Thor, the God of thunder, made famous by Chris Hemsworth’s perfect portrayal, quickly became a fan favorite and many’s favorite Avenger. Arguably the most powerful Avenger, the ancient Norse God has come to the rescue plenty of times and has been a hero and great teammate to the rest of the Avengers, despite his blissful ignorance.

Wonder Woman, Diana of Themyscira, is DC’s Demi-God who is played onscreen by Gal Gadot, has also been a popular hero for a long time, as one of the most influential female superheroes.  Like Thor, she is larger than life and gives us a look at how Gods look like fighting alongside humans and how dominant they can be. If the DCEU and the MCU somehow crossed over, would these two make good teammate? Here are five reasons why they would, and five reasons they wouldn’t.

10 GREAT: They Are Both From Different Worlds Trying To Get Used To Life On Earth

As we all know from both Norse mythology comics and the movies, Thor is from a space planet called Asgard. Located billions of light-years away from earth, Asgard is mystical and far more advanced than any place on earth and although Thor grew to love the people on our little blue planet, he still always went back home.

Diana’s home is a little closer to earth yet just as mystical and mysterious as Asgard. Hailing from Themyscira, an island of Amazonian women and where Diana was born and raised until she left home to help the people of earth. Both heroes reluctantly leave their home and are met with a challenge trying to acclimate life on earth.

9 HATE: Wonder Woman Is More Accustomed To Life On Earth

In the first Thor movie, we see Thor get sent down to earth as a punishment for abusing his power and defying his father. He is forced to live on a foreign planet without his powers and although its a challenge, he luckily has Jane Foster to help him. It takes a while to get him used to it but he grows to love humankind and in turn becomes an Avenger to fight for them.

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Diana comes to Earth after pilot Steve Trevor accidentally lands in Themyscira and she sets out to explore the world she’s always been so curious about, despite her m0ther’s objections. She spends about 80 years on earth getting used to the culture and even getting a job and falling in love. By the time we see her in Justice League, she’s already acclimated to life on earth and is more human than Amazonian.

Thor’s lack of common earth customs and could very well get on Diana’s nerves and could lead to some back and forth.


8 GREAT: They Both Have A War Mentality

Both warriors were born and raised by warriors and were taught to fight at a very young age. Thor as the son of Odin is sworn to protect the realm from any dangers and Diana raised by the queen to act like a warrior protecting the earth from any danger.

Both have a hard time giving up and are relentless in battle, refusing to give up under any circumstances. Paired up, these two would definitely admire that about each 0ther.

7 HATE: Thor’s Immaturity

Diana is poised and very stoic, rarely showing any emotions and always ready to work. We rarely see her smile or joke around because her community was always at war and she was forced to learn to fight at a young age. Even when she’s fully immersed in Earth culture, she maintains her always serious demeanor and has little patience for immaturity as she has never really been asked to put up with it.

Although Thor was raised similarly, he still finds a way to joke around in the middle of battle, and his childlike innocence and immaturity only became more prevalent as he spent more time on earth. Like Aquaman quickly got on Diana’s nerves with his sarcasm, it could be very much of the same teaming up with the God of thunder.

6 GREAT: Both Unrelenting

Like we mentioned before, both these warriors were trained for war at a young age and both are very confident in their abilities. One thing they both have in common is that they’re unrelenting and always get back up when they’re pushed down and are willing to fight to the death.

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They both hate to lose and they refuse to give up until the job is done, sometimes taking years to exact their revenge, like Thor with Thanos. One all-powerful warrior coming at you with full power is scary enough now imagine two.

5 HATE: Thor Is Less Mentally Stable

Now both Diana and Thor have dealt with painful losses, except one developed a drinking habit and gained over 100 pounds in the other just went into hiding for over decades until the next big threat reared its head. Thor took despair to another level when the Avengers lost their fight against Thanos and he became a completely different person that had to be forced to go back into battle.

Although Diana went into hiding as a way to mourn Steve Trevor’s passing, she was able to maintain her true self and was able to still live a pretty normal life despite her broken heart. She handled her emotions the only way she was taught to and although it wasn’t necessarily healthy, she never lost her true self.

4 GREAT: Thor Respects Powerful Women

Whether it’s Black Widow taking on villains out of her league, Valkyrie being his best warrior, or Captain Marvel refusing to flinch in the face of danger, he loves and respects powerful women.  He may be a big brute, but he does recognize those around him and shows great respect to those who can hold their own, either in battle or as part of the Avengers.

When it comes to powerful women, there isn’t any more powerful than Wonder Woman, who is arguably the most powerful woman in comics and has been a staple in comics and all her influence translated well into the movie. It’s safe to say Thor would respect the hell out of her and consider her a close ally due to all her accomplishments and warrior mentality.

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3 HATE: Wonder Woman Has Short Patience

As we mentioned before, Diana was raised in a place with a warrior mentality and little room for nonsense, making her naturally impatient for jokes and tomfoolery. With her having a hard time with Thor’s immaturity, it’s easy to assume she won’t have any patience for his recklessness and impulsiveness.

Vice versa, Thor would have a hard time putting up with Diana’s constant judgments and could have some conflict.

2 GREAT: Both Have Fallen In Love With Humans

When Thor was banished to Earth to learn how to really use his powers and learn to appreciate his life on Asgard, he was too busy moping around to realize that the girl of his dreams was right in front of him. Luckily, he came to his senses and fell in love with the strong and smart Jane Foster who helped him find his humanity.

Diana fell in love with the pilot who crashed into her home and like Thor, Steve Trevor helped Diana find her humanity and learn to love the humans she was always curious about.

1 HATE: Power Struggle

When you have a Demi-God who’s lived thousands of years, with centuries of war experience and taking on the world’s worst threats, you’re bound to want to take advice from him. But what happens when you have two Demi-Gods with similar experiences and expertise?

The constant back and forth and disagreements, could lead to conflict between the two and could end up with them fighting against each other rather than the threat.

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