As the release date of Steven Universe: The Movie approaches, the number of fan theories about the award-winning animated show’s lore and characters only continues to increase. The most recent season finale may seem conclusive, but the movie’s mere existence – and the fact that it takes place two years later – has sparked intrigue and curiosity among long-time fans.

Further fueling these hypotheses and speculations are the recently released material from this year’s San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC), where the movie’s trailer finally debuted and the Crewniverse gave some clues on what to expect. With the new teasers in mind, here are 5 Steven Universe fan theories that may be true and 5 that we hope stay as nothing more than guesses.

10 Hope It’s False: Jenny Wakeman Is The Movie’s Villain

Obviously this Steven Universe and My Life As A Teenage Robot crossover is next to impossible, but it’s still hard not to imagine how ludicrous it would be to see a genocidal XJ-9 threatening Earth with a giant drill.

9 Could Be True: Pearl’s Secret Rap Career

The Steven Universe fanbase is responsible for creating some of the most intricate theories and deep fried memes ever concocted by a show’s community, with the most popular of the latter being Pearl’s secret rap career.

Based on MKatwood’s miniseries that synced a verse from The Party’s song “L.A.” that Deedee Magno Hall (Pearl’s voice actress) rapped with the show’s footage, the generally accepted canon is that Pearl did in fact lay down some of the sickest rhymes before Steven was born. The Crewniverse and showrunner Rebecca Sugar have yet to confirm or deny the existence of Pearl’s recording history.


8 Hope It’s False: Onion Is Yellow Diamond

The show’s events and each character’s individual arcs contradict this theory, but it stuck around because of how amusingly ridiculous it was. To this day, some fans (ironically) speculate that Steven’s silent friend is the most hotheaded Diamond’s vessel or spy.

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7 Could Be True: A Union Between Homeworld and Earth

The movie takes place two years after the latest season finale, and some fans are hoping that the two worlds have been interacting with one another during the time in between. Now that Homeworld and Earth are on good terms, the two may have been teaching each other about their respective cultures and technology.

6 Hope It’s False: Ronaldo The Crystal Gem

With so few details about Steven Universe’s movie and future to work with, some have been dreading the possible return of the entitled and obnoxious Bloodstone, who is one of the show’s most despised characters. Hopefully, Ronaldo comes back but without this insensitive persona.

5 Could Be True: Diamond Fusion

The Diamond Authority has been in power before life on Earth and they’ve upheld their traditions for the longest time, meaning they’ve also been missing out on a lot. Now that even White Diamond is open to new possibilities, the Diamonds could (among other things) try fusing with one another or with other gems.

4 Hope It’s False: Steven Outlives Everyone

This has led fans to fear that Steven will outlive all of his human loved ones, especially his dad Greg and his girlfriend Connie. While the Crystal Gems will be around for as long he is, the mere thought of Steven being (technically) immortal but alone is enough to make even the most stoic fans cry.

3 Could Be True: Lapidot

To this day, supporters of the two continue to hope for a wedding on par with that of Ruby and Sapphire, if only to make things between Lapis and Peridot official. Only time will tell if the two will take their relationship up a notch or keep things the way they are.

2 Hope It’s False: Everyone Dies In The Movie

After years of developing a cast of well-rounded people and Gems, it would be needlessly bleak to just end all life on Earth and let the currently nameless villain win just like that. While tragic character deaths won’t be too surprising, killing everyone just seems unfair and unwarranted.

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1 Could Be True: The Movie Is The Start Of Something New

Just like how the original Ben 10 continued with a sequel series starring a now teenaged Ben, the same could be said for Steven and the Crystal Gems. The war between the Diamonds and the Crystal Gems may finally be over, but that doesn’t mean Steven and family are done going on adventures together.

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