Early in 9-1-1 season 5, Maddie (Jennifer Love Hewitt) and Chimney (Kenneth Choi) left their home and friends in Los Angeles, with little indication of when they would return. Maddie’s last appearance was in season 5, episode 3, “Desperate Measures,” while Chimney was last seen in season 5, episode 4, “Home and Away.” While the other characters believe they’ll both be back, there is a sense of tension as to whether Maddie or Chimney might depart the show for good.

Maddie has had a hard journey since she replaced Connie Britton’s Abby in 9-1-1 season 2. She had survived domestic abuse and a violent encounter with her ex. Her relationship with Chimney developed slowly as she gradually grew to trust him. After giving birth to their daughter Jee-Yun at the end of season 4, Maddie began experiencing post-partum depression. This continued into season 5, resulting in her leaving her daughter at the firehouse with a video message for Chimney. In the next episode, after learning why she left, Chimney took Jee-Yun and went to try to find her.


An interview with executive producer Tim Minear in May 2021 suggested that there’s more to Maddie’s story: “It’s a story that I don’t want to give short shrift to. It will end up creating a major complication for Season 5” [via TVline]The 9-1-1 season 5 complication he’s referring to could be Maddie deciding to leave, but if the storyline remains prominent as he wanted it to, then Maddie is likely to return. Both Kenneth Choi and Jennifer Love Hewitt are still credited as 9-1-1 main cast members, which further hints that they’ll be back. As for clues from the show itself, season 5, episode 5 ended with Maddie calling Buck and him realizing where she was. This sets up the possibility that Buck will be able to help Chimney find Maddie and hopefully return, separately or together.

In September 2021, Hewitt gave birth to her third child, and she needed time off from 9-1-1 for her pregnancy and maternity leave. Maddie’s departure both enabled Hewitt to take some time for her new baby and furthered Maddie’s plot. It was dramatic and gave weight to what the 9-1-1 character had been dealing with. The phone call from Maddie to Buck was likely recorded in a studio, which would have been easier for Hewitt than being on-set. Her absence has been designed to get her off-screen while being open for a return whenever Hewitt is ready.

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While Maddie needed to leave to accommodate for Hewitt’s pregnancy, Chimney’s departure is grounded in what makes sense for the story. After everything they’ve been through together on the show, it would be out of character for him to accept that Maddie had left. Having him leave for a few episodes to look for her both furthers the plot and develops them as a 9-1-1 couple. It’s also a strong message from the show that people dealing with post-partum depression don’t have to go through it alone and that support from family can be crucial. Though Maddie and Chimney’s departures don’t have a clear end date, it doesn’t seem to signal that either character is leaving 9-1-1 for good. The storyline enables Hewitt to have time with her new baby and furthers Maddie’s character development. Chimney going as well increased the drama and made the story feel more realistic and grounded.

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