The Legend of Zelda is one of the most famous and successful franchises in video game history and a cornerstone of Nintendo’s portfolio. The series has managed to stay fresh and relevant throughout the years, reinventing itself multiple times but always respecting its essence.

The consensus is that Zelda is one of the most consistent franchises around. However, not all fans are in the same camp about Link and company. In fact, some fans have some rather unpopular opinions about the series, and they take to Reddit to express them. And while not all outlooks are outright negative, they are controversial among the community.

9 Fi Is Actually A Good Character

Skyward Sword is among the most divisive entries in the Zelda series. Most fans detest the excessive handholding, the lack of places to explore, and how barren the sky looks. Others appreciate the story and dungeons, with many considering them among the best in the franchise. Skyward Sword suffered significant changes with its HD release, but the game remains controversial.

One thing everyone agrees with is that Fi is annoying. But Redditor jswp5 couldn’t disagree more. To them, Fi is an incredible character who has some impressive character development throughout the story. “Every time I get to see her do her little dance around the pools at the end of the temples, my heart just melts.” Some users agree, but the truth is, she has become synonymous with the handholding aspect of SS, and her reputation won’t improve any time soon.

8 Hyrule Warriors Adds Nothing To The Series

Most fans agree that Hyrule Warriors is a decent albeit not outstanding entry into the Zelda canon. The game received mainly positive reviews from critics and audiences at the time, with many praising its fan service, gameplay, and connections between both franchises.

However, one deleted Redditor thinks otherwise. To them, Hyrule Warriors has nothing to offer beyond fan service and cheese. “I mean, I watch Power Rangers, and I think Hyrule Warriors has too much cheese.” The game can be over-the-top, at times, but it’s unfair to disqualify completely. Other users also point out that HW is an ideal hack-and-slash game and the perfect mix of both franchises.


7 The Minish Cap Is The Best Zelda Game

The Minish Cap came out way back in 2004 as an exclusive for the almost forgotten Game Boy Advanced. It features the Minish, a bug-sized race that inhabits the Kingdom of Hyrule, and a magical talking hat named Ezio. The game received positive reviews, but it is far from the most memorable entry in the series.

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Still, Minish Cap has a slew of passionate fans, like Reddit user, caneofsomaria. In their opinion, “Minish Cap is the best Zelda game.” The user gives no explanation as to why they believe this, though. Minish Cap is a charming and underrated entry in the Zelda lore, but it can’t quite measure up to the likes of Link to the Past, for example.

6 A Link To The Past Lacks Personality

Considered not only one of the best entries in the Zelda canon, but one of the best video games of all time, A Link to the Past has a privileged place in the fan community. As one of the first entries in the series, it consolidated many of the trademark aspects that make Zelda games so unique.

Reddit user Dragmire927 doesn’t agree with the positive reviews, though. To them, A Link to the Past seems “soulless.” They add that the game is good but “barely has a sense of personality.” Zelda games would become more experimental over the years, but ALttP solidified the franchise’s themes. In a way, it is the pillar upon which all following entries stand.

5 Majora’s Mask Felt Like A Chore

Majora’s Mask stands alongside A Link to the PastOcarina of Time, and now Breath of the Wild as one of the best Zelda games ever. Critics and fans praised the plot, gameplay, and the risks taken by the developers to deliver something new. The game centers around time and repetition, making it a unique entry in the series.

Not all fans appreciated the game’s risks, though. Redditor dorasucks dedicated an entire thread to expressing his hatred for Majora’s Mask, declaring it “a chore” and decrying its repetitive nature: “I hate having to reset everything. I hate having to repeat steps.” It sounds like the Redditor wanted an open-world game, which Majora’s Mask isn’t. However, it offers so much more with its story and mechanics, making it just as intriguing as any open-world game.

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4 Twilight Princess Is A Bad Game

Twilight Princess has a privileged place in the fan community, as one of the few GameCube games that still holds up today. The game often ranks highly on many critics and fan lists, with considerable acclaim directed at its story, graphics, and cinematic quality.

However, Redditor ChickenNuggetSauces isn’t a fan. In fact, the user hates Twilight Princess, calling it “not that good of a game.” Most egregiously, the user claims the graphics “were not that good.” Considering it’s a 2006 game, the art direction won’t seem like much in 2021, but it was groundbreaking at the time.

3 Wind Waker Is Overrated

Upon its release, The Wind Waker proved divisive. Critics and fans praised the story, music, and gameplay but heavily criticized the art style. The art choice remains controversial to this day, and while many have warmed up to it, others remain steadfast in their dislike for it.

The consensus is still that Wind Waker is a charming and solid entry in the Zelda canon. But Redditor PizzaLover102 believes it to be “the weakest entry in the core Legend of Zelda” series. In a rant that includes plenty of profanity, the user disqualifies everything, from the plot to the fighting mechanics. Wind Waker indeed marked a departure for the series, but it is a harmless entry to the Zelda canon and far from overrated.

2 Breath Of The Wild Is A Terrible Zelda Game

Launching in 2017, Breath of the Wild is one of the best open-world games in history. Set at the end of the Zelda timeline, players can roam freely around the vast and detailed Kingdom of Hyrule, encountering friends, foes, and everything in between. Critics and fans praised the game’s freedom and environment, with many considering it a landmark in open-world design.

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There’s always someone who will disagree with a near-universal consensus, and in Breath of the Wild‘s case, that someone is Reddit user Kumailio. They believe BotW is a terrible Zelda game, criticizing everything from the boss battles to the items and champions. “I seriously can’t believe how BotW won GOTY over Mario Odyssey.” To each their own, and the user doesn’t have to like the game. However, most fans would agree that calling it ” a terrible Zelda game” shows a misunderstanding of the Zelda franchise.

1 The Legend Of Zelda Has No Lore

The Legend of Zelda has many unexplained mysteries and easter eggs in its games. The series is also famous for its multiple timelines, sprawling cast, and intricate stories. The series’ lore includes several lands and races, legends, and Gods. In short, Zelda is one of the best examples of high fantasy in the video game industry.

Not all people share this opinion, though. To some, Zelda is nothing but “generic fantasy.” Such is the case of Sphexus, a Reddit user who believes the story “should just be an excuse for Link to go on his adventures.” The user suggests that the series has no lore and that the multiple Reddit posts discussing it are putting “way more thought into (it) than Nintendo ever has.” As far as controversial opinions go, this one takes the cake, not only because it’s dismissive of the series’ legacy, but also because most people would say that it’s objectively wrong.

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