The Yu-Gi-Oh! anime is full of villains good and bad, serious and wacky, they run the gamut. Some viewers love to hate, some they hate to love, but they all bring a different quality to the season or arc that they are featured in. Some are actual children, it’s great.

Some villains, though, are just not very good. They’re forgettable, annoying, or are for some reason based on real-life historical figures and make absolutely no sense whatsoever. Yes, that’s right, Alexander the Great is an actual villain in the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime.

8 Alexander The Great

The main villain of the very forgettable Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters arc is Alexander the Great. Due to the effects of the Millennium Ring, Alexander the Great was split into two distinct people, his evil and his good sides. As such, the evil version is the main villain of the arc. Unfortunately, the arc itself is poor in just about every aspect (except for Thunder Kid, king), and Alexander the Great’s writing and actual threat level are both not very good and forgettable.

7 The Big Five

The Big Five are serviceable villains but falter in the fact that they are literally all caricatures of human beings. They all have one trait that is blown up to make them human beings, and that’s literally it. One of their personalities is that they love penguins, that’s it.

When the group works together, such as when they took on Joey and Yugi together, they’re not bad. Perhaps if these five were one person all the time, they’d actually rank a bit higher on the list. But, alas, they aren’t. Their child boss actually ranks higher on the list. A whole child.


6 Marik

Marik is always hyped as a fantastic villain, but look at the stats for just one minute. He loses to virtually everyone he duels. Mai should have knocked him out in the first round of the Battle City finals, but lost due to magic ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics appearing on The Winged Dragon of Ra. She completely outdueled him. Joey did exactly the same, but couldn’t call his last attack due to the effects of the Shadow Realm. Marik simply wasn’t a good duelist, and if he actually outdueled anybody that wasn’t Bakura he would have ended up a lot higher on the list than he actually did.

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5 Noah

Noah’s a pretty good villain, he’s very easy to absolutely hate because he is still a child, he’s a brat. He wants everything handed to him and wont stand to have it any other way. Though, he used Mokuba as a human shield to make sure that Kaiba wouldn’t beat him, that sort of takes him down a peg. He certainly isn’t afraid to play dirty, though. He’ll stop the Big Five from using the same tactics that he does shamelessly. It’s consistent with his character, at the very least.

4 Dartz

Dartz is standard pure evil. He has been alive for thousands of years, bringing destruction wherever he goes. He will take whatever he wants and lie to whoever he needs to in order to achieve his goal, revive the Great Leviathan in order to restore Atlantis to its former glory. He was horribly corrupt, and while he didn’t have a massive amount of depth to him, the show did a good job of showcasing just how many evil acts he would commit in order to get what he wanted.

3 Zigfried

Zigfried is a fun villain, and actually has skill when it comes to dueling. He defeats all of his opponents up to Kaiba, even besting Joey. He even takes out Weevil and Rex in a single turn, it is absolutely stunning to watch happen. He’s hyped up properly throughout the season.

Zigfried almost manages to defeat Kaiba, but he wasn’t done even when he lost. He had Leon ready to go to the end to defeat Yugi. He even used an illegal card during Leon’s duel. Zigfried was ruthless in all of the right ways. He was a very fun villain in a cute little arc.

2 Bakura

Bakura was a great villain in the show. He was always present throughout each arc of the series, slowly building up to the grand finale in the final season. While he wasn’t always a direct threat, he was always looming in the background. His build-up was great, and the payoff in season five elevated him to new heights. However, he doesn’t take the top spot on the list. That honor goes to villain turned hero, season one’s big bad, Pegasus.

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1 Pegasus

Pegasus was just straight evil. He wasn’t afraid to do whatever he needed in order to get what he wanted, the power of additional Millennium Items and KaibaCorp’s technology to bring his dead wife back to life. He was brazen about cheating, his personality was all over the place in the best way possible, he’s fantastic. Pegasus was also properly built up to throughout the season, so the payoff of seeing Yugi finally defeat the mastermind was fantastic. And then, viewers got the best of both worlds because Pegasus stuck around through the rest of the series to help the gang out from time to time.

NextDC: 10 Funniest Quotes Of The Penguin

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