The Happening (2008), written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, is notoriously so bad that it’s considered good. Its screenplay in particular is a punchline of many jokes. Fans love to reference the movie’s best quotes, which in this case mostly means most ridiculous, non-sensical, and humorous. The premise of the movie might be interesting, but the dialogue falls completely flat – so much so that it’s now something that audiences take pleasure in.

Each character from The Happening (2008) contributes to the movie’s list of best and most peculiar quotes, but the one character who said the most unforgettable things has to be Elliot Moore (Mark Wahlberg). To this day, fans are not sure whether the movie was intentionally written so badly to come across as funny or whether Shyamalan genuinely thought he wrote a decent script.

9 “Why Can’t Anyone Give Me A Goddamn Second?!”

Running away from the mysterious air-borne toxin, Elliot soon established himself as somewhat of a leader of the confused group that was on the run. They were terrified and turned to him to come up with a solution. “Why can’t anyone give me a goddam second!?” he anxiously yelled.

Then, he put his scientific mind to use by saying: “All right, be scientific, douchebag”. He realized that the plants might be behind everything and came up with a plan: running away from the wind. The quote is considered one of the best because it’s predictable and unoriginal. Additionally, it calls back to Elliot’s profession, a science teacher, in an incredibly non-creative manner.

8 “Plan On Murdering Me In My Sleep?”

Unlike Shyamalan’s The Village, for example, The Happening is not scary at all. One character, however, managed to send some chills down the audiences’ collective spine nonetheless. Mrs. Jones (Betty Buckley) took Elliot, Alma (Zooey Deschanel), and Jess (Ashlyn Sanchez) in, despite living in total recluse.

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She was distrusting of them, even though they never gave her a good reason for it. “Plan on murdering me in my sleep?” she asked the unsuspecting Elliot. It came out of nowhere and didn’t tie to the movie’s main plot. What’s even more hilarious was Wahlberg’s poor acting skills and Elliot’s unassertive answer: “What? No …”


7 “You Like Hot Dogs, Right?”

The Happening is one of the most ridiculous horror movies ever made, and if there’s one quote to prove it, it’s what the nursery owner (Frank Collison) told Elliot and Alma as they were running away from the terrifying disease that hit their community.

“We’re packing hot dogs for the road. You know hot dogs get a bad rap? They got a cool shape, they got protein. You like hot dogs, right?” he asks. He seemed awfully calm about the situation. For a second, he seemed like the perfect suspect for the tragedy that befell the East Coast. “By the way, I know what’s causing this,” he told Elliot right after the hot dog rant. It was out of place, completely random, and didn’t realistically depict people in a crisis situation.

6 “Why Are You Eyeing My Lemon Drink?”

Another unforgettable line from Mrs. Jones is “Why are you eyeing my lemon drink?”. Elliot was simply standing there, minding his own business, but Mrs. Jones was incredibly suspecting nonetheless. Betty Buckley convincingly breathed life into a deranged lonely woman, but even her superb acting couldn’t make the script sound good.

5 “We Went Out And We Had Dessert.”

Alma had zero chemistry with Elliot and came really close to being unfaithful. She decided to come clean about eating tiramisu with her co-worker Joey, played by M. Night Shyamalan himself. “Okay, I was going to tell you, okay? There was this guy Joey. His name is Joey; he’s at work. We went out and we had dessert,” she explained. “I went out and had dessert with him when I told you I worked late and I didn’t work late and I’m feeling really guilty in case we’re going to die. I just wanted you to know that,” she told Elliot.

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It makes no sense why Alma would bring up her secret date with Joey at such a critical time or why this conversation was even a part of the movie. It added nothing to the storyline, except showcase that Elliot and Alma were not in the best place in their relationship – something that was obvious from the get-go, regardless of Joey’s presence.

4 “There Appears To Be An Event Occurring.”

It’s hard to come up with a more vague statement than “there appears to be an event occurring”, which is why it’s one of the most unforgettable quotes in the movie. It was uttered by the school’s headmaster before he told the staff that they should go home.

Elliot’s coworker Julian promptly suggested that they leave town. Soon enough, the entire city was boarding trains and busses to take them out of the city.

3 “I’m Talking To A Plastic Plant.”

By the time Elliot, Alma, and Jess found a house to hide in, they were all terrified and confused. Elliot in particular was hyper-aware of his surroundings at all times. Convinced it’s the plants that want to kill humanity, he approached an indoor plant with caution.

“Hello? My name is Elliot Moore. Just want to talk in a very positive manner, giving off good vibes. We’re just here to use the bathroom, and then we’re just going to leave. I hope that’s OK,” he said, before realizing he was just talking to a plastic plant. Wahlberg’s acting borders on comedy in this scene. Additionally, it’s the one quote that just might prove that Shyalaman himself didn’t take the script as something serious.

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2 “The Event Must’ve Ended Before We Went Out Today.”

Many great movies have been completely ruined by their endings. In the case of The Happening, there’s barely an ending, to begin with. Alma and Elliot decided to end their suffering by embracing death, so they walked outside in the field to reunite before meeting their tragic ends.

Nothing happened, though. “The event must’ve ended before we went out today,” Elliot said. And just like that, the horror story ended. It’s a lazy quote – so much so that it’s unforgettable. The mysterious happening was called an “event” and Elliot instantly somehow knew it was all over.

1 “An Act Of Nature, And We’ll Never Fully Understand It.”

Before the mysterious event took place, Elliot was seen teaching high school students science. He urged the classroom to discuss why bees might be going extinct while keeping in mind the scientific method. One student, named Jake, who didn’t seem particularly interested in the class, said that the reason bees have vanished is “an act of nature, and we’ll never fully understand it”.

Jake’s quote summarizes The Happening well. People came up with all kinds of reasons for the sudden death of thousands of people, but in the end, nobody knew exactly what caused it. It was an act of nature. The quote is among the most ambitious ones in the movie, but its execution, unfortunately, falls short- as do all the others.

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