In 1979, one of the most intense film franchises began with George Miller’s Mad Max starring Mel Gibson. While that first film was not a huge hit outside Australia, its follow up The Road Warrior became a global smash and showed just how wild this series could be.

The third film Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome didn’t have the same impact and the franchise went dormant for years. Then came 2015’s Mad Max: Fury Road which went on to be nominated for Best Picture and be named one of the best movies of the last decade. But which film in the series is truly the best. Here are some reasons why The Road Warrior is the better movie and some reasons why it is Fury Road.

10 The Road Warrior: The Mission

None of the Mad Max films are too concerned with creating an intricate story and that’s part of what makes them so effective. The stories in The Road Warrior and Fury Road are very simple and straight-forward, thus allowing the interesting world and the action to take center stage.

However, the main mission at the center of The Road Warrior is just a bit more engaging than Fury Road. A group of desperate survivors are attempting to take their supply of gas out of the dangerous wasteland. It’s simple but a little more thrilling than Fury Road‘s extended car chase.

9 Fury Road: The Emotional Drive

While the story behind Fury Road might not be as compelling, the emotional stakes of the story are extremely effective. Miller seems to understand better than most filmmakers that if the audience is emotionally invested in the characters, they will follow the story wherever it goes.

Seeing a car chase that goes in one direction, then turns around and drives back to where it came from doesn’t sound too interesting. But since we care about the people involved, what they have been through and what they are trying to escape, we become hooked to that journey.


8 The Road Warrior: The Legend

In Fury Road, Tom Hardy proved to fill the role of Max wonderfully after Mel Gibson made the character so iconic. However, The Road Warrior remains the most interesting use of the character of Max in the series.

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The first Mad Max told the story of how this family turned into a vengeful loner. With that story established, The Road Warrior turns Max into a figure of legend and adds a mythical quality to him. It’s interesting to see the character as this legend passed around in the post-apocalyptic wasteland.

7 Fury Road: The Pace

Neither of these films could ever be considered boring. They throw you into the story and this broken world immediately and the action kicks off right away. However, as much as The Road Warrior is a high-speed adventure, there is no beating Fury Road.

Despite being in his 70s at the time of filming, George Miller managed to create a non-stop epic that hardly gives you time to breathe. While such a relentless pace might feel exhausting if done poorly, Fury Road is just a heart-pounding thrill ride.

6 The Road Warrior: Supporting Characters

Max is a fun hero to follow in these movies, but he’s a man of few words and tends to guard his emotions quite closely. Therefore, these movies do rely on colorful supporting characters to add some life to the story.

Each film does this very well. Immortan Joe’s wives, Nux and the Vuvalini are all fascinating additions to the story. However, The Road Warrior‘s characters, like the Gyro Captain and the Feral Kid, are just a bit more fun to follow on this adventure.

5 Fury Road: Furiosa

While Fury Road‘s supporting characters are not quite as interesting as the one in The Road Warrior, its main character is brilliant. Oddly enough, it is not Max who is at the center of the story but rather Furiosa (Charlize Theron) who makes for an excellent hero to follow.

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Furiosa is shown to be as big of a badass as Max is but it is her emotional arc that propels the film. Max is still a very important part of the story, but his purpose is to allow Furiosa’s story to progress. The result is one of the most memorable cinematic heroes in recent years.

4 The Road Warrior: The Villains

Just like the heroes in these films, Miller certainly knows how to create interesting villains for the Mad Max series. Fury Road’s Immortan Joe is a complex and truly detestable bad guy but The Road Warrior’s villains are a bit more effective, even if they don’t quite have the personality.

The Humungus is a great leader of the villains, an intimidating yet articulate warlord who holds control over his pack of mad men. Likewise, his main henchman, Wez, is a genuinely terrifying foe who targets Max throughout the movie.

3 Fury Road: The World Building

These movies do not spend a lot of time explaining how the world turned into this hellish wasteland filled with violent people, but the world-building makes it feel like a real existence. Small details add so much to helping us understand this new world. Fury Road especially has a lot of fun with this.

The entire civilization that exists under Immortan Joe is fascinating and worthy of several movies just to dive deeper into its background. From the War Boys to the water to the diseases that infect the people, it is expertly created and makes the whole story that much more thrilling.

2 The Road Warrior: The Reluctant Hero

Max is not your typical cinematic hero and it is his loner aspect that makes him so compelling. We’ve seen plenty of heroes who are more concerned with helping themselves than others, but Max is one of the best examples of this kind of protagonist.

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Obviously, Max’s arc in these films is turning his back on his selfish ways and attempting to help others. That turn comes fast in Fury Road, but The Road Warrior isn’t shy about making him seem like a real jerk for most of the movie. It does make for an interesting main character.

1 Fury Road: The Action

Whether you choose The Road Warrior or Fury Road, you are at least guaranteed some of the best cinematic action sequences of all time. George Miller is a genius with staging on-screen mayhem, as evident by both these films.

However, when you come down to it, The Road Warrior, or pretty much any movie for that matter, can compete with the epic brilliance on display in Fury Road. The action scenes give us some of the most breath-taking movie moments ever and will leave you awe-struck by what Miller was able to achieve.

NextEvery Movie To Win Best Animated Feature In The 2010s, Ranked By IMDb

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