Content Warning: This article contains references/depictions of violence.

Rockstar Games have a reputation for producing some of the best video games ever – and Red Dead Redemption is the jewel in the Rockstar crown. Both Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2 are known for their heartrending storylines and charismatic characters – but in true Rockstar style, they don’t scrimp on the funnies, either.

While the main missions contain plenty of comic moments – both Arthur and John have quickfire wit – it’s the ‘Stranger’ missions and side quests that contain the funniest, most bizarre stories. All the funniest video game missions have a little darkness behind them – and Red Dead pulls them off perfectly.

8 A Bright Bouncing Boy – RDR2

Like most of the strangers across the Red Dead world, Professor Marko Dragic is something of an eccentric. What starts as an innocent mission on a boating lake becomes something much darker when Dragic goes all Frankenstein and harnesses the power of electricity to create his very own bionic boy.

Players who return for part 3 of the mission find that Dragic meets a pretty sticky end. But for those who don’t, Dragic’s big reveal turns into a pretty lackluster affair. Arthur sums it up with a trademark dry comment: “I just saw a machine waddle a few steps.”

7 The Noblest of Men, and a Woman – Emmet Granger – RDR2

Emmet Granger is a gunslinger-turned-hog-farmer, and he’s keen to teach Arthur a lesson in hog care before he will tell him anything about Jim ‘Boy’ Calloway. Arthur reluctantly agrees, which sees him spend a good couple of minutes picking up pig manure while trying to wheedle some stories out of Granger.

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Granger’s tricky, but Arthur’s trickier. A sleight-of-hand trick with a stick of dynamite causes the manure wagon to explode, covering Granger in pig excrement. Arthur never gets his Boy Calloway stories, but he gets the better of Emmet Granger.


6 Who Are You To Judge? – RDR1

It’s difficult not to judge after getting duped by a man who’s in love with his horse. This offbeat side mission from the original Red Dead Redemption sees John head off on a “mercy mission” to rescue Lucy, Jeb’s lamented love.

Only Lucy isn’t a damsel in distress – she’s a horse. Lucy’s captor isn’t exactly shy in poking fun at John’s romantic notions of rescue, and John is suitably embarrassed. A lot more embarrassed, in fact, than Jeb, who has very little shame over the whole affair.

5 He’s British, Of Course – RDR2

While it’s easy to draw some of the side quests out over a few gaming sessions, this stranger encounter is too fun and intriguing not to do in one sitting. Margaret, a circus performer, has crashed his caravan and lost three exotic animals in the pastures near Bluewater Marsh.

The prospect of encountering a zebra, tiger, and a lion near the swamps is pretty exciting – so it’s easy to be underwhelmed at finding a dressed-up donkey, and a dog playing a tiger. But Red Dead never leaves its players disappointed – which is why the lion isn’t quite as phony as his common-or-garden counterparts.

4 Deadalus and Son – RDR1

Steeped in Greek mythology, this side mission is filled with foreshadowing – so players kind of know what’s going to happen before it does. Not that that takes any of the fun out of it. In the myth, Daedalus created the wings that led to his son Icarus plunging to his death after flying too close to the sun. Even the mission title is filled with punny foreboding.

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Charles Kinnear is convinced he can create wings that will allow him to launch himself off a cliff and land safely on the ground. Obviously, he can’t – but helping him collect the items he needs to build his wings is worth it to watch the leap.

3 Filth And Other Entertainment – RDR1

The Undead Nightmare DLC has been hugely popular with Red Dead fans – and this mission is a nod to the zombie movies that inspired it. When filmmaker D.S. MacKenna has the mighty brainwave to make a movie about “flesh-eating monsters,” John can’t help but ask: “What kind of sick person would like that?”

It’s a good question – but everyone knows the answer. And John’s happy enough to source actors for MacKenna’s movie, so maybe he, too, thinks it’s kind of a cool idea. Either way, MacKenna gets pretty much what he deserves at the end of this mission.

2 Oh, Brother – RDR2

When it comes to comedy, sibling rivalry is a trope that always seems to work. But twin brothers Proetus & Acrisius take their rivalry to a whole new level in an attempt to impress Helen, their mutual love interest.

Who knows how they figured Helen would be into men who can have bottles shot off their heads – but it’s pretty fun being the independent adjudicator for their constant one-upmanship. Plus, in the end, the twins become best friends again – so all’s well that ends well.

1 A Quiet Time – RDR2

The funniest mission across the whole Red Dead franchise is Arthur’s infamous night out with Lenny. Suitably downplayed by the mission title, never has it been more fun to stumble around, half-cut, looking for your mate in a bar.

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What seems like it’s going to be just-another-brawl turns out to be the best night you’ll have in your whole Red Dead experience. From bar fights to line dancing to deep conversations about life and love, it’s one of the warmest, funniest scenes you’ll play in a video game.

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