show than a satisfying sequel.

2 Isn’t: Aunt May

Everyone familiar with Spider-Man knows that the most important person in his life is Aunt May, with her often acting as a supporter and source of wisdom for the character. With each new version of the character comes a new actress who takes on the role of Peter’s overly protective mother figure. In this version, May is played by Sally Field who’s interpretation many have declared to be the definitive version of the character, even over the original. Although she doesn’t have a major role in the movie, she does have a necessary one.

1 Is: Wasted Talent

The movie is full of talented actors that deserved better, especially when you realize that Jamie Foxx and Dane DeHaan weren’t the only actors that were underutilized in the film. Felicity Jones as Felicia Hardy aka Black Cat and Paul Giamatti’s Rhino could have been given a lot more to work with in the less than 10 minutes of combined screen time they were given in the almost 2 and a half hour picture. There were even several scenes shot that were ultimately cut from the film in which Shailene Woodley would appear as Mary Jane Watson. Regardless of whatever future plans Sony had for these characters, they should have recognized the talent they had on board and used that to their advantage.

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