The cat’s out of the bag. It’s no longer a spoiler to say that Thanos does in fact appear in a speaking role in Avengers: Endgame. Wow, that feels so good to say that out loud. It’s also not a secret that just about the entire world saw Avengers: Endgame over the weekend. If anyone hasn’t seen the movie it’s best to stop reading. Real spoilers are about to follow. Still here? Okay, so Thanos is defeated in the movie. However, there’s a few different ways The Avengers could have fought The Mad Titan. Check out the list to see eight other ways The Avengers could have gotten rid of Thanos! 

8 Hulk

It needs to be said. Endgame’s Professor Hulk is oddly handsome and it’s slightly uncomfortable. Anyway, one of the main functions Professor Hulk serves in the film’s plot is wearing the Infinity Gauntlet. According to the film’s logic, Professor Hulk uses the Infinity Gauntlet because Thor is too emotionally unstable to execute the task. Professor Hulk ends up using the gauntlet and destroying his own arm in the process. 

However, whose to say Thor wouldn’t have done the right thing in that moment? The film’s argument is that Thor is too much of a loose canon and could potentially risk causing more bad than good with the gauntlet. Ultimately, Thanos faces off against Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man. The three heroes barely have enough collective power to stand up against the Mad Titan. 

If Professor Hulk hadn’t been injured from the gauntlet he could’ve easily stood toe to toe with Thanos. Although Hulk loses to Thanos in Infinity War, this movie’s version of Hulk shows the character at his peak. It’s possible that Professor Hulk could’ve let Thor wield the gauntlet. This would allow Professor Hulk to beat down Thanos. 

7 Nebula

Considering the amount of times Nebula gets torn apart and resembled in each movie, it’s insane that Marvel hasn’t decided to make her into a Mrs. Potato Head toy. What a missed opportunity for merchandising! 

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There’s a scene mid-way through Endgame that shows Nebula crossing paths with her past self. This causes both versions of Nebula to share the same sub-conscious. Evil Nebula uses good Nebula’s memories to track down The Avengers into our current timeline. If this is the case it would make sense that good Nebula should be able to access evil Nebula’s memories. However, there’s never a moment where good Nebula uses the memories to warn The Avengers about the arrival of Thanos. Nebula should’ve been able to contact one of the Avengers so that they could better prepare to fight Thanos. This would’ve allowed the heroes to defeat The Mad Titan without losing so many people in the process. 


6 Ant-Man

We all know the infamous gif that’s been swirling around for months that involves Ant-Man crawling into a certain part of Thanos. Although the gif is hysterical it also contains a certain amount of logic. 

Ant-Man doesn’t have to kill Thanos in such a profane (and hilarious) way. However, the idea of Ant-Man crawling inside Thanos’ body and expanding kind of makes sense. Thanos is made of flesh just like anyone else. The Mad Titan’s body wouldn’t be able to sustain Ant-Man’s expansion. Endgame would’ve been a very different movie if the entire plot had revolved around figuring out how to get Ant-Man inside Thanos’ body. 

5 Avengers Assemble 

It was super lame when Captain America shouted, “Avengers Assemble!”

We just wanted to see how mad everyone would get reading that statement. Joking aside, Captain America finally yelling his catchphrase is awe inspiring. 

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The Avengers assembling actually raises an overlooked possibility that may have very well been instrumental in defeating Thanos. This is the moment where ultra powered characters like Doctor Strange, Scarlett Witch, Giant-Man, Thor, and Hulk ban together. Now, here’s a novel idea: What if all of those characters just, like, bum-rushed Thanos. The big purple guy would’ve been dead meat.  

4 Gamora

There’s so many green people in the MCU that it’s hard to keep up. Gamora is known as “that green girl” to virtually anyone’s grandparents who watches these movies. 

Marvel’s favorite green girl (Gamora) returns in Endgame. Yet, this is a different version of Gamora from a parallel timeline. Although a new Gamora is introduced, she still has the same desire to defeat Thanos. Gamora is able to see into the future after she views Nebula’s memories. It would make sense for Gamora to make a preemptive strike against Thanos since she knows that he will eventually wipe out half of the universe. Gamora is in the same space ship as Thanos and is the only one who can get close enough to attempt an assassination. 

3 Time Travel

We’re going to say that something the movie says won’t work can, in fact, actually work. Rhodes asks The Avengers why they can’t go back in time and kill baby Thanos. Professor Hulk says killing Thanos in the past wouldn’t have an affect on the present. The goal of the film is to retrieve the Infinity Stones rather than kill Thanos. 

However, there’s a morbid solution for the characters if they also don’t want to run the risk of fighting an alternate version of Thanos. The Avengers have to simply go back in time and kill Thanos when he’s a child. Maybe that’s not so simple, but it still works. 

2 Thor  

It’s crazy that fat Thor still manages to have more muscle than any average mortal. The movie argues that Thor is underpowered due to the fact that he hasn’t seen any real battles in five years. Yet, the film’s finale shows that Thor is more than capable of fighting.

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It’s true that Thanos beats down Thor. However, Thor only uses Stormbreaker in this scene. Imagine if Thor wore the Infinity Gauntlet while also using Mjolnir and Stormbreaker at the same time. It’s kind of a ridiculous visual to imagine, but the point still stands. This version of Thor would be so overpowered that he’d easily be stronger than any other MCU character. Thanos would be turned into purple toast (or jam?) within seconds. 

1 Captain Marvel

It should be mandatory for Captain Marvel to have a wacky new hair style every time she shows up in a new scene. Captain Marvel’s new hair cut isn’t the only memorable aspect about the character in Endgame.

What really stands out is Captain Marvel’s strength. The first couple minutes of the film establish Captain Marvel as the world’s strongest superhero. The woman is able to straight up carry a space ship and choke hold Thanos. Since Captain Marvel is so strong, wouldn’t it had made sense if she wielded the Infinity Gauntlet instead of Tony? Endgame’s finale shows Thanos defend himself against Captain Marvel even though she defeats him at the start of the film. The point is that Endgame makes it known that Captain Marvel is super strong and she could’ve easily gotten rid of Thanos.

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