Everyone knows by now that 1997’s Batman & Robin was a complete disaster that killed the 1990s Batman series that started with Tim Burton’s Batman. So as a result, the infamous status of that sequel led to years of people mocking both it and tainting its predecessor: Batman Forever.

There are several things about Batman Forever that make it weaker in comparison to the likes of Batman (1989) or Batman Begins. However, there are also qualities that make the third Batman film still an enjoyable superhero romp. Many of these qualities fans tend to ignore rather than give credit where it is due.

10 Good: A Solid Robin Introduction

Though everything about this character would be ruined by the immediate sequel, Chris O’Donnell’s portrayal of Dick Grayson is far from bad. The attempt to give Dick Grayson more depth to his character from the start is admirable; although it’s strange that Bruce Wayne adopts a man clearly in his mid-twenties.

Still, the path he takes to become a vigilante and his pluckiness to give up is great to see. O’Donnell gives a genuinely good performance and the reason why the character is named Robin is actually refreshing.

9 Bad: Two-Face Was Too Silly

Sadly, the villain who creates Robin ended up being the total opposite. It seems like the filmmakers confused Two-Face for the Joker because that’s what this villain more resembles. Crazy, colorfully themed goons and he’s constantly giggling and cackling like a madman.

Other than referring to himself as “we,” there is very little to do with Two-Face. Even the makeup looks closer to a man who spread grape jelly across his face. It is a total shame seeing how Tommy Lee Jones is a top-tier actor and likely could have given a performance just as great as Aaron Eckhart’s version.


8 Good: Batman’s Wonderful Toys

Using H.R. Giger as inspiration, Batman’s tech got an entirely new look for his arsenal. This included the infamous Batsuit with the Bat-Nipples but also a really stylistic Batmobile. The gadgets were all given a new polish, the Batcave got a makeover, and more.

The best come in the form of the Sonar Batsuit used in the climax which ditches the nipples for a design for Batman that works way better. Even Robin’s suit is a great attempt to update the character for a more armored look. Finally, there is the new Batwing which arguably looks superior to the Tim Burton version.

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7 Bad: Inconsistent Gotham City

So while all the Batman stuff got a new but fitting look, the rest of Gotham suffered. From a visual standpoint, everything about Batman Forever is so drastically different from Batman and Batman Returns. If Batman Forever was a reboot, this would be understandable.

However, since Batman Forever is intended to be a sequel to Batman Returns, it just comes across as ill-fitting. There are giant statues of founding fathers and gods all over the city, everything in neon, and all the gothic elements that Gotham City is known for seems to vanish for a more punk look.

6 Good: Jim Carrey Is Still Fun To Watch

Yes, Jim Carrey’s Riddler does not match the dark and sinister versions of the character in the comics and animated shows of the time. The riddles are also ridiculously easy, even for a character like him. However, Schumacher and Carrey’s intention was to essentially create a big-budget version of Frank Gorshin’s Riddler from the Adam West series. In that regard, they actually succeeded.

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Still, fans remain understandably split on the strange portrayal of Edward Nigma. Still, Jim Carrey does deliver on stealing the show and providing entertainment: his elastic body, face, and downright unpredictable sense of humor lend well to a silly villain like this. Plus, the few times Carrey is allowed to be sinister, he does not disappoint.

5 Bad: What Is The Tone?

This was likely the result of the studio tampering to make Batman Forever more family-friendly. Throughout Batman Forever, there is no consistent tone. Now many movies go for many different tones throughout the runtimes, that is fine. In the case of Batman Forever, it’s all over the place. One scene can go from comedic to dark to dramatic to epic within the span of seconds.

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The perfect example is right in the opening scene; it starts with a grand entrance for the new Batman and Batmobile as the music swells beautifully. Then the tone shifts instantly to comedy when Alfred and Batman talk about sandwiches and takeout. The tone shifts just make the experience more awkward than anything.

4 Good: Elliot Goldenthal Enhances The Movie

There is no denying that Danny Elfman’s score for the Tim Burton movies will remain part of history. Still, out of all the composers that could have replaced Elfman, Elliot Goldenthal was probably the best choice. The score for Batman Forever is such a well-orchestrated soundtrack that it could have worked for the Tim Burton movies.

It’s dark, mysterious, whimsical, and reaches pretty epic heights at times. The best part of the score is the main theme which plays throughout. Its best use is when Batman and Robin head off to fight Riddler and the music kicks in just as Batman flies through the Bat-Signal. It’s a perfect theme for a superhero.

3 Bad: Nicole Kidman Was Wasted

When Rene Russo dropped out of the role, Nicole Kidman was cast as the new love interest. Dr. Chase Meridian, a psychologist who has an obsession with Batman. Nicole Kidman is another top-tier actor but much like Tommy Lee Jones, Kidman was given a poorly executed character.

The concept of the character could have been interesting. However, most of the time Chase is either extremely bland or rather unlikable due to her unhealthy obsession with Batman. Granted, she does have a character arc but it doesn’t really serve the story, especially since she just ends up being a damsel in distress.

2 Good: Val Kilmer Is Batman

As if often the case, when a famous Batman actor leaves the role, his replacement is first met with disdain. A pattern that continues even to this day with Robert Pattinson’s Batman. Sadly, it would take years for Val Kilmer before he gained a cult following. Replacing Michael Keaton would be a tough job for anyone.

For all of Batman Forever’s shortcomings, Val Kilmer’s Batman keeps the movie afloat. His Batman delved deeper into the psychological aspects of his personality and bring more emotion to the character. Val Kilmer also establishes more of a difference between his Batman and Bruce Wayne voices. The biggest flaw with him is that the writers gave Val’s Batman too many cheesy one-liners.

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1 Bad: The Schumacher Cut

After director Joel Schumacher passed away, it was revealed that Schumacher had made a drastically different movie about three hours long. It was supposed to be much darker with the villains and heroes having more development. Apparently, Tommy Lee Jones’ Two-Face would have been much better than in the final product. Some revealed deleted scenes for Batman Forever has become famous for fans wishing they were in the film.

The studio wanted more action and family-friendly stuff so much of the film was altered and cut down to meet their demands. Many fans have noted that this is a nearly identical situation to 2017’s Justice League. Now that Zack Snyder gets to unveil his true vision of his movie, fans have requested Warner Bros. to do the same for Joel Schumacher.

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