Avatar: The Last Airbender and its sequel series, The Legend of Korra, would have not been complete without the furry friends, the cute companions, the adorable animals that accompanied the main characters on their journeys and provided comic relief.

On the original show, there was a winged lemur named Momo and a sky bison named Appa, and within the second story, there was a polar bear dog named Naga and a fire ferret named Pabu. And down below, there are 10 examples of when these guys were the best part of it all, due to their friendly and funny behaviors!

10 When Naga & Pabu Saved Korra & Her Friends Over & Over

While Naga technically belonged to Korra and Pabu was Bolin’s little pal, both of these animals helped out all of Team Avatar over and over. Naga’s size and menacing growl could scare people off, and Pabu’s rodent-like size and actions could creep people out and annoy them. Therefore, there were plenty of times when these supporting characters assisted in saving the day.

9 When Appa & Momo Saved Aang & His Friends Over & Over

On a similar note, Appa was Aang’s primary mode of transportation, and Momo became part of the central group, as well. But Katara, Sokka, and Toph all turned to these animals for help and played with them, since they were part of a family unit.

Additionally, they shared traits with their counterparts from The Legend of Korra; Appa’s strength came in handy, as did the way Momo could fly around and pester people. 


8 When Naga Wanted To Play Fetch With Lin 

Speaking of playing… These four characters were just fur babies after all, and they enjoyed goofing around having a good time. However, some of the people they encountered did not seem to know what fun was, such as Lin Beifong.

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One time, Naga was playing fetch with Korra then dropped the ball in front of Lin… who hit the ball and deflated it! Naga’s face looked so sad, making this a stand-out moment. 

7 When Appa Knew That Zuko Was One Of The Good Guys

A big moment in Avatar: The Last Airbender was when Zuko presented himself to the main group, wanting to join them. They did not trust him, for obvious reasons… but Appa did; Zuko had freed Appa in Ba Sing Se, causing this animal to greet this prince with lots of licks. 

Animals are a great judge of character, and this sky bison knew, deep down, that Zuko was a good person.  

6 When Pabu Had Too Many Noodles

Though Pabu and Momo were tiny, they sure could eat. At one point, this fire ferret went with Bolin to a noodle restaurant. The next morning, he was shown alongside an empty bowl of noodles with a very full belly! And when he tried to follow Bolin and Mako out of the room, he had to slide, since walking was a bit hard in his state. 

5 When Momo Ate Too Much & Couldn’t Fit Through A Vent

Since Momo was so small, there were spaces he could fit into, and through, during times of need. This didn’t work, though, if he had a belly full of fruit.

When Team Avatar was imprisoned by King Bumi, Aang thought Momo could slip through an air vent, in order to help the group escape. However, this little critter hadn’t eaten too much and wouldn’t fit!

4 When Pabu & Naga Played Tug-Of-War With Mako’s Scarf

Pabu and Naga were once left with Yin, Bolin, and Mako’s grandmother, while Team Avatar went off on an adventure. During this time, the two creatures started playing tug-of-war with Mako’s iconic red scarf, which had been given to Yin.

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She got on to them, calling Naga a dog and Pabu a rat thingy, which led to this pair lowering their heads in shame. It was another sorrowful and memorable scene that was pretty funny, too!

3 When Katara Wanted Momo To Bring Water

Remember when Katara and Sokka got really sick, and Aang went off to try and find a cure? This brother and sister used Appa as a pillow, and Katara thought that Momo could at least bring them some water. But he did not exactly understand human words. That being said, he brought her all sorts of objects yet never any water. At least he tried.  

2 When Naga & Pabu Were Part Of The Stakeout 

Once, in Korra’s show, there was a stakeout at an inn, and Team Avatar had to find creative ways to pass the time. Pabu played with some spirits then took a nap on Naga, who was resting and taking up the majority of the room.

The most eventful part of this was when Pabu ran into Bolin and Asami’s game of Pai Sho, ruining his owner’s chance of winning. To top it all off, Pabu then chewed on the head of a Nuktuk doll!

1 When Aang Had A Vision Of Momo & Appa Fighting

And, of course, there was Aang’s hallucination that featured Momo and Appa battling it out. This legendary scene happened as the Avatar was getting ready to face Fire Lord Ozai. And one of his nerves-induced nightmares showed Momo and Appa talking then fighting, all while wearing some pretty amazing outfits. 

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