With the unexpected success of Jason Sudeikis’ Apple series Ted Lasso, a lot of fans are rediscovering his 2013 road trip comedy We’re the Millers. One of the most successful R-rated comedies of the past decade, We’re the Millers wrings a ton of hilarious moments out of its unique premise of a band of drug smugglers disguising themselves as a suburban family to get across the border.

As with any memorable comedy, it’s filled with quotable lines brought to life by Sudeikis and his perfectly matched co-stars Jennifer Aniston, Will Poulter, and Emma Roberts.

9 “F*** Off, Real-Life Flanders!” – David

When David is trying to figure out how to get into Mexico to bring a drug shipment back across the border without raising suspicions, he’s accosted by a suburban dad in an RV who says, “Hey, pardon me, sure hate to bug you fellas, but I’m trying to get the fam off to the zoo and I’m all lost.”

David instinctively tells this “real-life Flanders” to “f*ck off,” but the encounter promptly sparks the idea to inconspicuously sneak in and out of Mexico by posing as a family. He stands up and, with a beaming smile, tells the family, “Thank you, d*ckheads!”

8 “I Seen A Rainbow Yesterday…” – Kenny

When the “Millers” are first driving through Mexico in the RV, David flips through the radio stations and skips past a station playing TLC’s “Waterfalls.” His fake wife and kids insist that he leave it on, so he plays “Waterfalls” and they all sing along.

Then, when it gets to the “I seen a rainbow yesterday…” solo and the others stop singing because they don’t know the words, Kenny knocks everyone’s socks off with a pitch-perfect rendition of the entire rapid-paced verse.


7 “You Put Your Hands On Her One More Time, I Swear I’m Gonna Rip That F***ing Tattoo Right Off Of Your Chest!” – Rose

David and Rose take on the roles of overprotective parents when Casey makes a date with a tattooed, motorcycle-riding kid named Scottie P., whose most notable tattoo reads: “No Ragrets.” When Rose steps in to protect Casey, she threatens to rip Scottie P.’s misspelled tattoo right off his chest.

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When Scottie P. claims that he lives by the tattoo’s message and that he doesn’t have any regrets of his own, David asks, “No regrets? Not any? Not even one? Not even a single letter?”

6 “My Regular Courier Is Unavailable On The Account Of The Fact He Got Gunned Down.” – Brad

With the lead roles in movies like Vacation and Coffee & Kareem, Ed Helms usually has to play the likable heroic type. But he has a lot of fun as the villainous Brad in We’re the Millers. Brad is a mega-rich drug lord who can afford to buy his own pet orca and loves nothing more than lording his power over underlings like David.

When he initially offers David the drug-smuggling job, he tells him that his usual courier is unavailable for the job because he “got gunned down.” The nonchalance of Helms’ delivery is hysterical.

5 “Well, I’m Awake And I Speak English, So Yeah, I Do Know What You’re Saying.” – David

When Casey introduces her make-believe parents to Scottie P., the first thing David notices is that he ends every statement with the redundant question, “You know what I’m sayin’?”

With spot-on Sudeikis sarcasm, David quips that since he’s not asleep and he speaks English, he is able to figure out what Scottie P. is saying.

4 “We’re Drug Smugglers. There’s A Difference.” – Kenny

This is a repeated line throughout the movie. Whenever anybody refers to the Millers as “drug dealers,” they clarify that they’re actually “drug smugglers,” which is slightly different.

Finally, when Kenny uses this line to explain his job to his love interest Melissa (whose father happens to be a DEA agent — à la Breaking Bad‘s Hank), she says, “There’s no difference!” It might technically be a different crime, but it’s still within the illegal drug trade, so it doesn’t exactly exonerate them in the way they hope it will.

3 “Hey, Sorry, I Dropped My Phone. Are We Still Going Out Tonight Or What?” – Casey

The plot of We’re the Millers is kickstarted when David steps in to help out with Kenny’s futile bid to save Casey from being mugged. Kenny notices some thugs messing with Casey and gallantly steps in to save her, ultimately getting David and himself beaten and robbed in her place.

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After escaping from the melee, Casey just continues the phone call she was having when the muggers first accosted her. She casually asks her friend if they’re going out while David and Kenny are still being terrorized by the muggers.

2 “You Guys Are Getting Paid?” – Kenny

This line has been turned into a popular meme template, because it can be applied in a handful of contexts. When David’s payday goes from $100,000 to $500,000, Rose is astounded that he’s only paying her $30,000 to take all the same risks.

When Casey hears that Rose is being paid $30,000, she’s furious that her own promised fee is just $1,000. At this point, Kenny reveals his surprise that David is actually giving them money to join his international drug-smuggling ring, since he pretty much just came along for the ride.

1 “You Got Me Moving Enough Weed To Kill Willie F***ing Nelson!” – David

When Brad initially tasks David with driving down to Mexico to pick up a cannabis shipment, the cargo is described as “a smidge of pot.” Upon arrival at the supplier’s compound, David asks, “Where’s this smidge of weed everyone’s talking about?”

As he’s taken to a warehouse filled to the brim with mountains of pot, David realizes Brad lied and that he has to smuggle “a little more than a smidge” across the border. He angrily calls Brad and tells him he’s transporting enough marijuana to kill famed country musician and cannabis enthusiast Willie Nelson.

NextSonic 2: Top 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts

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