Brandon Gibbs and Julia Trubkina may have finally moved off of his parent’s farm on 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? but that hasn’t stopped his parents from lashing out at the couple. Betty and Ron have been notoriously unsupportive of their son gaining independence even though he is 27-years-old and married. The parents have also been against Julia and deemed the Russian dancer manipulative, though franchise fans have flipped the script and instead blasted Betty and Ron for being the master manipulators.

Julia has clashed with her in-laws since she first discovered that she would be living under their roof and obeying their often strict rules. Tensions have only been heightened by the way Brandon’s parents refuse to establish boundaries or respect the couple’s privacy and independence. After prolonged tension and criticism that Julia couldn’t grasp her income limitations, Brandon and Julia finally signed a lease to have their own place. However, Betty and Ron were disheartened to see their adult son move out, which also meant that they would lose Brandon’s free farm labor. This has led to the older couple accusing Julia of manipulating their son and turning him against them. However, many franchise fans find this accusation to be laughable given the manipulative way Betty and Ron have tried to control Brandon.


One viewer shared a photo of Betty and Ron to Reddit with the caption, “‘His wife is manipulating him!’ Cries the master manipulators.” Many audiences were shocked when Brandon’s parents said he would never make it on his own and found it bizarre that they didn’t want their adult son to be independent. “It infuriates me that Brandon’s parents say Julia is manipulating him to move out of the farm. They are a special kind of crazy,” one commenter declared. Many other viewers agreed that Betty and Ron did not behave in a healthy manner and their behavior was alarming to watch. “Ron lies with his screaming; Betty lies with her tears. Both are manipulating through these tactics,” another fan pointed out.

Many viewers believe that Betty and Ron are using the younger couple for free farm work. “When Betty & Ron say Brandon is not ready to live rent free on his own, they really meant they’re not ready to lose the free labor,” one commenter observed. A lot of viewers agreed with this take and considered Betty and Ron’s narrative that Brandon couldn’t support himself and Julia to be a manipulation tactic used to hold him back from leaving them. The couple then tries to avoid blame by citing Julia as the source of conflict and drama. Fans defended Julia for the behavior that Ron and Betty called her out for. “No, Ron and Betty, it’s called a marriage. You make decisions together and at times compromise. There’s little to no room for parental input,” one commenter declared.

Though viewers have debated if new 90 Day Fiancé content may be scripted, many believe that Betty and Ron are still some of the worst in-laws to have appeared in the extended franchise. Viewers feel that the older couple needs to encourage Brandon to grow up since fans have called him out for being a clueless man-child on multiple occasions. Julia and Brandon have voiced in the past that they wish to start a family someday. Therefore, 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? viewers find it extra necessary for Brandon to separate from his overbearing parents and establish himself on his own.

Source: Reddit

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