The DC Animated Universe is one of the best uses of the interconnected universe as a narrative device, and Batman Beyond was the classic no one saw coming. Blending Blade Runner with Spider-Man to forge a teenage Batman seemed like an incredible risk, but it paved the way for Terry McGinnis to be one of the DCAU’s best superheroes.

What the bat and Batman mantle represent is unique to Bruce Wayne. However, Terry arguably became a more complete version of what Bruce envisioned. His journey from Beyond‘s beginning to the “Epilogue” episode of Justice League Unlimited showed great examples of his growth.


The Mission Of Batman

“Every Time I Put On That Suit, It’s My Chance To Help People Who Are In Trouble.”

Passing the mantle of Batman to a troubled and vengeful teenager was a big risk. Bruce was reluctant until being worn down by Terry, and this straightforward quote represents the maturity that the young Batman achieved.

Similar to Bruce Wayne, Terry McGinnis’ motivations largely stemmed from revenge, but he grew to recognize that Batman represents something greater. And though he’s demonstrated his growth several times in the interim, this line in Batman Beyond resonates the most and reassures that Bruce made the right decision in trusting Terry.

Proving His Worth To No One But Himself

“It’s My Chance To Look Like A Worthwhile Human Being Again. In My Eyes. No One Else’s.”

While serving as Gotham City’s Batman is for a higher purpose than any individual, this quote is great recognition of Terry’s acknowledgment of his self-worth. Being the Dark Knight comes with an immense degree of responsibility, but Terry can’t forget that he should take care of himself too.

That was one of the original Batman’s flaws since he neglected himself so much to the point of being a recluse, which, in turn, affected his loved ones. Terry seeing that doing his job well as Gotham’s neo-Dark Knight is also something to feel fulfilled and proud of is a milestone from his angst-ridden beginnings.

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Bruce Wayne’s Seal Of Approval

“You’ve Honored The Reputation Of Batman Many Times Over, And For That, I Thank You.”

Even though Bruce said this line to Terry in an attempt to get him to retire as Batman, the sentiment is certainly genuine. He tried to convince him to leave the mantle out of fear that Terry would come up against an even more punishing situation.

Once Bruce’s paranoia is put aside, this quote is a testament to how far the new Batman has come in such a short amount of time. It was a team effort by him and Terry, but the latter has forged an incarnation of the persona that is worthy of the mantle and its legacy. Having one of DC’s greatest original heroes give their approval is high praise.

Terry Knows How To Get Under Joker’s Skin

“The Real Reason You Kept Coming Back Was You Never Got A Laugh Out Of The Old Man.”

It’s difficult to psychologically defeat one of Batman’s greatest villains, but Terry proved he was the perfect counter to the Clown Prince of Crime in Return of the Joker. The Joker was the perfect parallel to Bruce Wayne’s Batman back in his day, but the latter’s also shown how to strike the right nerves. But Terry’s iteration of the Dark Knight completely dismantles him from the inside.

This quote is the best highlight of the proverbial knife that cut the Joker deepest. Terry exposes his petty, maniacal obsessions and tears them down systematically as nothing more than a child throwing a desperate tantrum for attention and that, in the end, he’s just not funny.

What Keeps Batman Worthwhile

“It’s Not Batman That Makes You Worthwhile. It’s The Other Way Around.”

Terry did an excellent job holding his own as the next Batman, but he was still a young man with flaws to deal with at the end of the day. Like any good character, he’s going to have moments of weakness and vulnerability, and Bruce’s reminder to Terry is a great example of how a collective effort can create the ideal Batman.

Bruce wallowed in his respective faults for too long since he was the only one carrying Batman as a symbol, but that experience turned into good material to build Terry up. Being the teenager that he was, Terry occasionally forgot about the progress he made, but this quote was reassurance that he’s the primary reason Batman still works.

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Finding Out Makes What Makes The Batman

“Sometimes I Ask Myself If Batman Is Just The Suit Or The Man Inside. Time To Find Out.”

Having an important support network is vital, but it’s also satisfying to see Terry take the tools given to him and triumphantly apply them on his own. The burden of the persona is naturally heavy, and it takes someone who has ample self-awareness to succeed.

This quote shows both that and the fact that Terry is introspective enough to ask tough questions of himself. Bruce didn’t set a high bar just for the sake of it; he needs someone to surpass it when the time comes, and young McGinnis proved to be more than up to the task.

Terry’s Confidence In Himself

“I Am Batman!”

During the days of Batman: The Animated Series, this was part of Batman’s most iconic quote in the DCAU and one that transcended the show itself. Carrying the mantle of the Batman after the original is prone to a degree of imposter syndrome, but Terry manages to exude the confidence that he knows who he is.

Mr. Fixx taunts him in a fight for “pretending” to be the original Caped Crusader, to which Terry responds in kind with an absolute assertion that he is Batman. Another simple line, but a suitably defiant one that speaks volumes of Terry’s character.

Terry’s Admiration And Humility

“Coming From You, That Means Everything.”

Batman has various unique relationships in the comics, and though they get rocky at times, they’re nonetheless important. In the DCAU, Bruce’s relationships with Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, and Tim Drake grew estranged. The latter becomes a vital plot point in Return of the Joker, as it was revealed that the Joker’s consciousness survived in a chip planted in Drake.

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After the Joker has been put down for a final time, Tim and Terry exchange a heartfelt moment where the former Robin believes Bruce made the right choice for the new Batman. In return, the new Batman expresses how much his admiration means to him, and simultaneously shows Terry’s matured sense of humility.

Love For His Father

“I’ve Got It Covered. Always.”

The “Epilogue” episode of Justice League Unlimited brought a major revelation for Terry. Through Amanda Waller, he finds out that he’s the biological son of Bruce Wayne. It’s a major way to end McGinnis’ character arc, even though it didn’t come in an episode or movie for Batman Beyond.

In the closing moments of the episode, an elderly Bruce tries to take his prescription medications, with Terry helping him open the bottle and letting him know he’ll always be there for him. It was a tender moment and a touching gesture that shows the now-veteran Batman at his peak as both a hero and a compassionate human being.

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