The Twilight franchise and The Vampire Diaries series feature prominently in popular culture due to their depictions of supernatural love triangles. The first Twilight film was released in 2008 and became a hit with its target audience. The Vampire Diaries followed in its footsteps a year later, continuing the success of the paranormal romance genre.

Both franchises have become iconic in mainstream media, garnering a dedicated and loyal fanbase. Each supernatural series showcased several qualities that often drew from each other’s flaws. The Vampire Diaries surpassed Twilight in ways – but conceded defeat in others.

10 The Vampire Diaries: Romance

Although Twilight is a love story, The Vampire Diaries takes the crown when it comes to showcasing passionate romances. The characters in The Vampire Diaries have complex relationships with each other that result in heartbreak, confusion and complicated fallouts.

The vampires in Twilight are much tamer. Whilst Edward and Bella’s love is memorable, it lacks the same sizzling chemistry of Elena Gilbert’s romance with the Salvatore brothers.

9 Twilight: Werewolves

The werewolves in The Vampire Diaries can’t catch a break. Although supernaturally strong, they are much weaker than vampires. Werewolves like Tyler Lockwood are forced to endure agony during their transformations and lack control in wolf form.

The Twilight werewolves are far more powerful. They transform painlessly and retain control – mostly – over their actions. Unlike TVD’s werewolves, they are as strong as their vampire counterparts.


8 The Vampire Diaries: The Love Triangle

The Vampire Diaries and Twilight both heavily featured a supernatural love triangle. Twilight’s love triangle divided fans into camps of Team Edward and Team Jacob, yet it remained obvious throughout the series that Bella would ultimately choose Edward, her true love.

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The love triangle between Elena, Stefan, and Damon in The Vampire Diaries was more detailed and in-depth. Elena appeared genuinely torn between her feelings for the vampire brothers.

7 Twilight: The Volturi

The Volturi are chilling, formidable figures in the Twilight saga, as well as the undeniable leaders of the vampire world. The red-eyed immortals are introduced in New Moon and continue to be a villainous presence for Bella and the Cullens throughout the series.

The Volturi is more politically powerful than the Original family in The Vampire Diaries. Their dominion over the vampire world is – until Breaking Dawn – iron-clad and irrefutable.

6 The Vampire Diaries: Mythology

The Vampire Diaries explored supernatural mythology throughout the series in more detail than Twilight. The CW show showcased the origins of the vampire species, as well as featuring several otherworldly creatures including psychics, witches, and sirens.

Twilight contains interesting lore surrounding the Quileute werewolves and the vampire community. However, The Vampire Diaries surpasses Stephanie Meyer’s novels in regards to mythological world-building.

5 Twilight: The Small Town Setting

The Vampire Diaries does a good job of developing the setting of Mystic Falls, though Twilight’s presentation of the town of Forks is superior. In the books and films, Forks feels like an integral part of the story. The green trees and grey skies almost feel personified, whilst practically concealing the Cullens from the sun.

Bella’s move to Forks in Twilight feels like a definitive moment. The town plays an important role in the narrative as it unites her with Edward.

4 The Vampire Diaries: Action Sequences

The Vampire Diaries features more adult content than Twilight. Because of this advantage, the show has far better action sequences and fight scenes than Meyer’s work, which was targeted at a younger audience.

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The characters in Twilight are less confrontational, resulting in fewer brawls and battles. The vampires in The Vampire Diaries, especially Damon Salvatore and Katherine Pierce, are more savage and less sentimental.

3 Twilight: Unique Vampires

Many jokes have been made at Twilight’s expense, but the vampires in Stephanie Meyer’s world remain one of the most unique adaptations in its genre. Twilight’s vampires are stronger and faster than their TVD counterparts. They are harder to kill and sparkle in the sunlight instead of burn.

The Cullens are an interesting take on a supernatural species that has been adapted in various ways for different media platforms. Twilight offers an alternative depiction of vampires in film and literature.

2 The Vampire Diaries: Complex Characters

The characters in Twilight are more black and white than their peers in The Vampire Diaries. TVD explores the contradicting moral compasses of its protagonists. Characters such as Damon and Klaus flip between heroism and villainy, committing appalling acts before seeking redemption.

Twilight offers a simpler depiction of characters throughout the series. Edward, despite being a vampire, is presented as a heroic person with noble intentions who clashes against the villainous James and Victoria.

1 Twilight: Moral Characters

Twilight’s depiction of honorable characters is also one of its best qualities, however. It is hard to support figures such as Damon and Klaus at times due to their evil actions. In Twilight, it is easier to choose which characters to root for.

The vampires, werewolves, and hybrids in The Vampire Diaries, like the Volturi, are less altruistic and more self-serving. The vegetarian Cullen family would likely get along with Stefan Salvatore, but disapprove of the rest of the Mystic Falls vampires.

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