Fantastic Beasts is a far cry from the decade long mythology-creating Harry Potter films. It was always going to be different, because it didn’t have to create the world it exists in from scratch. However, so far, the Fantastic Beasts movies have been worth watching.

While the magic of the original will never be replicated, it doesn’t mean that it’s not worth exploring other stories in the Wizarding World. Here are five things the Fantastic Beasts movies do better than the original series, and five ways it fails to live up to the source material it expands upon.

10 Better – Romance

The romance of the Harry Potter characters never translated from page to screen very well. Ginny and Harry felt forced, and Ron and Hermione just appeared too much like best friends for their final kiss to feel, well, romantic. The Fantastic Beasts movies, perhaps, fair better because their cast is slightly older.

Whatever the real reason, the romance between Queenie and Jacob, even if there were no other couples in the film franchise, definitely makes Fantastic Beasts far more romantic and meaningful on that relationship level than the original films.

9 Worse – Language

Fantastic Beasts tries to update some of the language fans have grown to use and understand from the Harry Potter series. As the first Beasts film takes place in the United States, non magical humans are called “no-majs” rather than “muggles”.

Unfortunately the term is laughable, and certainly doesn’t roll off the tongue the same way “muggle” does. In trying to expand the world a little bit, the script instead made the linguistic changes stick out like a sore thumb.


8 Better – Muggle World

Even in America, where the Wizarding World is even more secret and underground than it is in the United Kingdom, witches and wizards coexist much more easily with their muggle neighbors.

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While Mr. Weasley doesn’t know the use of a rubber duck, Queenie and Tina don’t seem to struggle to wander around the regular streets of New York City. And, while Queenie and Jacob’s relationship may be complicated and against the rules, Queenie doesn’t struggle to understand the terms, tools, or places that are a part of Jacob’s life.

7 Worse – Backstory

Harry’s backstory is the very reason for the story that surrounds him. It is essential to the films and the greater narrative. While Newt’s backstory is interesting, it isn’t half as pressing or important to the films.

Fans always like the small details (what house Newt was in, who his teachers were, where his family is from) but they are hardly all necessary to the greater worldwide story being presented in the Fantastic Beasts franchise.

6 Better – Free Will

Harry is the chosen one. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix it is made clear that Harry has always been destined to face down Voldemort. While this is exciting, and the revelation is built towards in a very well paced manner, it does change the type of hero Harry is able to be.

Harry has to be the hero, where Newt has to choose to be. Newt, perhaps, can be seen as the more heroic figure, as he is free to decide who and what he will fight for without a greater destiny hanging over his head.

5 Worse – Twists

Harry Potter, over eight films, had time to build toward and then deserve the plot twists it offered its audience. Fantastic Beasts did not take it’s time, but rushed the twists it threw at its audience. The fact that Credence is (supposedly) a Dumbledore sibling had no basis in already presented facts when it was revealed by Grindelwald.

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It still doesn’t add up when fans go back through the timeline presented in the original film and books. It is perhaps the most problematic feature of the Fantastic Beasts films so far.

4 Better – Main Villain

Voldemort is iconic, there’s no arguing that, but he’s also basic. He wants world domination and complete power. He grew out of a lack of love in his life. Why does he want what he wants or do what he does? Because he’s selfish and power hungry.

Gellert Grindelwald, on the other hand, has a real (though still very evil) belief in politics and muggle/wizard relations. Every villain sees himself as the hero of his own story. It’s much easier to see where Grindelwald would see himself as the good guy.

3 Worse – Location

It was always going to be hard to beat Hogwarts as the main location for any story, but Fantastic Beasts never comes close. As cool as it is to see a magical version of New York City, it can’t compete with Hogsmeade, the Hogwarts Express, and the Forbidden Forest.

There’s a reason the Fantastic Beasts movies can jump from location to location around the world. There’s no real draw or nostalgia related to those places the way there is for fans of the original franchise and the school where it largely takes place.

2 Better – Action

Particularly in films five through eight of Harry Potter, the action sequences deteriorate a little bit into flying smoke battles which aren’t that fun or satisfying to watch.

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The Fantastic Beasts movies not only add beasts to their action sequences, but they’re a little more down to earth with the wizard to wizard dueling. It’s simpler to follow, and more successful because of it.

1 Worse – Characters

As perfect a Hufflepuff as Newt is, as amazing as it is to meet witches from the United States, and even as amazing as Jacob’s comedic timing is, the Fantastic Beasts characters cannot hold a candle to the characters from the original series.

There was more time to learn to love Harry and his cohorts, but there was also more space to include characters like Lupin and Umbridge, who, even in their little time on the screen, left lasting and meaningful impressions. The love fans have for the characters in the original Harry Potter movies will never be matched.

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