Young Justice will premiere its fourth season, subtitled Phantoms, on Oct. 21, 2021. The show has had a complicated journey, returning from cancellation to air its third season six years after the second’s premiere. Season 4 will air as an HBO Max exclusive.

The show has received positive reviews throughout its run, but not everyone agrees with the acclaim. In fact, many viewers have somewhat controversial opinions, and they go to Reddit to express them. Their takes may not always be negative, but they are divisive at best and outright unpopular at worst.

8 Season 2 Ruined Season 1

Season 1 of Young Justice focused entirely on a core group of characters looking to find their own identities outside the shadow of their more famous mentors. Most episodes were character-driven, creating a fresh dynamic for an animated show.

However, season 2 changed the rules and shifted to a more plot-driven story. Many fans disliked this change, like Redditor KawwaiiKat, who thinks season 2 “ruined and ignored” everything season 1 did right. The user goes on to criticize the new characters, claiming that most of them “don’t have any arc (whatsoever).” KawwaiiKat does have a point about the number of new characters introduced, but the user is disregarding their importance to the story and ignoring the ongoing arcs for Beast Boy, Roy, Artemis, and Wally.

7 Season 3 Focused On Romantic Relationships Too Much

Romance is a crucial part of every superhero’s life. Superman has Lois Lane, Batman has Catwoman, and Harley Quinn has Poison Ivy. Indeed, DC has some of the most iconic couples in comic books.

Some fans prefer action over love, like Reddit user RBlomax38. In the user’s opinion, season 3 focused too much on romantic relationships. “Outsiders focused way more on each character’s love life and much less on an actual plot.” To each their own, but romance has always been crucial to Young Justice. Season 1 had the relationship between Superboy and Miss Martian as the emotional core of the story. Season 2 focused on their separation and her new relationship with Lagoon Boy while also finding time to explore Guardian and Bumblebee’s love affair.


6 Halo Makes The Show Too Diverse

Halo is a new addition to the show in season 3. She is the spirit of a Mother Box inhabiting the body of a deceased Quraci girl. Halo has a wide range of abilities that arguably make her the most powerful character in the show, along with a unique nature that makes her intriguing and compelling.

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Despite her many assets, many fans didn’t like her inclusion, like Redditor Redhoodgothamknight. In the user’s words, Halo is “annoying and needy,” while adding that the show is “overdoing it with the diversity.” Halo does exhibit some insecurity and shyness, just like any other teenage girl. However, the user lacks a valid argument to support their claim about “overdoing it” with the diversity when the show literally has only one Middle Eastern character.

5 Season 2 Is The Worst

Season 1 of Young Justice received universal acclaim from critics and fans alike. Seasons 2 and 3 received a more mixed reception, but the consensus remains that it is still one of the best superhero shows currently airing.

Most Reddit comments like to hate on season 3, but a few think season 2 was worse. Case in point, BioLizard18, who believes season 2 “was a mess of contrived drama with an uninteresting villain.” The Reach was a duller villain than the Light or Granny Goodness, but season 2 still had a cohesive plot. In fact, it had a more straightforward story than season 3.

4 Season 3 Was Too Juvenile

Young Justice was always a show aimed at teenagers and, because there was such a long wait between seasons 2 and 3, the show’s original fans became young adults by the time season 3 premiered. Thus, the show tackled mature themes like sexual fluidity, identity, human trafficking, and news manipulation.

However, some fans think that season 3 was more juvenile than previous entries. Redditor 70M-B called it “a full-on children’s cartoon that I would feel embarrassed to be caught watching.” It’s nearly impossible to think of any children’s cartoon that would feature, for example, Halo’s many, many, explicit deaths, so it’s safe to say the Redditor is wrong on this one.

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3 Superboy And Miss Martian Should’ve Stayed Separated

As previously mentioned, Superboy and Miss Martian’s relationship was the emotional core of season 1. Their separation led to many conflicts in season 2, enhanced by the arrival of Lagoon Boy and his romance with Miss M. Fans rejoiced when Superboy and Miss M. got back together, but not everyone is a fan of the pairing.

Redditor QuestioningThink believes that Superboy became a boring character over time. Furthermore, the user thinks that SuperMartian “should have stayed broken up.” There’s always someone who dislikes a beloved ship, but the consensus is that Superboy and M’gann are better off together.

2 Beast Boy Is Better In Season 3

Beast Boy is well-liked thanks to his association with the powerful Teen Titans. The character appeared in Young Justice from the first season, and while most fans appreciated his innocent role in season 2, they disliked the direction he took in season 3.

Not everyone feels the same way. For example, user PhanStr liked the character in season 3, stating that Beast Boy was “a lot more in line with what (he) personally wanted in season 3.” Beast Boy’s behavior in season 3 did come off as overly cocky at times, explaining why most fans dislike him. However, it’s nice to see that at least some fans enjoyed the character.

1 Season 3 Was Too “Woke”

A lot of online commenters use the term “woke” as a pejoritive aimed at diversity in media, saying, for example, that introducing a gay character without a clear “purpose” is just “woke activism.” Such is the case for Redditor Ill-Communication-87, whose main quarrel with season 3 is that it was “too woke.”

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According to Ill-Communication-87, season 3 “was too many C-list characters with too little development, and too much woke activism.” In reality, the show had one gay couple and one character experiencing a same-sex kiss, hardly the “woke” festival that the user claims.

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